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Is it the time to say goodbye to the Madonna we know?


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Before anything I’m so proud of MADONNA & her achievements in Malawi, every time I see her pictures in the hospital I remember that we her “FANS” are part of it!! Can you believe it??

Let’s go back to the topic... in the past few years to be exact 2015 up to now M has been changed & no I’m not talking about the way she look or something I’m talking about her personality, the way she act, her moves, her interests, her energy, her passion... the fierceness she had... the strong, powerful & FIT MADONNA... I’m just afraid of her future as a performer/singer... I’m a huge fan since 2001 & to see her like this makes me sad... she’s just 59?!?! I didn’t imagine that one day I’ll see her like this... careless & lazy in both her “shape & creation”...

Guys this topic/discussion is just my thoughts/questions in my mind, sharing it with you to know what you think?? Maybe I’m acting extra or something... maybe I’m wrong? Maybe I’m right? Wanna know your opinions... it’s ok to disagree.

P.S. please no need to write hatful words just because you don’t agree with me! Let’s keep the conversation respectful & professional.



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Madonna has her bad hair days and... face days... but she's still the Madonna we all clamber for. The Vogue Italia shoots may have some work done to them, but when she's wants look good (on her terms) she can. But she's been having photoshoot shape ups for way longer than the last couple years. Since Confessions probably. Heck, my year book photos had noticeable touch ups (and we were dang kids). Madonna's fitness is her own personal fight that may have been shoved to the side by Rocco's episode and then having twins adopted. Either she will defy our puny minds and be fit in several months or blow our minds and not be because "f*ck it".

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1 hour ago, ayhamonline said:

P.S. please no need to write hatful words just because you don’t agree with me! Let’s keep the conversation respectful & professional.

It's ironic that you speak of keeping the conversation respectful & professional, when you're throwing unwarranted shade at Madonna by calling her "careless & lazy in both her shape & creation".

How rude are you???

Madonna is an ever evolving person. You can't say "Is it time to say goodbye to the Madonna we know?".

Is the Madonna of 1984 the same Madonna as who she was in 1986. Or is the Madonna we knew in 1990 the same we knew in 1996? Or is 1998 Madonna the same as the Madonna we saw in 2015?? No. She's multi-faceted, but she's still MADONNA.

I think you need to show her a bit more respect, and let go of this notion of what YOU think Madonna *should* be.


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You're clearly not THAT big of a fan of Madonna if you think it's okay to take digs at her weight yet beg people to not talk shit about you because of your wrong opinion. Obviously Madonna is an ever-evolving person. She doesn't stay the same for long and the Madonna of 2006 during the Confessions Tour is not the same as the Madonna of 2018. People always change and evolve and grow up. To even imply that your opinion is even remotely relevant then you have another thing coming. It's absolutely disgusting you took the time out to write something so daft and despicable.

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GET THIS STRAIGHT!  Madonna's constantly evolving!  End. Of. Story!   Lazy and non creative??  B.S!!!  Let me see what you're doing and what you look like when you're 60 years old.  She's doing far more now than people half her age.  What a ridiculous thread!  

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2 minutes ago, deathproof said:

Time to move to another forum?

Unfortunately, I don't know any other forum.  It seems most forums are letting people go off on a tangent constantly criticizing her and then using the "Freedom of expression" excuse or they turn around and say,  they are joking! 

It's one thing to be constructive about Madonna, but another to just come in and bitch and moan about her.  The way people start these negative threads anymore.. :Madonna002:

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2 hours ago, ayhamonline said:

Before anything I’m so proud of MADONNA & her achievements in Malawi, every time I see her pictures in the hospital I remember that we her “FANS” are part of it!! Can you believe it??

Let’s go back to the topic... in the past few years to be exact 2015 up to now M has been changed & no I’m not talking about the way she look or something I’m talking about her personality, the way she act, her moves, her interests, her energy, her passion... the fierceness she had... the strong, powerful & FIT MADONNA... I’m just afraid of her future as a performer/singer... I’m a huge fan since 2001 & to see her like this makes me sad... she’s just 59?!?! I didn’t imagine that one day I’ll see her like this... careless & lazy in both her “shape & creation”...

Guys this topic/discussion is just my thoughts/questions in my mind, sharing it with you to know what you think?? Maybe I’m acting extra or something... maybe I’m wrong? Maybe I’m right? Wanna know your opinions... it’s ok to disagree.

P.S. please no need to write hatful words just because you don’t agree with me! Let’s keep the conversation respectful & professional.



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I'll answer. 

She is different. And she has put on weight recently. (I don't know if its still there or not) Which would imply her priorities ARE in a different place at the moment. Weather that's a long moment or a short moment remains to be seen. 

Everytime I read an oppinion like this, or think it myself I am brought back to something M said recently in the Tears of a Clown promo videos on her instagram when she is fooling around on her tricycle and is telling corny jokes and says something to the effect of... "The rest of my life will be an experiment."  I think thats her northern star. I think she has thrown out the rules of right or wrong with regards to her career. I don't think she bothers herself with these made up notions of what she needs to do to stay on top or be relevant. I think she's experimenting and living happily.  And when sometimes I see something she does that I don't think is flattering or "cool", which happens ALOT... I think to myself.. who cares! Madonna can do whatever the fuck she wants. there's no blueprint for Madonna. She's creating the role as she goes. Its easy to find faults if you have an idea who she should be. its harder to let go and just let it will be. 

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3 minutes ago, Liam said:

Unfortunately, I don't know any other forum.  It seems most forums are letting people go off on a tangent constantly criticizing her and then using the "Freedom of expression" excuse or they turn around and say,  they are joking! 

It's one thing to be constructive about Madonna, but another to just come in and bitch and moan about her.  The way people start these negative threads anymore.. :Madonna002:


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