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One day as I was riding my bike, I saw this beautiful petite blond woman sitting on a park bench.  She was holding a notebook and a red pen. I couldn't help but stop to compliment her on her striking beauty.  She thanked me and told me that her name was Madonna and that she was new to New York.  I told her, eventually she would be like the rest of us, gladly proclaiming, "I love New York!"


(Next .. don't write a novel. A short paragraph will do)

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She stood up from the park bench, wearing Jeans, a white collared shirt, and non slip shoes.  As she reached down to the bench, I noticed her shirt and the hat she was about to pick up and place on her head, which read, "Dunkin Donuts".  She also started putting on this brown apron.  I simply stared at her radiating beauty.

"Hey dude, take a picture, it lasts longer!" she barked and laughed at me, while grabbing her notebook and pen.

"Oh sorry," I apologized, "I am captivated by your beauty.  You should be 'on a cover of a magazine'".

"Yeah, like I haven't heard that line before!  Besides, my dream is to become manager of this donut hole of a business I work for!" She sarcastically exclaimed.

Little did she know, this would be her last day working for "Dunkin Donuts".   Some customer got pissy with her and she squirted jelly all over them. 

"Well, I'm off!" as she flipped back her blonde hair, and sashayed off like she was on a runway. 

"Wow, you got style!", I  yelled back at her.

As she walked off, not even looking back at me, she confidently stated, "One day, I'm going to rule the world!"

Just then, a huge whoosh of wind, blew off the blonde wig she was wearing, revealing dark brunette hair wrapped in a hair net.  The wig looked so real!

"Shit!" she embarrassingly screamed.  She snatched her wig off the pavement and ran off yelling at her wig, "This day keeps on pushing me, baby. Don't you know you drive me crazy. You just keep on pushing me over the borderline!"



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