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So beautiful! I love it!

I'm curious that these are real? I mean those nails are hers? or fake nails?

I'm asking this Because it's really beautiful but little bit look dangerous when you're dancing around.

My nails are not that strong so sometimes it broken and it's really hurts! so i'm little bit worry about her.

so I really curious is these are real or fake nails.

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Sorry but i think she has lost it on social media ???? i think the britney spears kiss picture was completely un-necessary ? I know she likes the attention(I have an insatiable desire to be noticed - she says in iconic backdrop video) but really ?? she even said after the 2003 kiss she felt it was tacky and only did it because her manager thought it was a good idea?

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Totally agree with her. So true.

I think that now a days generation's real problem is they are so fucking stupid but they think that they are so smart. I mean they are very delusional so they think that they are the smartest one.

But reality is they are so stupid so we CAN NOT even use sarcasm on the internet. Because they are so stupid and moronic so they didn't even know what is sarcasm. 


That terrorist's father said that his son did that terrible crime because his son saw gay people kissing in front him.

But Madonna does not afraid. So Madonna post some pictures which same sex people passionately kiss each other at her instagram. 


Even she post her picture kiss with Britney spears. That's the bold statement.

Over 50 innocent gay people just dead because some disgusting human criminal think that same sex kiss is not right.

But Madonna does not afraid. So Madonna post her kissing picture with same sex. 


"Oh you think that same sex kiss is disgusting and Not right? well I did it too. So what now. Are you gonna murder me too? well I'm not afraid Because Love is Love!!"


That's the bold and beautiful statement. No one ask that risk to her. But she bravely did it.


"Oh, you murder innocent people just because they kiss with same sex? OK, here we go! I did it too you mother fuckers!  And I will do it again. So Are you gonna Murder me too? I'm not afraid you monsters! Love is LOVE!! Bring it on you disgusting Monsters!"


But these disgusting trolls do not want to read her true message, they just delusionally think that they are "Politically right one" So they want to jump into that picture and bite and chewing like disgusting monster just like that terrorist.


Madonna's message is clear and simple. "Love is Love."


But these disgusting trolls which they think that they are so right do not want see her message They just want to spread disgusting hate message which created by them.


I'm not sure which one is more disgusting that terrorist or these trolls which pretending they are so sad but truth is they are so happy to get an another chance which spreading hate message whole over the internet.


I mean I visit one gossip site and saw that these trolls accusing her "oh, that's inappropriate and insensitive how dare she is!! Don't pretending you're sad! We are the feel sad one!"


Are you fucking kidding with me? Over 50 people killed by Monster But these disgusting trolls still on the Gossip site and enjoy and keep make a posts and comment about attacking innocent people but they think that the're the very sensitive and very appropriate one.


They constantly attack people on the gossip site and spread hates all over the internet but they think that they are appropriate and sensitive one.

Are these trolls are fucking kidding with us right? 



Jesus fucking christ.  "Fight the real Enemy!" you dumm ass trolls. 

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Why did she delete the picture of the 2 guys kissing. What was wrong with it? That's the reason why I love Madonna, she makes bold provocative statements and holds up a mirror to society. When I read the comments of how gross it was, I was like wow... if you think it's gross then look away. That's exactly the point, ignore what you don't like if necessary, but don't hate. What society at large wants is to accept "appropiate" gay people, who keep it "classy" and remain asexual, just like women are supposed to be. There was nothing wrong with that instagram.

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