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Madonna Bad Parenting Advice


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On Australian news they are wangin' on about Madonna's 'parental advice' backlash on the Jonathan Ross show.I think it's ludicrous! I'm sure Madonna has talked about drugs in a proper full conversation with her kids, but atleast she's not being a hypocrite by lying to her kids & I think they respect her for that.Just telling kids that drugs are bad doesn't stop them from trying it!What are your thoughts?

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This kind of thing always seems ridiculous to me because parenting and responsibility start at home!  If people want their kids to learn their values, etc., they are responsible for teaching them, not blaming some celebrity for misguiding them.  Anything can be reduced to a soundbite, but I'm sure that's not the full conversation she has had with her kids.


I think it's good to be open with kids about things like drugs, sex, etc.  Just saying something is bad and don't do it is going to make it a forbidden fruit.  Everyone needs to grow and make mistakes and do things in moderation on their own.  Teaching kids to make wise decisions on their own is one of the most valuable life skills.  Parents aren't going to be around their kids their whole lives to coddle them.  I absolutely agree with what she said about being non-judgmental and open with kids so that they are willing to confide in their parents.

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I didnt even know there was backlash. What a load of BS.


I think she's a great mom exactly for things like these. Telling teens not to do things, especially when it's ovbious its things you did, would be like telling them to do it. So I think its very wise of her to tell them to make good choices instead.


But I mean we live in an era of awful parenting so what do these critics know about being good parents? M's kids have turned out just fine.

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Omg! The even had a poll with the question " would you let your children try drugs at home?" 75% said no!!!Bahahaha!!!!Along side the results there was a huge pic of Madonna!I'm so embarrassed by our media - idiots! They remind me of our Prime Minister - douches!!

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My mum sat me down and showed me pictures of all the drugs out there, what they did, the ups and downs.  She then went on to explain what could go wrong, and that she knew that she'd never be able to stop me doing what I wanted.  Her only rules were "not in my house" and "if the police ever come to my door for you, there's no protection, you brought it upon yourself".  I give Madonna real kudos for having what sounds like a similar conversation with her kids.  At the age when you're likely to try these things you really aren't going to listen to a blanket (drugs are bad) message.

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