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Celebrities talk about Madonna


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kylie was a coach on the voice uk 2014. not too long ago.



As Madonna was a few years back on Missy Elliots Short lived singing competition show.

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when kylie became famous in europe, almost all of her initial interviews stated what a big madonna fan she is (was?).

she copied her a lot. she was the first female pop singer of the time to openly admit to being a huge fan, i guess.


tis was in the 90s:




:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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I disagree when Madonna stans hate on Cyndi and treat her like 'the one who failed'. She's proved to be very powerful and free at the same within her own artistic perspectives. Same goes for Cher, she's got an incredible sense of humour.




A couple of things...


First off the media from early on casted Madonna and Cyndi as rivals. Neither one of them really acted like that towards one another, neither really spoke about it. From the start, Cyndi was said to be the one who would succeed and be huge while Madonna was said to be the flavor or the month and would vanish soon. That didn't happen. Now, Cyndi didn't necessarily vanish, but she took the back seat. Later on, she stated it was her decision to do that because she wasn't interested in the same sort of success Madonna was experiencing. Now she could be just saying that since her success dwindled in the music world as Madonna kept going, but Cyndi has had modest success since.


As for Cher, the difference between the rival with Cyndi VS. Madonna and Cher VS. Madonna is that with the latter, there was actual animosity between the two. Like mentioned above, Cyndi and Madonna never showed or spoke of any animosity between each other. They both just did their thing. Though Cher did speak out against Madonna. It was personal with Cher. If I recall, it was due to the fact that Cher didn't think Madonna was a nice person. She even stated Madonna was rude to her in an early interview. So certainly she had these personal feelings against Madonna that Cyndi never experienced. Over the years, Cher got to know Madonna better and I think once Madonna released RAY OF LIGHT, the two hung out more and Cher got a new perspective on Madonna. Then again, I think with the birth of Madonna's daughter, Madonna changed as a person. Madonna herself will admit she was quite mean and manipulative in the past. In her own right, she had to, to get where she wanted to. I'm not excusing anyone being rude to others, but in the music business back when Madonna started (as Cyndi expressed in the above video), it was a man's world still and men were telling them what they can or can't do. Though Madonna and Cyndi rebelled against that. Cher did the same as well.

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I think, maybe, a lot of people think Madonna is rude simply because she's a very private person who is not going to befriend other celebrities just because they are celebrities, she probably doesn't treat them any differently. Maybe that threw Cher off,

 No, I think it was more personal than that. I think Madonna got a bit big in her britches early on with Cher and rubbed her the wrong way. It's not the first time it's been said Madonna can be quite brash and rude with people. Keep in mind, this is the time when Cher was doing very well in films and music while Madonna was being writted off as an actress. I can see this happening.


Neverhteless, the two seem to get on well now, or at least from Cher's perspective they do. I've noticed Madonna is pretty cool about not dishing on other celebrities these days. Again, that came about once she had Lourdes and RAY OF LIGHT was released. I noticed a much more kinder and gentler Madonna.

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i don't think there's anything wrong with participating in these shows.i can't say i watch them though.

I agree, but I got the impression another member I originally quoted seem to think differently... and was mislead to believe Kylie's downfall started because she appeared as a judge on some show. Kylie does quite well for herself especially in Europe and Australia. Madonna seems to have an edge on her, especially since she manages to do better in America, but it's becoming less and less that way with Madonna.

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I agree, but I got the impression another member I originally quoted seem to think differently... and was mislead to believe Kylie's downfall started because she appeared as a judge on some show. Kylie does quite well for herself especially in Europe and Australia. Madonna seems to have an edge on her, especially since she manages to do better in America, but it's becoming less and less that way with Madonna.


i agree madonna is edgier than kylie. but i actually also think she has kept her edge. her talking about social issues, the violence theme, speaking out against fascism of all sorts, kylie doesn't do that - and not that she has to, she is just a totally different artist. she would probably totally alienate her fan base if she did the same thing.

and about those shows, it does seem that artists who did not have the hugest commercial success with their last project(s) like to appear on the shows because they are a very convenient publicity tool.

and the sad part is, the shows only pretend to be about finding new talent.

that's what i personally dislike about them.

but i won't judge any artist who joins the coaches/selectors. if they need a publicity boost and it works for them, why the hell not.


about cyndi - i love her. i agree they both did a good job and not slandering each other. however, i bet cyndi was confronted more than once with statements insinuating "you could have been as big as madonna" (as any female in the pop biz will be compared to madonna). that must have been nerve-wrecking for cyndi too.

i can totally see her consciously drawing back when her career was not reaching peak after peak anymore.

she has a different personality than madonna. she seems a little more withdrawn, introspective if you so will. also, not as sexual as madonna. or at least that's what i took from her public persona.

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i agree madonna is edgier than kylie. but i actually also think she has kept her edge. her talking about social issues, the violence theme, speaking out against fascism of all sorts, kylie doesn't do that - and not that she has to, she is just a totally different artist. she would probably totally alienate her fan base if she did the same thing.

and about those shows, it does seem that artists who did not have the hugest commercial success with their last project(s) like to appear on the shows because they are a very convenient publicity tool.

and the sad part is, the shows only pretend to be about finding new talent.

that's what i personally dislike about them.

but i won't judge any artist who joins the coaches/selectors. if they need a publicity boost and it works for them, why the hell not.


about cyndi - i love her. i agree they both did a good job and not slandering each other. however, i bet cyndi was confronted more than once with statements insinuating "you could have been as big as madonna" (as any female in the pop biz will be compared to madonna). that must have been nerve-wrecking for cyndi too.

i can totally see her consciously drawing back when her career was not reaching peak after peak anymore.

she has a different personality than madonna. she seems a little more withdrawn, introspective if you so will. also, not as sexual as madonna. or at least that's what i took from her public persona.

Oh yes, those shows do tend to focus more and more on the judges on the show than the contestants. I did watch X-Factor the two years it aired and I've followed American Idol from the second year. Those are the only two talent shows I follow. I don't get into the dance ones or the general over all talent shows or reality type shows. There's just way too many of them anymore. It's a bit too much anymore. 


I do like the idea behind a show like X-Factor and American Idol. Allowing the public to vote who is the best, but at the same time, I see a lot of push and influence in whom should win. Usually those who win (at leat in the American versions) never go on to great success while the ones who get voted off seem to have better success. Of course, there have have been exceptions.


Over all, I enjoy American Idol. I like to see regular folks trying out. The initial start is great because you get an idea of who they might one to become and here fresh talent. That's why I watch them. A lot of great talent out there and shows like this give the little guys who may be talented a better chance in getting recognized even if they are voted off early on.


On the subject of Cyndi, I do agree that the press/media tends to badger celebrities about a lot of non-issues. Certainly, I'm sure it was pissing her off that she was being compared to Madonna or vice versa, but it seemed like she did a very good job in hiding it if it did bother her. She never lashed out, and seemed to welcome on the "Girl Power" back then. As you mentioned, her personality is different from Madonna, while a bit Kooky (in a good way), she seemed to rather not be so much in one's face. It probably helped seeing how Madonna grew to fame at the same time, to put things in perspective for her and if she really wanted to go that route. Early on, she did have the edge on Madonna, but Madonna kept forging ahead. Madonna knew exactly where she was going whether she was going to be famous in music or movies. She wanted it all, and nothing was going to stop her.


Fun discussion. Thanks. ;)

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well it IS true that artists who go on those shows don't do well afterwards. though that's not Kylie's case.


but downsizing your image for exposure is never a good idea.

Maybe that's true for some artists, but I am not sure "downsizing" is really fact here. In fact (and I'm speaking of IDOL mostly here), I would say Paula Abdul seemed to get a second coming from her exposure. Unfortunately, she was quite erratic and didn't take advantage of the time she spent on American Idol to let it help her career. It was like she decided to be the judge and that's it.


However, Keith Urban seems to have done quite nicely with his exposure on the show in the last two years. I also think Jennifer Lopez has done somewhat well between her stints on the show. I felt she got more respect since she joined Idol as many people thought she was a good, fair and sane judge.


But of course, these shows aren't going to guarantee success, but at the same time JLO did get paid over 20 million dollars to judge, so however you look at it, she still got paid big bucks because of it. It also gave her a launching ground for her tour, clothing and cosmetic lines.


And who really knew who the hell Simon Cowell was before these shows came about, now he's hugely sought as a producer and talent scout. I can go on, but my point is that it seems these shows do benefit them even if their projects don't sell as much as they hoped it would.

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Maybe that's true for some artists, but I am not sure "downsizing" is really fact here. In fact (and I'm speaking of IDOL mostly here), I would say Paula Abdul seemed to get a second coming from her exposure. Unfortunately, she was quite erratic and didn't take advantage of the time she spent on American Idol to let it help her career. It was like she decided to be the judge and that's it.


However, Keith Urban seems to have done quite nicely with his exposure on the show in the last two years. I also think Jennifer Lopez has done somewhat well between her stints on the show. I felt she got more respect since she joined Idol as many people thought she was a good, fair and sane judge.


But of course, these shows aren't going to guarantee success, but at the same time JLO did get paid over 20 million dollars to judge, so however you look at it, she still got paid big bucks because of it. It also gave her a launching ground for her tour, clothing and cosmetic lines.


And who really knew who the hell Simon Cowell was before these shows came about, now he's hugely sought as a producer and talent scout. I can go on, but my point is that it seems these shows do benefit them even if their projects don't sell as much as they hoped it would.


well ovbiously I was talking about big stars like Britney, Mariah, Xtina etc. I'm not even sure who Paula Abdul is lol but yeah it was probably not downsizing for her.


Success is not really about the money, I'm sure Madonna could get paid any sort of crazy amounts of money for anything but there are things ovbiously one shouldn't do when trying to sustain a career. In that way Madonna is extremely savvy. She looks to the future. She doesn't overexpose herself nor accepts gigs beneath her status no matter how well they pay.

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well ovbiously I was talking about big stars like Britney, Mariah, Xtina etc. I'm not even sure who Paula Abdul is lol but yeah it was probably not downsizing for her.


Success is not really about the money, I'm sure Madonna could get paid any sort of crazy amounts of money for anything but there are things ovbiously one shouldn't do when trying to sustain a career. In that way Madonna is extremely savvy. She looks to the future. She doesn't overexpose herself nor accepts gigs beneath her status no matter how well they pay.

I didn't mean to imply success is all about money, but I think this idea of these shows being beneath people are silly. It's all a fame game anyway. These shows are no more different than the popularity of shows like "American Bandstand" or "Star Search" and many other Talent search shows throughout the world that started long long ago. Also, I see shows like this as an alternative for an artist rather go out on the road. Or maybe it's a down year for them, so what better way to make extra money rather just sitting at home or waiting until they finish their next album.


And I'm sorry I disagree, but one of Madonna hugest attributes is the money factor. While I am not saying that she will take any gig thrown at her for a huge amount of money, she has maintain much of her career in making the best way to get the biggest buck from whatever project she's working on. The proof shows greatly with MDNA when she skipped all that "traditional promotion" (which she knew would cost more money, rather earn anything) by just hopping on tour right away. The same back with LAP.  She knew that she wouldn't be able to go on tour right away to support LAP due to commitments with Dick Tracy. So she took a 10 million dollar Pepsi deal. Of course, that went belly up, yet she still benefited big time from it and still came away 5 million dollars richer.


Don't be fooled that it's not about the money with Madonna. It's not about what is "beneath her", it's about what options she has at the time. Last album, she took advantage of the SUPERBOWL to bring maximum exposure to her MDNA album and tour. And I have no doubt, she will tie herself to some huge endorsement this next time to get maximum exposure and possibly bring her more money whether that's connected to a tour or not.

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When people see big name artists going on shows like this, or performing a residency in Vegas for instance, it doesn't matter how much they get paid, people percieve them as washed up. Unless it's a one-off kind of thing. Might be good for their pockets right now, but in the long run they'll be stuck with that image and it's extremely hard to get away from it, that's what makes it bad for business.


Madonna is a commercial artist and a business woman, of course money is important. (when did I say otherwise?)But Madonna cares about being succesful more than she cares about money.


Guy Oseary begged her to promote MDNA and she didn't want to, Guy knows a hell of a lot about business and money. In my opinion she didn't do it because her name was already overexposed and people were already paying attention, She was also promoting her film at the time and wether she likes it or not she can't split herself in 2 lol. Not to mention she wants to spend time with her kids as much as possible.

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When people see big name artists going on shows like this, or performing a residency in Vegas for instance, it doesn't matter how much they get paid, people percieve them as washed up. Unless it's a one-off kind of thing. Might be good for their pockets right now, but in the long run they'll be stuck with that image and it's extremely hard to get away from it, that's what makes it bad for business.


Madonna is a commercial artist and a business woman, of course money is important. (when did I say otherwise?)But Madonna cares about being succesful more than she cares about money.


Guy Oseary begged her to promote MDNA and she didn't want to, Guy knows a hell of a lot about business and money. In my opinion she didn't do it because her name was already overexposed and people were already paying attention, She was also promoting her film at the time and wether she likes it or not she can't split herself in 2 lol. Not to mention she wants to spend time with her kids as much as possible.

Don't be stuck on what other people think of her. I used to be that way from the beginning, but guess what she showed that she isn't going away. She proved to be more than what people thought of her.


Guy Oseary...., I'll be the first to stick up for him regarding the fans bashing him for his management, but in the end Madonna always was the one who made the final choice right from the beginning. Every manager gave her shit, and thought she was committing career suicide, but each time she proved them wrong. Her first manager Freddy Demann who managed Michael Jackson prior (who you would think would know everything) thought she blew her career from the start when she performed on the first VMA's in '84. Though, he and anyone else who doubted her was wrong. By the next year, she became a phenomenon. Girls were emulating her and she blew up as the Beatles and Elvis did in their day.


Again, forget what people around you or what the media is trying to tell you. Madonna has always been one step ahead of them. She might be getting older and surely she's made some misstep, but tell me.... who do you know 30 some years later in their career is still selling concert tickets and getting the attention she does? People always question her talent. People always questions her music. And the truth is, in the last decade she's been more creative and inspiring than she's ever been. Problem is... society has a cap on when people in pop music expire.  In the past, it was always about the controversies and image she was projecting people talked about. Today, they are talking about how she's too old for this and that. And you say that's not ageism?? Hell, even Joan River is in on the act and she's even older than Madonna. She's bashing her for her choices, claiming she's too old for this and that. I agree with Madonna. Who made these rules? Why can't she do the things she does. She may not be doing the things the way you like her to do it, but she's still managing quite well 30 years into her career and one of the most famous women in music as well as in the world.

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i feel like you read and replied to a different post. 


I was talking about the way celebrities are percieved when they make certain moves, and why they only pay off in the short term as evidenced by many examples like Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears and others. They have all gone to those talent shows and gotten fat paychecks and great exposure only to find their music careers in limbo.


I also responded to your point of why Madonna didn't promote, by pointing out her business manager begged her to promote, and I gave you the most feasible reasons of why she didn't do it.


You may be right that she may not get a great deal of short-term return money-wise from promoting, I honestly don't know the specifics of it, but then again she did promote American Life and Confessions On A Dancefloor, and Hard Candy a little, and she was probably on a less favourable contract back then in which she got less money than she does now for album sales.


The first point was what we were discussing, the second one is a discussion we can have another time so we don't derail yet another thread lol.

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i feel like you read and replied to a different post. 


I was talking about the way celebrities are percieved when they make certain moves, and why they only pay off in the short term as evidenced by many examples like Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears and others. They have all gone to those talent shows and gotten fat paychecks and great exposure only to find their music careers in limbo.


I also responded to your point of why Madonna didn't promote, by pointing out her business manager begged her to promote, and I gave you the most feasible reasons of why she didn't do it.


You may be right that she may not get a great deal of short-term return money-wise from promoting, I honestly don't know the specifics of it, but then again she did promote American Life and Confessions On A Dancefloor, and Hard Candy a little, and she was probably on a less favourable contract back then in which she got less money than she does now for album sales.


The first point was what we were discussing, the second one is a discussion we can have another time so we don't derail yet another thread lol.


That's exactly my point. Overexposure is very bad, especially for someone who doesn't necesseraily need that (especially the Mariah Carey case). People will no longer care if they see your face every time they switch on the TV (I'm talking about the general public), they can be like, "no, not this bitch again". Madonna is quite "rare" on TV, if you look at the number of interviews she did during the 30 years of her career, it's not very much imo.

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That's exactly my point. Overexposure is very bad, especially for someone who doesn't necesseraily need that (especially the Mariah Carey case). People will no longer care if they see your face every time they switch on the TV (I'm talking about the general public), they can be like, "no, not this bitch again". Madonna is quite "rare" on TV, if you look at the number of interviews she did during the 30 years of her career, it's not very much imo.


yes overexposure and minimizing your image. 2 career killers in one... just for a fat paycheck. I'm glad Madonna hasn't done it, and I also believe her explanation that she would feel bad judging people. It's one thing auditioning professionals in private than open, often exploitative, humiliating auditions on TV.

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Salma Hayek on Madonna:

"Do I envy Madonna's body? Yes. Do I thank God that she has it? Yes! If you're fifty-something and you look like Madonna, and you put a lifetime's work in the way you look, then flash it to the world!"



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LMFAO talks about Madonna



Cher talk about Madonna 00:51


In a 1999 Norwegian interview, when Cher said that Dov'è l'amore would serve as her fourth international single, she also revealed that singer Madonna insisted that she wanted to direct its music video, but because of unknown reasons the job was given to Jamie O'Connor



Celine Dion Talks About Madonna's Super Bowl Show



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