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Why did she delete the picture of the 2 guys kissing. What was wrong with it? That's the reason why I love Madonna, she makes bold provocative statements and holds up a mirror to society. When I read the comments of how gross it was, I was like wow... if you think it's gross then look away. That's exactly the point, ignore what you don't like if necessary, but don't hate. What society at large wants is to accept "appropiate" gay people, who keep it "classy" and remain asexual, just like women are supposed to be. There was nothing wrong with that instagram.


Amen. Thank you.

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Sorry but i think she has lost it on social media ???? i think the britney spears kiss picture was completely un-necessary ? I know she likes the attention(I have an insatiable desire to be noticed - she says in iconic backdrop video) but really ?? she even said after the 2003 kiss she felt it was tacky and only did it because her manager thought it was a good idea?


when did she say that? It's such an iconic moment. Wether it has anything to do with gay rights is debatable, but it's alright.

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There is a lot of things about Madonna and social media that i don't like, and i think that some of the pictures she shared after the shooting were  just inappropriate, the moment asked for something more sensitive than shocking. :thinker:

Exactly - the britney kiss pic made no sense ? neither of them are gay ? it was a publicity stunt from 2003 ? she needs to think more before she posts stuff - im not a troll and im not a Madonna basher - i have loved her since 1987 and i still do but this social media obsession of hers is just weird now ??

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Fighter i didn't say that the sex is shocking, i've said the moment was shocking, i was talking about the shooting and death of 49 people.


I misunderstood your post. Her IG was about the hatred towards gay people that lead to these events. Wether it's sex or love, it doesn't matter. People should accept it and ignore it if they don't like it. That's why it was a good post. If you mean it was disrespectful, I disagree. She was talking in broad terms.

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I misunderstood your post. Her IG was about the hatred towards gay people that lead to these events. Wether it's sex or love, it doesn't matter. People should accept it and ignore it if they don't like it. That's why it was a good post. If you mean it was disrespectful, I disagree. She was talking in broad terms.

Amen. I saw a lot of similar posts on Facebook in support of the LGBT community & as a fight against homophobia. It's about the message!


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Dear FB - why is a picture of 2 men kissing considered offensive? 

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Aaron Brown

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Dakota Loesch 

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For people who hate gays, there is no difference between any of the pictures. Madonna's post seemed aimed at everyone, including homophobes to stir a reaction, as she's always done. To me the most interesting group of people are those who profess to accept gays, but it's a very conditioned acceptance beyond the surface. I didn't particularly like the picture she posted, but I love that she posted it cos it was an unabashed statement. 


I understand if people thought it was gross (eww tongues) but that's not the point. 

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I was disappointed that she deleted that Al Capone post. But then when I saw the post, read a couple of comments and I was thinking that she might delete it. I thought it was thought provoking. People - not talking abt anyone in here - get riled up so easily no matter what Madonna does or posts. They just don't get her. 

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I was disappointed that she deleted that Al Capone post. But then when I saw the post, read a couple of comments and I was thinking that she might delete it. I thought it was thought provoking. People - not talking abt anyone in here - get riled up so easily no matter what Madonna does or posts. They just don't get her. 


tru i just wish she didnt try so hard to explain herself all the time or defend herself. let them misunderstand her. shes a true artist, people will never fully get her!

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Not sure why she deleted the Al Capone post. 


I don't think she should've deleted the two men kissing. For those saying it was too "in your face" and "sexual," I can't even. First of all, sex is a part of love. Second of all, why do people always want to sanitize the image of gay men to make us more appealing to society in general? Why can't it be sexual? Why does it ONLY have to be about love and romance?


Why is it somehow insensitive? Let's get something straight, there are probably a lot of guys at Pulse (or gay clubs in general) looking for sex and only sex, not love or romance. Sure, it can be a place where gay couples can go to enjoy themselves, but that's not the only purpose it serves. So when people act like focusing on sex in this case is inappropriate, it makes no sense. She should throw it in people's faces. Make them confront their phobias so these senseless acts of violence can decrease.


I swear, people are too fucking sensitive these days, especially on social media. What really sucks is she seems to be caving to the pressure and deleting things that folks have a problem with. But she's only human after all.

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