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The Madame X on worldwide charts thread

Régine Filange

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MADAME X on Apple Music - 21/5/2019 (24 days before the release)

#5 Greece (=)
#8 Poland (-1)
#8 Portugal (=)
#9 Bulgaria (-1)
#9 Sweden (=)
#10 Brazil (-3)
#10 Israel (-1)
#11 Estonia (+10)
#11 Netherlands (-3)
#11 Norway (-3)
#12 Lithuania (-2)
#12 Malta (+12)
#12 Slovenia (=)
#12 Spain (-2)
#13 Czech Republic (+1)
#15 Italy (-2)
#16 Argentina (-2)
#16 Romania (-1)
#18 Hungary (-4)
#18 Russia (-5)
#20 Finland (-8)
#20 Mexico (-1)
#21 Honduras (-5)
#22 Ukraine (-4)
#23 Germany (-3)
#24 Azerbaijan (+15)
#26 Belgium (-1)
#26 Costa Rica (+2)
#26 Cyprus (+2)
#27 Chile (-7)
#27 Switzerland (-3)
#28 Belarus (-6)
#29 Denmark (-6)
#29 Peru (+4)
#31 Turkey (+2)
#33 United Kingdom (-5)
#37 Slovakia (-4)
#38 China (-2)
#38 Ireland (-5)
#38 Latvia (-20)
#44 Colombia (-1)
#46 France (-5)
#53 Panama (+25)
#57 Austria (+4)
#58 United Arab Emirates (+24)
#59 Taiwan (-9)
#62 Australia (-8)
#75 Canada (-13)
#76 Luxembourg (-9)
#86 Thailand (-13)
#87 El Salvador (+3)
#98 Antigua and Barbuda (-46)
#104 Saudi Arabia (+21)
#108 Moldova (NE)
#109 British Virgin Islands (-72)
#112 Vietnam (+30)
#115 Singapore (-66)
#135 Dominican Republic (-83)
#139 Ecuador (-73)
#162 Nicaragua (-105)
#166 South Korea (=)
#176 Kyrgyzstan (NE)
#176 Paraguay (-36)
#182 United States (-19)
#187 Uzbekistan (NE)
#198 Philippines (-73)
#199 Belize (NE)
#249 South Africa (-80)
#276 India (-54)
#287 New Zealand (-7)
#339 Indonesia (+38)
#468 Japan

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  • 3 weeks later...

Few hours before the release:

Apple Music:
#5 Brazil (-1)
#8 Portugal (+10)
#11 Greece (-3)
#12 Slovenia (+2)
#14 Bulgaria (+6)
#14 Italy (-1)
#14 Spain (+4)
#17 Argentina (+2)
#17 Belarus (+153)
#19 Israel (+1)
#20 Poland (-3)
#21 Mexico (-1)
#22 Lithuania (-14)
#23 Netherlands (-3)
#24 Azerbaijan (=)
#26 Hungary (-2)
#27 Austria (+18)
#27 Czech Republic (=)
#33 Chile (-8)
#33 Moldova (+147)
#33 Taiwan (+8)
#34 Ireland (+8)
#35 Belgium (+14)
#36 Colombia (+21)
#37 United Kingdom (+4)
#37 Sweden (-17)
#38 Norway (+6)
#38 Peru (+16)
#38 Russia (-3)
#38 Slovakia (+10)
#41 Ecuador (+15)
#43 Finland (+35)
#45 Germany (+5)
#48 Switzerland (+12)
#52 China (-11)
#58 Turkey (-23)
#60 Singapore (-21)
#64 France (-4)
#67 Ukraine (-14)
#69 El Salvador (-9)
#70 Australia (+5)
#71 Romania (+3)
#72 Denmark (-21)
#80 Honduras (+7)
#84 Panama (-5)
#85 New Zealand (+34)
#96 Vietnam (-6)
#100 Paraguay (NE)
#101 Saudi Arabia (+66)
#103 United Arab Emirates (-37)
#109 Costa Rica (-60)
#112 Philippines (+103)
#116 Laos (-42)
#117 Guatemala (-18)
#119 Cyprus (NE)
#122 Malta (NE)
#128 Malaysia (-3)
#141 Canada (=)
#178 Estonia (-135)
#178 Thailand (-88)
#234 United States (+5)
#365 Japan (-18)
#392 South Africa (+43)
#404 Luxembourg (NE)

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iTunes (58x #1):
#1 United States
#1 United Kingdom
#1 Argentina
#1 Australia
#1 Bahrain
#1 Belarus
#1 Belgium
#1 Belize
#1 Brazil
#1 Bulgaria
#1 Canada
#1 Chile
#1 Colombia
#1 Costa Rica
#1 Cyprus
#1 Czech Republic
#1 Dominican Republic
#1 Ecuador
#1 Egypt
#1 El Salvador
#1 Estonia
#1 Finland
#1 France
#1 Germany
#1 Greece
#1 Guatemala
#1 Honduras
#1 Hungary
#1 Indonesia
#1 Israel
#1 Italy
#1 Kazakhstan
#1 Lebanon
#1 Lithuania
#1 Luxembourg
#1 Malta
#1 Mexico
#1 Netherlands
#1 Panama
#1 Peru
#1 Philippines
#1 Poland
#1 Portugal
#1 Qatar
#1 Romania
#1 Russia
#1 Singapore
#1 Slovakia
#1 Slovenia
#1 Spain
#1 Switzerland
#1 Taiwan
#1 Thailand
#1 Trinidad and Tobago
#1 Turkey
#1 Ukraine
#1 United Arab Emirates
#1 Uzbekistan
#2 Austria
#2 Brunei Darussalam
#2 Denmark
#2 India
#2 Ireland
#2 Malaysia
#2 Moldova
#2 Mozambique
#2 New Zealand
#2 Norway
#2 Saudi Arabia
#2 South Africa
#2 Sweden
#4 Japan
#5 Papua New Guinea
#5 Vietnam
#9 Azerbaijan
#13 Cambodia
#35 Paraguay
#72 Latvia
#89 Kenya 




Apple Music (4x #1):
#1 Brazil (+5)
#1 Laos (+111)
#1 Mexico (+20)
#1 Portugal (+15)
#2 Bulgaria (+13)
#2 Greece (+8)
#2 Italy (+12)
#2 Malta (+90)
#2 Spain (+12)
#2 Tajikistan (NE)
#3 Lithuania (+21)
#3 Nicaragua (NE)
#4 Argentina (+19)
#4 Belarus (+30)
#4 Chile (+32)
#4 Costa Rica (+87)
#4 El Salvador (+64)
#4 Honduras (+62)
#4 Netherlands (+17)
#4 Poland (+19)
#4 Slovenia (+11)
#4 Taiwan (+33)
#4 Vietnam (+104)
#5 Peru (+28)
#5 Turkey (+46)
#6 Hungary (+38)
#6 Ireland (+31)
#6 Russia (+29)
#7 Belgium (+27)
#7 Finland (+47)
#7 Switzerland (+40)
#8 Colombia (+39)
#8 Lebanon (NE)
#8 Luxembourg (+357)
#8 Philippines (+193)
#8 Singapore (+38)
#8 Sweden (+23)
#9 Australia (+64)
#9 Cyprus (NE)
#9 Guatemala (+95)
#9 Israel (+8)
#9 New Zealand (+90)
#9 Norway (+33)
#9 United Arab Emirates (+105)
#10 Azerbaijan (+43)
#11 Bolivia (NE)
#11 Czech Republic (+24)
#11 Malaysia (+118)
#11 Thailand (+179)
#12 Ukraine (+48)
#13 Ecuador (+29)
#13 Germany (+30)
#13 Saudi Arabia (+75)
#14 Austria (+16)
#14 France (+52)
#14 Romania (+68)
#15 United Kingdom (+23)
#15 Armenia (NE)
#15 Denmark (+78)
#15 Slovakia (+27)
#16 Indonesia (NE)
#16 Moldova (+7)
#17 Estonia (+132)
#18 Latvia (NE)
#19 Bahrain (NE)
#19 Paraguay (+73)
#22 Cape Verde (NE)
#22 Panama (+27)
#24 Uzbekistan (NE)
#30 Dominican Republic (NE)
#30 Japan (+342)
#42 Kazakhstan (NE)
#49 Canada (+92)
#51 Cambodia (NE)
#56 Mauritius (NE)
#58 South Africa (+362)
#61 China (-9)
#63 Egypt (NE)
#74 India (NE)
#81 United States (+154)
#84 Sri Lanka (NE)
#115 Kyrgyzstan (NE)
#194 Fiji (-4)

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So far she’s ahead of Springsteen on both iTunes and Apple Music in the US and the UK. Hopefully it stays that way throughout the week, we’ll see. Poor streaming numbers (for both of them) might enable others to snatch #1 spots instead. Physical sales should be strong with all the different editions and the tour bundle in the case of the US.


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This actually seems much better than I expected for her. Does anyone remember how Rebel Heart did on iTunes on day one? I know our wad plagued by the leak, but with the way the media has been talking Springsteen is definitely going to beat her,  and I just don't think so if this keeps up.

Springsteen will probably hold better through the week, though. A huge part of these sales are probably pre-orders. But she’s definitely got a chance!
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#3 Oman
#25 Italy
#60 Poland
#63 South Africa
#81 Netherlands
#81 Spain
#95 Russia
#103 Switzerland
#108 Azerbaijan
#113 Germany
#172 United Kingdom
#172 Mozambique
#174 France
#191 Canada
#198 New Zealand
#199 Lithuania
#199 New Zealand
#218 Turkey
#320 Belgium
#381 United States
#429 Mexico
#99 Italy
#54 Italy
Apple Music:
#26 Venezuela
#29 Bulgaria
#36 Laos
#36 Poland
#41 Brazil
#49 Italy
#52 Portugal
#82 Malta
#84 Netherlands
#88 Lithuania
#90 Argentina
#92 Spain
#99 Greece
#104 Mexico
#110 Finland
#112 Colombia
#117 Mauritius
#119 Slovenia
#121 El Salvador
#121 Romania
#130 Bahrain
#135 Nicaragua
#136 Taiwan
#138 Sweden
#142 Panama
#149 Turkey
#154 Guatemala
#158 Hungary
#161 Belgium
#165 Luxembourg
#176 Costa Rica
#176 Ireland
#181 Czech Republic
#184 Chile
#184 Russia
#186 Estonia
#187 Denmark
#190 Honduras
#190 Switzerland
#209 Norway
#284 France
#313 United Kingdom
#388 Austria
#395 Germany
Faz Gostoso
#3 Brazil
#6 Guatemala
#14 Portugal
#97 Brazil
#112 Switzerland
#129 Spain
#154 France
#226 Mexico
#482 United Kingdom
#1153 United States
Apple Music:
#1 Brazil
#10 Portugal
#88 Greece
#107 Bulgaria
#139 Cape Verde
#154 Poland
#169 Argentina
#184 Spain
#189 Italy
#211 Finland
#212 Netherlands
#274 Ireland
#348 Belgium
#366 Sweden
#374 Luxembourg
#398 Mexico
#882 United Kingdom
God Control
#24 Singapore
#58 Greece
#67 Spain
#93 France
#126 Mexico
#137 Belgium
#137 Italy
#171 Switzerland
#187 Ireland
#193 Canada
#212 Germany
#219 United Kingdom
#497 United States
Apple Music:
#35 Brazil
#51 Laos
#59 Greece
#81 Bulgaria
#89 Poland
#97 Netherlands
#104 Finland
#106 Portugal
#123 Italy
#132 Spain
#145 Argentina
#149 Malta
#153 Sweden
#173 Lithuania
#173 Nicaragua
#191 Ireland
#192 Belgium
#304 Mexico
#342 Norway
#360 Luxembourg
#412 Switzerland
#430 United Kingdom
#430 Turkey
#451 France
#462 Denmark
Extreme Occident
#24 Finland
#31 Greece
#39 Brazil
#63 Portugal
#74 France
#130 Spain
#167 Italy
#228 Mexico
#422 Canada
#464 Russia
#556 United Kingdom
#1198 United States
Apple Music:
#90 Brazil
#156 Portugal
#174 Greece
#181 Bulgaria
#219 Finland
#234 Netherlands
#270 Italy
#294 Spain
#399 Belgium
#442 Sweden
#1036 United Kingdom
I Don't Search I Find
#85 France
#90 Mexico
#110 Belgium
#183 France
#220 United Kingdom
#258 Italy
#315 Netherlands
#343 United States
#368 Germany
#497 Switzerland
Apple Music:
#51 Brazil
#108 Greece
#161 Portugal
#189 Finland
#240 Netherlands
#267 Spain
#272 Italy
#390 Ireland
#424 Sweden
#472 Belgium
#943 United Kingdom
#111 Norway
#141 Austria
#176 Germany
#188 Belgium
#383 Switzerland
#419 Canada
#430 United Kingdom
#1152 United States
Apple Music:
#65 Brazil
#100 Laos
#104 Greece
#113 Netherlands
#116 Bulgaria
#117 Poland
#137 Portugal
#140 Finland
#143 Slovenia
#163 Sweden
#167 Tajikistan
#176 Lithuania
#178 Spain
#197 Italy
#224 Belgium
#275 Ireland
#334 Switzerland
#336 Norway
#411 Mexico
#456 Denmark
#475 France
#799 United Kingdom
Bitch I'm Loca
#5 Guatemala
#45 Vietnam
#128 Mexico
#136 Belgium
#169 Italy
#267 United Kingdom
#288 France
#288 Turkey
#420 Canada
#424 Germany
#498 United States
Apple Music:
#26 Brazil
#98 Portugal
#102 Greece
#147 Bulgaria
#148 Spain
#154 Costa Rica
#174 Poland
#195 Argentina
#216 Italy
#230 Netherlands
#236 Finland
#349 Mexico
#392 Sweden
#415 Ireland
#420 Belgium
#1010 United Kingdom
Dark Ballet
#28 Belize
#116 Spain
#118 Saudi Arabia
#186 Russia
#246 Germany
#265 France
#417 Canada
#482 Mexico
#622 United Kingdom
#726 United States
Apple Music:
#47 Brazil
#62 Laos
#96 Poland
#101 Bulgaria
#103 Portugal
#105 Greece
#108 Cape Verde
#115 Netherlands
#124 Finland
#142 Lithuania
#156 Saudi Arabia
#157 Sweden
#168 Taiwan
#176 Italy
#187 Argentina
#191 Spain
#195 Lebanon
#199 Belgium
#259 Ireland
#288 Switzerland
#323 Norway
#328 Turkey
#364 Mexico
#372 Denmark
#413 France
#704 United Kingdom
Looking for Mercy
#23 Finland
#94 France
#96 Brazil
#159 Denmark
#231 Mexico
#268 Spain
#271 Australia
#281 Canada
#337 Netherlands
#359 United Kingdom
#362 Italy
#465 Russia
#496 Switzerland
#791 United States
Apple Music:
#8 Tajikistan
#81 Brazil
#141 Greece
#177 Bulgaria
#220 Finland
#281 Netherlands
#355 Italy
#425 Spain
#1171 United Kingdom
Killers Who Are Partying
#7 Guatemala
#57 Greece
#95 France
#132 Norway
#269 Spain
#349 Turkey
#365 Italy
#492 Netherlands
Apple Music:
#60 Brazil
#67 Laos
#114 Greece
#120 Portugal
#127 Bulgaria
#133 Poland
#141 Netherlands
#158 Finland
#194 Italy
#208 Sweden
#212 Spain
#304 Belgium
#307 Ireland
#727 United Kingdom
#116 Singapore
#176 Netherlands
#290 France
#330 Spain
#907 United Kingdom
Apple Music:
#14 Cape Verde
#54 Brazil
#97 Greece
#113 Portugal
#122 Poland
#128 Netherlands
#129 Bulgaria
#133 Finland
#182 Laos
#187 Italy
#187 Sweden
#191 Malta
#199 Spain
#292 Belgium
#304 Ireland
#494 Switzerland
#662 United Kingdom


  I Rise
#61 Singapore
#426 South Africa
#747 United Kingdom
#965 United States
Apple Music:
#114 Brazil
#214 Finland
#300 Netherlands
#403 Italy
#424 Spain
#425 Sweden
#158 New Zealand
#168 Switzerland
#823 United States
#885 United Kingdom
Apple Music:
#74 Brazil
#118 Greece
#135 Portugal
#155 Tajikistan
#156 Netherlands
#156 Poland
#157 Finland
#159 Bulgaria
#248 Sweden
#253 Italy
#261 Spain
#305 Belgium
#391 Austria
#488 Norway
#1035 United Kingdom
#28 Portugal
#209 South Africa
#216 France
#259 Spain
#652 United Kingdom
#1336 United States
Apple Music:
#58 Brazil
#116 Greece
#118 Finland
#143 Netherlands
#150 Portugal
#151 Bulgaria
#172 Poland
#203 Sweden
#236 Italy
#238 Spain
#245 Ireland
#331 Belgium
#389 Norway
#457 Switzerland
#504 United Kingdom
Come Alive
#56 Greece
#325 Belgium
#487 Switzerland
#491 Netherlands
#557 United Kingdom
#1249 United States
Apple Music:
#7 Tajikistan
#85 Brazil
#153 Greece
#185 Bulgaria
#198 Netherlands
#200 Finland
#260 Italy
#324 Spain
#361 Sweden
#383 Belgium
#429 Ireland
#849 United Kingdom

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5 hours ago, Ambrose said:

Springsteen is now #1 in the US. That was even sooner than I expected but oh well. If she’s to be #2 again I’d rather have him above her than some random young artist emoji2.png

I'm pissed off reading that. Madonna always releases her album in the wrong week. Has Springsteen even done any promo ??????

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14 hours ago, Ambrose said:

Springsteen is now #1 in the US. That was even sooner than I expected but oh well. If she’s to be #2 again I’d rather have him above her than some random young artist emoji2.png

Madonna is winning on Apple Music + Spotify. Plus there's the standard version into top 30 again.

8 hours ago, Alex JLR said:

Her makeup artist posted on his IG story that the album was #1 in 58 countries on iTunes, and updated it saying it was in 60 countries :)

Madame X has reach #1 in 62 countries for now. The record by Nicki Minaj is 82 #1 i think.

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iTunes (46x #1)(Max - 62x #1)
#1 Argentina (=)
#1 Australia (=)
#1 Bahrain (=)
#1 Belarus (=)
#1 Belgium (=)
#1 Belize (=)
#1 Bolivia (NE)
#1 Brazil (=)
#1 Bulgaria (=)
#1 Canada (=)
#1 Chile (=)
#1 Colombia (=)
#1 Costa Rica (=)
#1 Cyprus (=)
#1 Czech Republic (=)
#1 Dominican Republic (=)
#1 Ecuador (=)
#1 El Salvador (=)
#1 Finland (=)
#1 Greece (=)
#1 Guatemala (=)
#1 Hungary (=)
#1 Indonesia (=)
#1 Israel (=)
#1 Italy (=)
#1 Kazakhstan (+2)
#1 Lebanon (=)
#1 Lithuania (=)
#1 Malta (=)
#1 Mauritius (NE)
#1 Mexico (=)
#1 Panama (=)
#1 Peru (=)
#1 Philippines (=)
#1 Poland (=)
#1 Portugal (=)
#1 Russia (=)
#1 Saudi Arabia (+2)
#1 Singapore (=)
#1 Slovakia (=)
#1 Slovenia (=)
#1 Taiwan (=)
#1 Turkey (=)
#1 Ukraine (=)
#1 United Arab Emirates (=)
#1 Uzbekistan (=)
#2 United States (-1)
#2 United Kingdom (-1)
#2 Argentina (=)
#2 Austria (=)
#2 Brazil (=)
#2 Denmark (=)
#2 France (-1)
#2 Germany (-1)
#2 Honduras (-1)
#2 Ireland (=)
#2 Luxembourg (-1)
#2 Malaysia (=)
#2 Mexico (=)
#2 Moldova (=)
#2 Netherlands (-1)
#2 New Zealand (=)
#2 Nicaragua (NE)
#2 Norway (=)
#2 Romania (-1)
#2 South Africa (=)
#2 Sweden (=)
#2 Switzerland (-1)
#2 Thailand (-1)
#3 India (-1)
#3 Israel (=)
#3 Spain (-2)
#4 Philippines (-1)
#4 Portugal (-2)
#4 United Arab Emirates (-1)
#5 Greece (-3)
#5 India (-1)
#5 Japan (-1)
#5 Spain (-1)
#5 Vietnam (=)
#6 Italy (-1)
#6 Papua New Guinea (-1)
#6 Russia (-4)
#6 Sweden (-2)
#7 Finland (-4)
#7 France (-2)
#8 Brunei Darussalam (-6)
#8 Cyprus (-6)
#8 Egypt (-7)
#9 Denmark (-6)
#9 Norway (=)
#9 Singapore (-6)
#11 Netherlands (-4)
#12 Czech Republic (-7)
#12 Mozambique (-10)
#12 Turkey (-8)
#13 Lebanon (+23)
#13 Sri Lanka (NE)
#14 Kazakhstan (-13)
#14 Trinidad and Tobago (-13)
#15 Australia (-8)
#16 Cambodia (-3)
#17 Azerbaijan (-8)
#17 Poland (-12)
#17 Qatar (-16)
#19 Taiwan (-13)
#20 Estonia (-19)
#21 Belgium (-13)
#22 United States (-15)
#24 South Africa (-19)
#25 Bulgaria (-23)
#26 Ireland (-15)
#27 United Kingdom (-18)
#27 Estonia (-25)
#31 Canada (-20)
#32 New Zealand (-26)
#33 Austria (-17)
#33 Kenya (+56)
#33 Switzerland (-24)
#54 Saudi Arabia (-52)
#59 Paraguay (-24)
#67 Vietnam (-61)
#78 Mozambique (-27)
#95 Slovenia (-33)
#100 Latvia (-28)
#101 Latvia (-28)
#118 Ukraine (-115)
#125 Hungary (-122)
#153 Guatemala (-40)
#170 Japan (-132)


APPLE MUSIC (6x #1 on Apple Music, top 5 in most countries! Very good for now!)

#1 Brazil (=)
#1 Chile (+12)
#1 Laos (+1)
#1 Malta (+49)
#1 Mexico (+9)
#1 Portugal (+2)
#2 Argentina (+6)
#2 Bulgaria (+1)
#2 Costa Rica (+49)
#2 El Salvador (+16)
#2 Greece (+2)
#2 Honduras (+65)
#2 Hungary (+15)
#2 Italy (+1)
#2 Lithuania (+5)
#2 Nicaragua (+21)
#2 Poland (+10)
#2 Spain (=)
#2 Tajikistan (=)
#3 Azerbaijan (+11)
#3 Colombia (+25)
#3 Guatemala (+21)
#3 Ireland (+15)
#3 Latvia (+75)
#3 Lebanon (+20)
#3 Moldova (+11)
#3 Netherlands (+5)
#3 Oman (NE)
#3 Peru (+13)
#3 Slovenia (+3)
#4 Bahrain (+120)
#4 Belarus (+5)
#4 China (+57)
#4 Cyprus (NE)
#4 Estonia (+37)
#4 Luxembourg (+64)
#4 Panama (+27)
#4 Paraguay (+24)
#4 Taiwan (+4)
#4 Turkey (+9)
#4 Vietnam (+10)
#5 Belgium (+13)
#5 Cape Verde (+33)
#5 Finland (+9)
#5 Norway (+14)
#5 Russia (+11)
#5 Saudi Arabia (+46)
#5 United Arab Emirates (+27)
#6 Czech Republic (+17)
#6 Denmark (+22)
#6 Ecuador (+30)
#6 Israel (+7)
#6 Switzerland (+12)
#7 United Kingdom (+19)
#7 Australia (+7)
#7 Bolivia (+49)
#7 Philippines (+5)
#7 Romania (+26)
#7 Sweden (+5)
#8 Malaysia (+7)
#8 Singapore (+2)
#8 Thailand (+13)
#8 Ukraine (+28)
#9 Armenia (NE)
#11 Germany (+15)
#13 Austria (+11)
#13 New Zealand (+1)
#14 Egypt (+85)
#14 Slovakia (+26)
#15 Dominican Republic (+52)
#16 France (+21)
#17 Indonesia (+7)
#21 British Virgin Islands (NE)
#23 Canada (+62)
#26 Japan (+22)
#31 Kazakhstan (+109)
#31 Kyrgyzstan (NE)
#35 Mauritius (+138)
#38 Trinidad and Tobago (NE)
#39 United States (+102)
#49 India (+96)
#53 Cambodia (NE)
#58 South Africa (+106)
#58 Sri Lanka (+81)
#73 Jordan (NE)
#82 Zimbabwe (NE)
#96 Uganda (NE)
#98 Fiji (+96)
#153 Uzbekistan (NE)
#171 Antigua and Barbuda (NE)
#181 Mongolia (NE)

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All indicators point to a #1 debut for Madonna on next week’s HITS Top50. With a ticket bundle and D2C offerings fueling half of the opening total, expect Madame X to give Madge her first #1 since 2012’s MDNA.

Early reads:

Madonna (Live Nation/Maverick/Interscope) 80-100k total activity, 75-95k album
Bruce Springsteen (Columbia) 42-47k, 40-44k

More at HitsDailyDouble


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iTunes (25x #1):
#1 Argentina (=)
#1 Belize (=)
#1 Brazil (=)
#1 Bulgaria (=)
#1 Chile (=)
#1 Colombia (=)
#1 Costa Rica (=)
#1 Cyprus (=)
#1 Czech Republic (=)
#1 Greece (=)
#1 Hungary (=)
#1 Israel (=)
#1 Mexico (=)
#1 Panama (=)
#1 Peru (=)
#1 Philippines (=)
#1 Poland (=)
#1 Portugal (=)
#1 Romania (+1)
#1 Russia (=)
#1 Singapore (=)
#1 Slovakia (=)
#1 Turkey (=)
#1 Ukraine (=)
#1 Uzbekistan (=)
#2 United States (=)
#2 United Kingdom (=)
#2 Argentina (+69)
#2 Australia (-1)
#2 Belgium (-1)
#2 Bolivia (-1)
#2 Brazil (=)
#2 Canada (-1)
#2 Denmark (=)
#2 El Salvador (-1)
#2 Finland (-1)
#2 Ireland (=)
#2 Italy (-1)
#2 Malaysia (=)
#2 Mauritius (-1)
#2 Netherlands (=)
#2 New Zealand (=)
#2 Norway (=)
#2 Sweden (=)
#2 Switzerland (=)
#2 Thailand (=)
#2 United Arab Emirates (-1)
#3 Austria (-1)
#3 France (-1)
#3 India (=)
#3 Luxembourg (-1)
#3 Mexico (-1)
#3 Spain (=)
#4 Belarus (-3)
#4 Germany (-2)
#4 Greece (+22)
#4 Moldova (-2)
#4 South Africa (-2)
#4 Taiwan (-3)
#5 Bahrain (-3)
#6 Malta (-4)
#6 Nicaragua (-4)
#7 Honduras (-2)
#7 Lebanon (-6)
#7 Spain (-2)
#8 Ecuador (-7)
#8 Indonesia (-7)
#8 Lithuania (-4)
#10 Poland (+7)
#11 Egypt (-3)
#11 Guatemala (-10)
#11 Slovenia (-10)
#12 Dominican Republic (-11)
#12 France (-5)
#12 India (-7)
#12 Italy (-6)
#12 Japan (-7)
#13 Sweden (-7)
#14 Cyprus (-6)
#15 Brunei Darussalam (-6)
#15 Kazakhstan (-1)
#15 Papua New Guinea (-9)
#19 Qatar (-2)
#20 Cambodia (-3)
#20 Denmark (-11)
#20 Estonia (=)
#21 Sri Lanka (-8)
#22 Azerbaijan (=)
#22 Lebanon (-9)
#22 Netherlands (-6)
#22 Trinidad and Tobago (-8)
#27 Kazakhstan (-26)
#28 Belarus (NE)
#31 Russia (-25)
#33 Estonia (-6)
#34 Australia (-20)
#35 Mozambique (-19)
#35 Vietnam (-30)
#36 Saudi Arabia (-35)
#39 Bulgaria (-5)
#44 Kenya (-11)
#68 Vietnam (-1)
#69 South Africa (NE)
#72 United Kingdom (-39)
#73 Saudi Arabia (-19)
#76 United States (-54)
#78 Paraguay (-1)
#82 Belgium (-61)
#116 Mozambique (-32)
#123 Philippines (-119)
#126 Latvia (-4)
#127 Latvia (-4)
#129 Canada (-98)
#130 Slovenia (-35)
#147 United Arab Emirates (-143)
#156 Switzerland (-123)
#161 Ukraine (-43)
#185 Hungary (-60)
#189 Portugal (-185)

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#1 Hungary (=)
#1 Laos (=)
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#1 Portugal (=)
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#2 Colombia (=)
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#2 El Salvador (=)
#2 Greece (=)
#2 Honduras (=)
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#2 Malta (-1)
#2 Norway (+1)
#2 Saudi Arabia (=)
#3 Belarus (+1)
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#3 Estonia (+1)
#3 Ireland (=)
#3 Lebanon (=)
#3 Lithuania (-1)
#3 Luxembourg (=)
#3 Paraguay (+1)
#3 Peru (=)
#3 Slovenia (=)
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#3 Turkey (+1)
#4 Belgium (+1)
#4 Bolivia (+3)
#4 Finland (=)
#4 Guatemala (-1)
#4 Latvia (-1)
#4 Panama (=)
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#4 Vietnam (-1)
#5 Czech Republic (+1)
#5 Russia (=)
#5 United Arab Emirates (=)
#6 Ecuador (=)
#6 Israel (=)
#6 Moldova (-4)
#6 Sweden (=)
#6 Switzerland (=)
#7 United Kingdom (-1)
#7 Australia (=)
#7 Oman (-4)
#8 Malaysia (=)
#8 Singapore (=)
#8 Ukraine (=)
#9 Germany (=)
#10 Austria (+1)
#10 Denmark (-4)
#10 Philippines (-3)
#10 Thailand (-2)
#11 Egypt (+2)
#12 Cape Verde (-7)
#12 Dominican Republic (+3)
#12 Kyrgyzstan (+19)
#12 South Korea (NE)
#14 France (-4)
#14 New Zealand (-2)
#15 Slovakia (-1)
#16 Jordan (+57)
#19 Kazakhstan (-2)
#23 Canada (-2)
#23 Indonesia (-3)
#24 Cambodia (+29)
#26 Bahrain (-22)
#27 Japan (-8)
#27 Mauritius (+8)
#28 Cayman Islands (NE)
#30 British Virgin Islands (-7)
#30 Trinidad and Tobago (+8)
#40 United States (-3)
#41 Sri Lanka (+17)
#48 Anguilla (NE)
#51 India (-2)
#54 South Africa (+4)
#74 Antigua and Barbuda (+108)
#95 Belize (NE)
#125 Fiji (+12)
#143 Zimbabwe (-87)
#177 Kenya (NE)


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I don't think this streaming crap is really a indicator of the albums success...    I'm old school I like my vinyl,  I like my CD's I like my physical stuff...   It's much easier to play those and ripped Digital files than it is to mess around with bloody spotify etc...      A large proportion of her fans will be playing the album over and over and over loving it..    where as the Taylor Swift generation will be happy to use spotify...  

I'm not saying I maybe shouldn't play it with spotify etc...   but in reality I don't (and I bet i'm not the only one)



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1 hour ago, Mr X said:

I don't think this streaming crap is really a indicator of the albums success...    I'm old school I like my vinyl,  I like my CD's I like my physical stuff...   It's much easier to play those and ripped Digital files than it is to mess around with bloody spotify etc...      A large proportion of her fans will be playing the album over and over and over loving it..    where as the Taylor Swift generation will be happy to use spotify...  

I'm not saying I maybe shouldn't play it with spotify etc...   but in reality I don't (and I bet i'm not the only one)



Well it depends if you want Madonna's album to be a success chart wise, if you do just stream it and turn the volume down and go play the CD

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8 hours ago, groovyguy said:

All indicators point to a #1 debut for Madonna on next week’s HITS Top50. With a ticket bundle and D2C offerings fueling half of the opening total, expect Madame X to give Madge her first #1 since 2012’s MDNA.

Early reads:

Madonna (Live Nation/Maverick/Interscope) 80-100k total activity, 75-95k album
Bruce Springsteen (Columbia) 42-47k, 40-44k

More at HitsDailyDouble


1- More Physical sellings:  Madonna , 2nd is Bruce .-

2.- She is #1 in itunes USA and UK (and keeps more countries in the spot than itunes shows) and why?... Madame X DELUXE is #2 in both lists but we must add the STANDARD Edition as well, itunes counts them separatelly.

You can check it in the global chart for 'artists', Madonna is absotulety UP comparing to Bruce:


Madonna is #6 and Bruce #11 right now. (She was #1 &2 the 1st day, Bruce NEVER)

btw... Medellin Remixes Part 2 is doing it amazingly in USA and UK ! she can get the #1 BB Dance Club position this week.

....and a miracle!...  the Hot 100 entry (USA & UK) is just a possibility (Digital Album sales helps this week to Medellin to list her)

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