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What do you expect from Madonna's new album/era?


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I've decided to make this thread because here there are many fans who follow Madonna from the beginning and also because I like to know the overall opinion.  :Madonna001:
He must agree that the last three Madonna's albums are nothing than a commercial Pop, with no feeling, like the older songs used to have. Althrough Rebel Heart changes a little in that term, but it has a part of the album that is so saturated.  :Madonna008:  :Madonna039:
(I love Unapologetic Bitch so much, why it wasn't a single??  :salty::Madonna026:  :Madonna041: )
We already know that Madonna doesn't like to repeat herself, but I really hope she does something like Ray of Light meets COADF. I also hope that her time, here in Portugal, really inspires her to do something new and different, from the filler MDNA and Rebel Heart.   :Madonna057:
For example, something that contrasts powerful and peaceful like Ray of Light, and something romantic and danceable, with so much meaning on its lyrics like COADF. (AGAIN, WHY FORBIDDEN LOVE AND ISAAC WEREN'T SINGLES?  :Madonna047: )
In terms of touring, I wouldn't change anything, as Madonna is always outdoing herself.   :Madonna054:
What do you expect?   :Madonna052:  
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I think we've already discussed this topic a lot of times...


In short, no more Nickies, rappers, and Justin Bieber producers' sound. I'd love she hired only 2 or 3 writers and lock herself in the countryside. Nothing good can come out if she repeats the same formula used for MDNA and Rebel Heart with all the stuff leaking like a virgin's blood. Please!

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I 'EXPECT" nothing from Madonna. I just enjoy and appreciate her art as she intends. To "expect", only leads to disappointment. I don't like everything she does, but I enjoy without limiting to what I "expect".   It's her career... art... not mine!  In the end, how far would she be if she tried to appease everyone? She would simply follow suit of the many one hit wonders or failed popstars.  Madonna is Madonna because she did it her way, no mine!!

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No more teasing us for over a year, that's all.



Uhhhh This. I mean so many pop star doing this in nowadays. But that's kind of kill the buzz.

I want surprise.


And i expect that she came back to her perfect body shape. I mean what she want is retirement and enjoy her personal life then i don't care what a her body look like. But if she want to her The Queen of pop career goes on then she need work out. 


Thankfully She knew that she is chubby now (she wrote that her instagram) thank god so she gonna work out again. 

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M tends not to repeat herself so she has by now written few new tracks as always does when she tours and after getting perspiration she get inspirational (see I Love New York during RIT and thank got she did follow Guy Ritchie's likings of Irish Folk music!!!)!


Just hope she will have in mind a fresh new sound and Madonna Mia please leave Pharell, Justin and Myley out of the production and release the right single as c'mon lets face it... why so many gems on her albums remained simple fillers??? 


One this is for sure whatever she will do it will be watertight like the White House!!!

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Work with 1 producer would be a good start i think plus no more collarabations with the "IT stars" of today(Katy Perry, Miley, Bieber,Weeknd etc) I would love her(And im pretty sure im not alone here) to work with Pat/Orbit & Pettibone but that blows my 1 producer wish list out the window :((

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I agree with most here.  Stick with one producer....what about going back with Patrick Leonard?  Or maybe do something with Imogen Heap? Imagine the production values on that album!  It would be monumental.

I still think she cares deeply for her career however I think family is more important---as it should be really.  Although, I too HATE waiting for so long to get something new.

Whatever it is and when, I won't be disappointed!  She could drop a turd on a turn-table and I'd lavish praise all over that in a heartbeat!

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Focus on music and lyrics, with just one producer, great instrumentation, great videos. Actually I am pretty satisfied with the songs and the songwriting from Rebel Heart, the production and the promotion were terrible tough. No more trends nor grills nor rappers. Needless to say I'd love her to work again with a mature composer as Pat Leonard who also seems interested in working with her again.

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seclusion for a while. disappear off the face of the earth, come into her own.

and as was said before, then meet with 3 songwriters top limit and write timeless songs. production-wise, less band-wagon, more uniqueness; go out find some talent that does not follow the fucking trends.

become more independent again.


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I just want to dance again, really. I'm not into the beat-less verses and dance chorus. Making it impossible to play in a club un-remixed. From Rebel Heart, Iconic is probably my fav track. It could have been an amazing dance track with hardcore beats... but it lacked that. So I am praying for beats beats beats henny lets bring it back to the clubs.

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And i expect that she came back to her perfect body shape. I mean what she want is retirement and enjoy her personal life then i don't care what a her body look like. But if she want to her The Queen of pop career goes on then she need work out


Thankfully She knew that she is chubby now (she wrote that her instagram) thank god so she gonna work out again. 




She is almost 60! She is in great shape, ffs!

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I hope for the next album she'll go into it with an idea of what the aesthetic and style and message is going to be because that will narrow things down and it will be less time spent working on it. I love that Rebel Heart is an experiment on variety but I would really love a 10-12 track album that's not toooooo long and has a razor sharp focused vision. 


Also, i hope she writes the songs first with talented musicians AND THEN produces them and not the other way around. Results are always better that way imho for any artist.


At the same time I hope she does not listen to ANYONE (even fans) and does what SHE WANTS TO DO. But she better think hard about what she really wants first. :thinker:  :thinker:  :thinker:  :thinker:  :thinker:


Right now I'm looking forward to whatever she wants to do, wether it's film or other projects, I want her to make new music when she needs and wants to make new music so let's not rush her or demand too much. 

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seclusion for a while. disappear off the face of the earth, come into her own.

and as was said before, then meet with 3 songwriters top limit and write timeless songs. production-wise, less band-wagon, more uniqueness; go out find some talent that does not follow the fucking trends.

become more independent again.


People are already trying to write her off. I think "seclusion" would just make it tougher to come back.  Also, it's not like she's 20 or 30.  Sixty and over for a pop star is certain death when it comes to making a success with future projects.  If she was going to go into seclusion, that probably should have happened as soon as the tour ended. But that's not Madonna.  She refuses to go away. 


I prefer her to keep doing it her way.  It would be nice if she released music a little more regular, rather wait several  years in between. At this rate, we might only see a couple more original albums from her. 

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Uhhhh This. I mean so many pop star doing this in nowadays. But that's kind of kill the buzz.

I want surprise.


And i expect that she came back to her perfect body shape. I mean what she want is retirement and enjoy her personal life then i don't care what a her body look like. But if she want to her The Queen of pop career goes on then she need work out. 


Thankfully She knew that she is chubby now (she wrote that her instagram) thank god so she gonna work out again. 



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I agree that disappearing for a while is the best thing imho. A lot of artists like her become "icons from the past" that just go around doing little things for their bunch of followers. Madonna is too great for that imho. She should be an event, not someone that people take for granted. 


But i think she's doing that now anyway. Other than instagram she's not very present, and I hope she'll lay low until her next projects are ready.


It's also good for any artist to stay away from media BS to just live through new experiences in their life and focus on new ideas.

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I hope for the next album she'll go into it with an idea of what the aesthetic and style and message is going to be because that will narrow things down and it will be less time spent working on it. I love that Rebel Heart is an experiment on variety but I would really love a 10-12 track album that's not toooooo long and has a razor sharp focused vision. 


Also, i hope she writes the songs first with talented musicians AND THEN produces them and not the other way around. Results are always better that way imho for any artist.


At the same time I hope she does not listen to ANYONE (even fans) and does what SHE WANTS TO DO. But she better think hard about what she really wants first. :thinker:  :thinker:  :thinker:  :thinker:  :thinker:


Right now I'm looking forward to whatever she wants to do, wether it's film or other projects, I want her to make new music when she needs and wants to make new music so let's not rush her or demand too much. 



Confessions, Ray of Light, American Life... All concept albums.  I want a single focus concept album from Madonna, where the tour sections can be very focused also with a section specifically dedicated to the focus of the album.

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