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Any other Mystery Science Theatre 3000 fans here? I was watching a new episode on Netflix and Jonah Ray, in one of his riffs, started singing the line “This Used To Be My Playground” even adding the “Used to be” part after. Thought this was cool. As these are new episodes on Netflix and TUTBMP isn’t that well known, especially today, I wonder if Jonah is a fan?

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Yes, I'm a very big fan of MST3K. A bit suspicious about there only being six episodes for season 12, but I digress. I don't know if he's a fan or not. I would think that given the age that he is, he would know the song and the video. The show has many writers. Not sure if he came up with the riff or not. A lot of Millennials and over watch the show. They would get the reference. 

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