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Madonna gets backlash for showing her admiration to them! So much drama over nothing. Well, nothing new really. Haters been trying to bring her down since day 1. They always vilify everything she does. I love that she's a strong woman and she never plays the victim role.  The fact that she's making headlines again proves she is relevant. 

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Oh god twitter has blown up, if you type Madonna in the search the amount of shit she is getting over those pictures, how can people be so nasty and not understand her statement or the whole rebel heart/ living for love theme. It makes me sad when i see people bashing her.  :Madonna023:

This is what I call over the top media bullying!! This woman gets so much hate, it's just unbelievable! And the racism charge is beyond ridiculous. 


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"I would like to thank all my fans for recreating my album cover with the Rebel Heart ribbon on the faces of so many Great Hero's. It shows that you are also celebrating and in admiration of these great freedom fighters! When I repost these images i am saying YES! These people are all Rebel Hearts in one way or another from Martin Luther King to Jesus to Nelson Mandela to John Lennon. YES! Lets celebrate them! The world needs more people like them. I hope to one day accomplish. 1 100th of what these Rebel Hearts have accomplished. As I Said in a previous post "I walk in the footsteps of Giants" and i will continue to do so G*D willing. They are my guiding light. #rebelheart #livingforlove" -Madonna

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"I'm sorry
I'm not comparing my self to anyone
I'm admiring and acknowledging there Rebel Hearts
This is niether a crime or an insult or racist!
I also did it with Michael jaclson and frida khalo and marilyn monroe
Am I saying I am them
I'm saying they are Rebel Hearts too.
I didn't do it
My fans did
And I just re posted those photos
My fans aren't racist either
If they put me in the same category as these other people
Thank you. I'm very flattered and I hope one day to live up to 1 100th of what those people accomplished." - Madonna

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Yes Princess Diana was. â¤ï¸#rebelheart! Anyone who fights for freedom is a â¤ï¸#rebelheart
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Basquiat! Yes anoher â¤ï¸#rebelheart !! Another person i look up to and admire. None of these â¤ï¸#rebelhearts are perfect they are human and come from all walks of life but all have one thing in common. All Freedom Fighters! All Brave! And all have inspired me as an Artist and a Human. â¤#revolutionoflove â¤ï¸#artforfreedom â¤ï¸#livingforlove â¤ï¸#rebelheart
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Madonna Promotes Human Rights On Instagram, Gets Unfairly Branded A ‘Racist’
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Madonna is no stranger to controversy, but this latest one may have taken her by surprise.
Last month, the Queen of Pop announced her forthcoming album, ‘Rebel Heart.’ On the album’s cover, her face is tied with black ropes. Fans have been creating covers of their own since the announcement; Madonna has been posting these covers to her Instagram page, most of which feature other people’s faces tied up, including Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela.
The media began accusing Madonna of using these historical figures to promote her album. Other writers took it even further, accusing her of cultural appropriation and racism. Madonna released a statement on her Facebook page, explaining that the pictures were created by fans, she isn’t racist, and neither are the fans who made them.
What the media and general public fail to understand is that Madonna was promoting something, but it wasn’t her album — it was human rights. Madonna and her fans were showing respect for these humanitarians, claiming they were “rebel hearts.†They defied the bigotry they were faced with and made a difference in the world. The message of Madonna’s work has always ran much deeper than a commercial product. She is one of the few mainstream artists left with something to say, and she deserves a lot of credit.
The reaction to Madonna’s Instagram posts only show further evidence of the increasing problem of oversensitivity. In today’s technologically advanced age, people can post their reactions instantly. They hardly ever take the time to think about what they’re reacting to; they don’t take things in the proper context and consider the person’s intentions. As far as I’m concerned, this is only contributing to the problem and causing a huge decrease in intelligence levels.
As far as cultural appropriation is concerned, I fail to see how the concept translates to Madonna’s latest Instagram posts. I also fail to see how culturally appropriating immediately makes you racist. I was born the year that ‘Vogue‘ came out, and as a gay man, I’m not at all offended by Madonna appropriating my people’s culture. I don’t think the several gay dancers featured in the video (many of whom came from the voguing scene) minded either. I saw it as a wonderful homage and sign of respect, just as Madonna intended it.
This also shows the problem with calling out people’s privilege. I’m not denying that privilege exists, but I hardly ever see it used to encourage positive, unifying discussion. In this case, people claim that since Madonna has white privilege, she shouldn’t be taking a stand for minorities. According to them, she should stay silent because she doesn’t know what it’s like to be black.
This only dissuades people from getting involved. We all need to come together in order for bigotry to decrease — that’s what King Jr. was all about. The people who claim to be defending him really need to check themselves and see if they’re truly spreading his message.
Those people seem to be encouraging a different form of discrimination. However, they feel that sort of discrimination is justified, because these people are privileged, which is wrong. Discrimination is discrimination. And yes, even white heterosexual men can be discriminated against for being white, heterosexual men.
The point is, nobody is immune to judgement, and oversensitivity will only perpetuate it. Let this be a lesson to all of you. When you see something that offends you, stop and use your brain. Is it really hateful and bigoted? If so, find a productive way to spread a positive message.
Don’t be so quick to voice your anger on social media. Because if you do, think about if you’re actually helping to solve the problem, or if you’re just contributing to it.
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"You can go through life as a tourist or a spy! The tourist looks for the good and the spy only sees whats wrong! ‪#‎ghostown‬" -Madonna
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"On the Glacier 10 thousand feet up! What matters shifts into focus! Sing Alleluia! ‪#‎devilpray‬" -Madonna
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"Look what i found on the Glacier! Quille du Diable! The Pin of the Devil. ‪#‎devilpray‬" -Madonna
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