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US Weekly Madonna Q&A: 25 Things You Don't Know About Me


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The Queen of Pop coughed on Us! Last week, the one and only Madonna sat down with Us Weekly's Entertainment Director Ian Drew in NYC for a once-in-a-lifetime edition of 25 Things You Don't Know About Me. The only bummer? The still-cheerful "Living for Love" singer — whose 13th studio album Rebel Heart is out now — was sick with a cold.
In the exclusive, extended Q&A, the icon revealed a whole lot: She's never met President Obama ("He probably thinks I'm too shocking"); she misses "absolutely nothing" about growing up Michigan; she once got Michael Jackson "drunk at the Ivy in Beverly Hills"; revealed surprising thoughts about her romantic past (ahem, Vanilla Ice and Dennis Rodman) and present (Drake, she wants a date!); she hates fur bikinis — and one of her most enduring, trademark songs.
Listen to Madonna tell all to Us in this clip — and for all 25 Things, pick up the new Us Weekly, on stands Friday!


There's also a video link, but I couldn't get it to show up here.

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From Glindathegood on MNation:


1. Favorite song, Bitch I'm Madonna; Least favorite, Material Girl
2. Favorite City is Rome, the architecture and the food
3. She hates mushroom and escargot. Escargot are like expensive snot. LOL
4. Her most idolized person is Paul Farmer, a doctor who helped in Haiti and Rwanda
5. Last time she want grocery shopping was a year ago.
6.  She misses nothing about growing up in Michigan
7. The person she most wants to meet is Obama. If Jay Z took her as his second wife maybe she could score an invitation. LOL
8. The one piece of clothing she'd never be caught dead in is a fur bikini.
9. Her happiest moments were when her kids were born and when she got married.
10.  Her favorite body part is her eyes, and her least favorite are her dancer's feet.
11. Marriages don't last if you share bathrooms. She wants privacy!
12. The worst thing about marriage is being called "the wife".
13.  Her favorite fattening food indulgences are pizza, french fries and potato chips.
14.  The last time she was starstruck was when Alan Deion (of Beautiful Killer fame) called her. She was trying to get him to do a cameo for the Paris show of the MDNA tour.
15.  She doesn't really watch tv but she likes True Detective and the Irish series The Fall.
16. Her lifelong ambition is to go on a date with Drake and only kiss him.
17. Her most embarrassing moment was falling off the Brits stage.
18.  The most beautiful thing she's seen was Lourdes playing the ukulele and singing La Vie en Rose for her.
19.  Her secret beauty ritual is to put ice on her eyes every morning.
20.  If she was trapped on a desert island she'd rather be with Dennis Rodman than Vanilla Ice because Dennis is funnier and could wear her clothes.
21. The quality she loathes in people is making assumptions without doing their research. And when she's talking to someone and they are texting.
22. She can't say what her worst date was because there have been too many. But her lover isn't allowed to be away from her for more than two weeks at a time.
23. She has claustophobia. She hates small spaces and crowds.
24. Her ideal day off is lying in bed, watching old movies like I'm Breathless and hanging out with her children.
25.  Her favorite memories of Michael Jackson was when she got him to let his guard down. She got him drunk at the Ivy in Beverly Hills and she was driving him in her Mercedes and she dared him to throw his sunglasses outside the window.
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