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I wish Madonna wouldn't use alcohol as a theme so often..

Dany Targaryen

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First let me tell you my story as briefly as I can.


My father was a probation officer so he had the permition to carry guns. He was an alcoholic. So every night when he came home he started drinking compulsively. I have a sister and we would hug our Mom in bed while this was happening. After about an hour of drinking he had this habit of taking up his handguns and walking back and forth throughout the house. Real guns. Sometimes he would threaten to shoot our heads and kill us I'm not kidding.


Our Mom would do everything she could to protect us, so he often pulled her out and beat her until blood came out. She would gladly take the beating as long as he didn't touch us. I'm gonna be honest we rarely got beaten, but I must tell you the entire experience was much worse for us than getting hit. So eventually my Mom and Dad separated, she suffered quietly while she saved some money so we could have a house and she could leave him. This took years and it was at a time when the law didn't protect her or us at all. He went live in a remote place and we haven't really heard from him. My Mom became an alcoholic, she would drink almost every day. Recently she passed away at 58 of a brain tumor. We did everything we could to treat her, including a surgery with the best surgeon we could find. She died about a month after the surgery. And we were told that if she didn't drink so much she could have survived.


So in case you haven't figured I HATE alcohol. I have nothing against people who drink moderately but it disappoints me that Madonna has been using alcohol as a theme quite often. Just look at the Rebel Heart show, there are plenty of references to drinking, including that fake banana that wasn't filled with water. In Holiday they bottom-up several bottles and some dancers pretend to be drunk.


She has done it a few times already, it's time to move on. Madonna if you want to encourage people to do bad things there are plenty of other options. You can do something else I know it. I love you anyway but please consider maybe doing less of that? That's just my opinion.

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Alcoholism happens because alcohol becomes an escape, there are a lot of things that people use to escape. It can also be a celebratory thing, depending on how you use it. It can also be a healthy thing to drink in moderation. i honestly don't think what she does has much of a negative effect. Personally I think her glamorizing smoking is worse cos it's much more accepted? but I'm biased cos i just hate it and always have.  :cryin:


I'm sorry about your mom.  :heart:  :heart:

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What utter B.S.!!  She's not glamorizing anything especially alcohol. You can't push other people's faults and horrible behavior when using alcohol onto Madonna just because she drinks occasionally.  Your father's horrible treatment of your mother is on him and only him. I'm sorry that it affected you the way it has; but don't push this onto Madonna when she's hurt no one in the company of alcohol or pretending to drink it at her shows.

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First of all i,m so sorry for everything bad that happened to you and your family. I hope in time things will get better for you.


I think the Rebel Heart theme was about celebrating love. The fact that she was pretending to drink every night was done to wind up the media who were criticising her for being drunk on stage. Alcohol isn't always bad and like most things in moderation.


Throughout her career she has tackled every subject I can think of, including domestic violence, racism, sexism, homophobia and ageism.


I see why you have this opinion but one thing you should have learned from her is that nobody but nobody will ever tell her what to do. You say she should move on but maybe it's time that you did the same and as some wise person once sang "don't hang your s.h.i.t on me"

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Alcohol wasn't the theme of any of her shows. Not that I hugely enjoyed her recent tours, I really haven't and I don't think I'm the targeted demographic and I'm fine with that. I have other things to get on with life than wait for Madonna to change something in her life so I'd enjoy mine more. That's not really how it works. I do however think your experiences have sensitised the issue of alcohol usage and it's possible Madonna is how you're choosing to project those issues. I don't see how this becomes her issue, she's had enough to work through over the decades I'm sure, we all have. I think what she tries to do in her shows is hold up a mirror to society, hence the guns, violence, obsession with sex, celebrity etc. What we see is more who we are than who she is. And I don't think there's anything glamorous about that.

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The pretending to be drunk during some of the later RH shows was off putting, but it was around all the accusations that her performances being a little off because of Rocco were her being drunk. And to honest, she's used sex as her theme for so long and yet no one really bats an eye at that because it's not as sinful as much as it is "expressing oneself". The profanity can be overwhelming too, if you're not used to it, yet here I am, still enjoying her work. I wouldn't let any of her joking about alcohol her to you. Atleast she took a stand against drugs in Devil Pray and then made fun of smoking in RHT (which made my mom laugh).

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 I HATE alcohol. 


Same here.

I too wish there was less glamorization of alcohol, nicotine or any other drug, in general. (I don't think Madonna has overdone it in this respect however.)


And I am terribly sorry for what your family has been through.

Addictions are mostly the result of inner conflicts. We all have them, not everyone can cope.

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I always joke that I hate alcohol and especially beer, but in general I do not... I do not really drink it though... might drink a sweet-alcoholic-drink once a year, but apart from that I never touch the stuff,,,, and yes, me not drinking is also connected with a father who drank way to much and became violent when doing so... My life was more or less hell from the age of 6 to when I turned 11 (my parents got divorced)..I have a lot of mental scares because of that time... but I've never hated my father because of it... l in fact love my father quite a lot ;-)


Personally I think Madonna has a healthy attitude towards alcohol, and I do not think she overuse it in her shows... Alcohol is a part of life, and no need to hide and avoid presenting and talking about it ;-)

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Now that you mention it she has all of a sudden been using alcohol as a theme more often in her songs from MDNA onward. And she also did that whole Smirnoff campaign.


It seems like she only started drinking more recently so I think that's why. I think it's simply because she has been in more of a party spirit in her personal life since getting divorced and her kids becoming teenagers.


It is easy to forget that alcohol can become a serious problem for a lot of people but as others have pointed out I don't think that's Madonna's responsibility. When it comes to physical health and taking care of ones self Madonna sets a great example.

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I feel great sympathy for you, but you can't expect the rest of the world not to drink or use alcohol to appease you. I personally have been sober for over 9 months now after some bad experiences I had but I can't expect my friends not to drink around me just because I don't like alcohol.

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I'm a teetotaler so I do not drink anything with alcohol, never did in my life, there's been some serious problems because of it in my family so I'm staying away from it completely. However, I don't think Madonna glamorizes alcohol, although she has started to use it more often in her latest works on songs such as 'Devil Pray', but I honestly don't think she's trying to make drinking 'cool'.

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I must say, the OP is just ridiculously prosperous to claim Madonna glamorizes alcohol when any fan that has known her even for a short time, would know she leads a pretty clean life.  Not to say she hasn't dabbled in this and that, but she's always said drugs do nothing for her. She doesn't like the idea of being in an altering state where she might feel out of control.  That said, being the entertainer she is, she certainly will tap into things that she might not really partake herself.  She avoided doing any violence in her music videos, but when she finally did, it doesn't mean she promotes it in any way.  I also felt earlier in her career she was a social smoker, but as she got further into her career and getting fit, she avoided such substances more and more. As far as I know, she does like her wine, and I'm sure she drinks responsibly. We've never heard her going on a drunk rage. And that whole nonsense during her REBEL HEART TOUR where she was getting drunk, was all made up, based on her acting a fool on stage, falling off a tricycle.  She is very strict while on tour.  While I wouldn't say she doesn't EVER drink while on tour, but she has stated she refrains from doing so on tour.  I believe she brought it in her act like she brings many taboos into her act, just because she knows it's going stir the pot as well as parodying it.  It's like someone actually believing she was truly like DITA in the SEX book.  LOL!

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and here comes the brigade that turns the discussion into what it wasn't about: self-importance.


anyone who thinks she is not promoting alcohol, should think again. Perhaps she is not doing it on purpose, and it is mostly about "celebrating" life, still alcohol holds a big part of the celebration (in many cultures anyway).

She is NOT telling anyone to become an alcoholic, and NONE of the non-alcohol-drinkers here are saying that all of you should stop drinking, especially in non-drinker's presence.


Please don't twist words just because you might feel a little challenged by someone saying "i hate alcohol". question your defensive reaction to this sentence, and then we're talking.


The MDNA beauty line thingy, the video with the guy that calls himself fatjewish, what do they use there as the comedic element: alcohol. Rosé.

What was the gypsy section about on the sticky and sweet tour? yes, first a celebration, but not without shots. alcohol. Schnapps.

What was she instagramming when she recorded Rebel Heart and posted a picture from the studio? Herself drinking Rosé out of the bottle.

Plus, see below...not that I condone the websites or their negative message that they spread about madonna.

but please be real. all of this does contain a fair amount of alcohol promotion. 


if you like alcohol, go ahead, drink all you want (out of shoes lol yuck), knock yourself out but don't lay words in ppl's mouth just because, in fact, you might feel a tad guilty about having drunk a little too much one or the other night. own it then. and don't be pricks to ppl who have had their lives (semi)destroyed by alcohol (or other drugs).


as for M, she will do what she wants anyway.it's not like anyone is saying she is an ass for liking a drink or two.







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and here comes the brigade that turns the discussion into what it wasn't about: self-importance.


anyone who thinks she is not promoting alcohol, should think again. Perhaps she is not doing it on purpose, and it is mostly about "celebrating" life, still alcohol holds a big part of the celebration (in many cultures anyway).

She is NOT telling anyone to become an alcoholic, and NONE of the non-alcohol-drinkers here are saying that all of you should stop drinking, especially in non-drinker's presence.


Please don't twist words just because you might feel a little challenged by someone saying "i hate alcohol". question your overreaction to this sentence, and then we're talking.


The MDNA beauty line thingy, the video with the guy that calls himself fatjewish, what do they use there as the comedic element: alcohol. Rosé.

What was the gypsy section about on the sticky and sweet tour? yes, first a celebration, but not without shots. alcohol. Schnapps.

What was instagramming when she recorded Rebel Heart and posted a picture from the studio? Herself drinking Rosé out of the bottle.

Plus, see below...not that I condone the websites or their negative message that they spread about madonna.

but please be real. all of this does contain a fair amount of alcohol promotion. 


if you like alcohol, go ahead, drink all you want (out of shoes lol yuck), knock yourself out but don't lay words in ppl's mouth just because, in fact, you might feel a tad guilty about having drunk a little too much one or the other night. own it then. and don't be pricks to ppl who have had their lives (semi)destroyed by alcohol (or other drugs).


I think this whole thread begun from a place of self-importance. I don't really drink myself and I grew up with an alcoholic and abusive grandfather, alcoholic uncle and a father whose alcohol issues almost broke up my family. But this isn't victimhood Olympics and I don't go about pointing fingers at those who enjoy drinking. If you get triggered by a pop star sipping rosé then I would sincerely suggest a counselling service.  :wink:

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 about pointing fingers at those who enjoy drinking. 


this is where the disagreement lies. i don't even think the first post was about pointing fingers. and if someone chooses to post something personal, so be it. to deem that to be self-important and judgemental seems a little radical to me.


i won't even go into the counseling service comment...

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this is where the disagreement lies. i don't even think the first post was about pointing fingers. and if someone chooses to post something personal, so be it. to deem that to be self-important and judgemental seems a little radical to me.


i won't even go into the counseling service comment...


It was actually a genuine comment, albeit facetiously made, I agree. I've been to therapy myself, would recommend it to anyone. 

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I love the photo gallery you just posted! Cheers Madonna ! leading the most wholesome life raising children and starting pediatric hospitals I think she is well deserved to relax and enjoy a drink in public and private. A personal

Situation is heartbreaking but it doesn't mean that other people should change their lifestyle or their art or message or habits just because someone else's horrors or demons. like on the rebel heart tour watch devil pray and try to think about what she is saying with that song. I would think that segment would speak to you just as much as oh father from what I have read here.

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It was actually a genuine comment, albeit facetiously made, I agree. I've been to therapy myself, would recommend it to anyone. 


i don't think anyone who is somewhat put off by madonna in the context of alcohol needs counseling or therapy.

and that's all that was said, i think, when it comes to the "triggering". it can be off-putting.

but i'll let Dany Targaryen speak for himself.


i'm happy for you that you went. would probably do most people good.

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OP feels negatively about something because of a bad experience.. then we have people who can't discuss nicely or be empathetic just because their fave popstar is being respectfully criticized. .


Which one is more understandable :thinker:

And I wish people who can't control their own emotions would stop trying to control how others behave.

Ironic tbh

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OP feels negatively about something because of a bad experience.. then we have people who can't discuss nicely or be empathetic just because their fave popstar is being respectfully criticized. .


Which one is more understandable :thinker:


Ironic tbh


It's got nothing to do with Madonna being criticised, that doesn't bother me. I tend to take issue with people trying to moderate others' behaviour due to a personal trauma they've experienced. I understand it, I get where it comes from, but ultimately I don't think it's helpful  :cute:.

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