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Will Madonna Ever Have A Hit Single Again?


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Eh, the only problem there is that what might be a decent single might mean edging away from mainstream. Lady Gaga faced this by trying to pull from mainstream with Joanne. Million Reasons did exceptionally but brilliant songs like John Wayne, likely meant to be a single, didn't get to be. Too different. Hence Cure, which sounded like some Chainsmoker crap. Madonna needs to find a happy medium.

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I think she just needs to release a decent single. Just let the music speak for itself.

And she did... "Ghosttown".  Most every fan was foaming at the mouth when this was released.  Many insisted she make this her first single.  Many thought if radio would play anything by her, this would be it.  Even non-fans loved the song.  It was certainly the most mainstream song she's done in a long time.  And it is fine damn song.  If anything, it should have blown up on AC radio. It got a little attention from AC, but let's face facts, age plays the biggest role here. It's not that Madonna has evolved into a different artist. She's been doing that from day one. Radio had no issue earlier in her career playing her music which evolved. 


Certainly, the leaks didn't help at all, but "Ghosttown" was the one song no one knew about when the leaks happened. She could have started off the era with a bang with "Ghosttown" instead.  She could have just released it as a single ahead of planned and then got busy making a video.  Though, we probably wouldn't have gotten the fantastic video we have of it now. 


"Ghosttown" could have been massive if radio took a chance on it as well as if her people and the record company took initiative to push it, during the leak fiasco. 

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Let's be real though.


When you say HIT you would be talking about something as big as how "Music" was in 2000 -- super widely accepted, super popular, and super widespread played all over. 


Cause that was her last big hit in the mainstream, global, and general public view. After that, and due to AL, unfortunately it was just not the same although people do know how big she is.


Then all was okay and decent. Then this artist whose name is Gaga or Caca or Kaka (sp?) was just the start of her being seen in a different light (aging, relevancy, legacy, etc.) Since then it was just efforts to "connect" with today's generation when it would have done her more good to do adult contemporary/not pay attention to today's pop/not be taken away by other stuff. But I digress.


So no. She won't anymore. Sorry to say.

hung up was a bigger hit than music. it was all over the place.

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hung up was a bigger hit than music. it was all over the place.

Actually, "4 Minutes" was just as successful.  Even more, It was her biggest selling single ever in the U.S.  Pretty darn good for a 50 year old act teamed up with a 30 year old act that hadn't release music in some time. Though, I'm not blind to the fact Timberlake's base played a big role in making this a huge success. I don't think it would have been as successful if it was just a solo track by Madonna.

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There's no formula for what kind of music style she would be successful with. The important thing is that the melodies are great pop melodies. Some people have compared Living For Love to Like A Prayer, which is likely her best melody ever, when LFL is not even the best melody on the RH album.  :thinker: Production and style don't matter if the song isn't a 10, and the song being a 10 don't guarantee anything if the lead up and promo are messy. 

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It is possible, of course. But not with the throwaway music that she tends to gravitate towards these days

LOL!  I recall "haters" back in the day would call some of her biggest hits the same.  So I guess, she really hasn't evolved that much since she's still producing "throwaway  music" today.  :Madonna002:

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Honestly though, not a fan of anything that was released as a single for RH. Just not a fan of the work the producers did on those tracks and they didn't apoeal to me.


However, had Tragic Girl been on the album, and released as a single, I'd have been one happy guy. Can't please them all.


I'll just wait and see what the next album holds. The last 3 just weren't for me.


And she did... "Ghosttown". Most every fan was foaming at the mouth when this was released. Many insisted she make this her first single. Many thought if radio would play anything by her, this would be it. Even non-fans loved the song. It was certainly the most mainstream song she's done in a long time. And it is fine damn song. If anything, it should have blown up on AC radio. It got a little attention from AC, but let's face facts, age plays the biggest role here. It's not that Madonna has evolved into a different artist. She's been doing that from day one. Radio had no issue earlier in her career playing her music which evolved.


Certainly, the leaks didn't help at all, but "Ghosttown" was the one song no one knew about when the leaks happened. She could have started off the era with a bang with "Ghosttown" instead. She could have just released it as a single ahead of planned and then got busy making a video. Though, we probably wouldn't have gotten the fantastic video we have of it now.


"Ghosttown" could have been massive if radio took a chance on it as well as if her people and the record company took initiative to push it, during the leak fiasco.

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I feel like she should

Completely disregard whatever is popular on the radio and make something true to her fighting spirit and rebel heart you know what I mean? Something meaningful! I don't care for the music today but I did notice one of the Grammy nominees had a poignant song and video. It was logic with the song 1-800-273-8255 which is suicide prevention hotline and in the video a young man is coming to terms with his sexuality. It was pretty good song I suppose but the video and the message really propelled it. However the same thing could be said about living for love and it didn't see that kind of acclaim. Ugh. At the end of the day I just hope she keeps making music period. A lot of us love American life the most and it was not a commercial hit so... do you Madonna! Lol

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She needs to get on board with someone who will take her songwriting seriously. Not someone who will just create music and beats for her just because she’s Madonna. Stuart Price created incredible things for her. Maybe he did it because it’s Madonna, but let’s face it, she went in the right direction with him. Confessions was an incredible time for her.

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She needs to get on board with someone who will take her songwriting seriously. Not someone who will just create music and beats for her just because she’s Madonna. Stuart Price created incredible things for her. Maybe he did it because it’s Madonna, but let’s face it, she went in the right direction with him. Confessions was an incredible time for her.


More emphasis on the melodies. I think that's the main issue with the singles from the last 3 albums, the melodies aren't as strong as classic Madonna. Except for Ghosttown. This is why I love Rebel Heart (the song), that chorus alone blows anything else on the album out of the water. :thinker:

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Then all was okay and decent. Then this artist whose name is Gaga or Caca or Kaka (sp?) was just the start of her being seen in a different light (aging, relevancy, legacy, etc.) Since then it was just efforts to "connect" with today's generation when it would have done her more good to do adult contemporary/not pay attention to today's pop/not be taken away by other stuff. But I digress.


So no. She won't anymore. Sorry to say.


I'm afraid you're wrong. Madonna tried to connect with the new generations way earlier in 2003 when she recorded Me Against the Music with Miss Spears. Then we had the Hung Up sample (something that had already been successful in the 70s) and again, in 2008 the Timberlakes, the Timbalands and the Pharrels took over. GMAYL was the last nail on her chart coffin. After that, Billboard would only write articles about her 'outstanding' performance in the dance chart.

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Are we really comparing Hung Up to GMAYL?  :cryin:

can we stop pretending the sample is what makes the song good? everything about the song is good and fits together.


I think people would've eaten up more Confessions-esque music after that album but she came in with Hard Candy while dance pop music was on the rise, her popularity stumbled a bit and the Gagas and Katys came into the game, then after 4 years she returned with an album that didn't meet the super high expectations, 3 years later Rebel Heart was released riddled with drama however good it was, and now we're in the 3 years for another album. It's not difficult to see what had happened.


Anyways, I prefer Madonna being underrated than overrated. Do we really want her to be able to release any cr*p and get 5x platinum certified and a billion views like some artists out there? I wouldn't enjoy that. Madonna's hit singles were successful because they were musically good and different, and will remain classics because of that, they weren't successful because of who featured or because they were trendy designer hits... except maybe a song like 4 Minutes. Designer hits are here today and forgotten tomorrow. Madonna's legacy endures. 

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Are we really comparing Hung Up to GMAYL?  :cryin:

can we stop pretending the sample is what makes the song good? everything about the song is good and fits together.


I think people would've eaten up more Confessions-esque music after that album but she came in with Hard Candy while dance pop music was on the rise, her popularity stumbled a bit and the Gagas and Katys came into the game, then after 4 years she returned with an album that didn't meet the super high expectations, 3 years later Rebel Heart was released riddled with drama however good it was, and now we're in the 3 years for another album. It's not difficult to see what had happened.


Anyways, I prefer Madonna being underrated than overrated. Do we really want her to be able to release any cr*p and get 5x platinum certified and a billion views like some artists out there? I wouldn't enjoy that. Madonna's hit singles were successful because they were musically good and different, and will remain classics because of that, they weren't successful because of who featured or because they were trendy designer hits... except maybe a song like for 4 Minutes. Designer hits are here today and forgotten tomorrow. Madonna's legacy endures. 




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As long as she releases what she is interested in releasing, that is all that matters to me. I might not have liked every song she's released, but for the past 30 some years, she's never really let me down. At this point, I don't care if she charts. She's been there. She done it all.  So if she wants to release a ballad of farts, I'm all for it, because as ridiculous as it may sound, I trust her because she hasn't let me down yet. A few sour song isn't going to replace the fact she's still able to grab me with the majority of her albums even today.  She really has nothing to lose at this point.  She no longer has the commercial appeal. I'm realistic to the fact she isn't going to score another top 10 hit again because she doesn't having the music industry behind her anymore. And as long as the music industry keeps their focus on the younger generation, Madonna and any one her age isn't going to score big hits.  Rebel Heart has plenty of melodic and catchy songs.  If she was 20 something still, they would have been all over radio.  "Ghosttown" would have been another #1 hit for her.  People would have related to her songs more.  But once again, the music industry prefers to cater to the younger crowd.  People that age refuse to relate to a late 50 year old.  Until people get over that, people her age will not score big hits. 

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As long as she releases what she is interested in releasing, that is all that matters to me. I might not have liked every song she's released, but for the past 30 some years, she's never really let me down. At this point, I don't care if she charts. She's been there. She done it all.  So if she wants to release a ballad of farts, I'm all for it, because as ridiculous as it may sound, I trust her because she hasn't let me down yet. A few sour song isn't going to replace the fact she's still able to grab me with the majority of her albums even today.  She really has nothing to lose at this point.  She no longer has the commercial appeal. I'm realistic to the fact she isn't going to score another top 10 hit again because she doesn't having the music industry behind her anymore. And as long as the music industry keeps their focus on the younger generation, Madonna and any one her age isn't going to score big hits.  Rebel Heart has plenty of melodic and catchy songs.  If she was 20 something still, they would have been all over radio.  "Ghosttown" would have been another #1 hit for her.  People would have related to her songs more.  But once again, the music industry prefers to cater to the younger crowd.  People that age refuse to relate to a late 50 year old.  Until people get over that, people her age will not score big hits. 


I'm not sure I agree with you saying that people that age refuse to relate to a 50 year old. When I was younger listening to the radio, I didn't care how old someone was, if I liked what I heard I bought it, that's how I became a fan of Elton John and Cher and even a Lulu song, the fact that Madonna doesn't get played on the radio is why Madonna doesn't chart, if radio played Ghosttown, do you think younger people would of said, I like the song, but she's too old so I won't buy/stream it, of course not, I just can't believe the blatant ageism is allowed to happen.

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I believe that she will have a hit single again - just because she has surprised me over and over again in the last 30 years. The music industry has changed rapidly in recent years and it has become harder to be heard because there are more opportunities these days.I do not think it's always about ageism-a good song is a good song and sometimes timing is crucial and most of the time madonna has the right feel for it.

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Personally I wouldn't be suprised if we don't get another album from her. Does M even have a deal for another album now? There's been three albums released through Interscope, MDNA, MDNA World Tour and Rebel Heart. The Rebel Heart live album was released through Eagle Rock and the Live Nation 10 year deal ends this year. She's a free spirit and someone to never say never but I would be more than happy at this point to just see her spend all that money she's spent the last 35 years earning.

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No, music is what brought her to this point. It wasn't the music videos. It wasn't sex. It wasn't performing. It wasn't touring. It was her making music that launched her, everything else has been used to propel her up and forward. Touring is declining for her, she's getting older and obviously getting tired of it. I don't blame her. Sex will continue to sell, just not to the current generation. And I'm talking about her sex appeal. She's still got it going on, but the younger audiences that supply the current big names are interested in what sex appeal Rhianna or Taylor Swift bring. She will make more music, probably at a slower pace as we have been seeing. Less singles. Less music projects. But music is where it all began for her and as of lately she's been like a little musical bird. Covering songs, but nonetheless singing from her heart.

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