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Madame X Tour | London


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well lucky guys that got to see the whole show. I went on Thursday and got an extremely rushed and cut show. Some great moments like Frozen and Come alive but overall not my favorite Madonna show..... plus I really dont think It was worth the money paid when I know the night before people paid less and got the whole show... but just my honest opinion....


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54 minutes ago, diesel6888 said:

well lucky guys that got to see the whole show. I went on Wednesday and got an extremely rushed and cut show. Some great moments like Frozen and Come alive but overall not my favorite Madonna show..... plus I really dont think It was worth the money paid when I know the night before people paid less and got the whole show... but just my honest opinion....


Wednesday was a full show?

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3 hours ago, Kieran said:

So last night was an amazing, amazing experience. After seeing M arrive (video too large to post right now) ...back to the hotel down the round for a quick change. Back at the venue, there was a great atmosphere. A few guys were dressed as MDNA-era popes and they ended up sitting in Row A next to the steps. Phone lock up went smoothly and I was taken aback by how quiet the merch desk was - until when I was at the bar I noticed that there was a very orderly, grown up and very quiet que snaking around the room ? That tour book could wait til later!

The room was filling up nicely at around 7.40. I could not believe my seats. Stalls Row D 23-24. I had seen pictures of the venue and seats online but they distort the reality. I was soooo close. I was sat at the foot of the steps in centre aisle (but one) on right hand side. The online plan showed that there were two seats between me and aisle... did MX show remove a column all the way back or just the front? A lovely lady from Nottingham was sat on the aisle seat. She’d been to BAT London and several of the other tours, she really didn’t like all the guns in MDNA and didn’t bother with RHt as it was a weeknight with travel. She said she doesn’t really like MX album. I asked her if she had seen the set list ? She had and was reeeally looking forward to LAP. Chatty security guard came over for a chat and I genuinely thought one of us was about to be crowned beer bitch ? No chance - just a friendly chat with added instruction of how great our seats are and we must keep space in front and aisle free. He said on one night M didn’t go down our aisle as someone was blocking it with a bag (not true I thought...?) No beer bitch seat in sight on my side (the usual side?) Maybe it had been canned permanently, I thought. Nope - and this was the bane of my night lol. 

The warm up band was nice and got the crowd going. I just kept thinking how it’s a shame that so many people seem to want LAV, Bonita etc, but have no chance. M must hear how lively the crowd gets from back stage with these songs and think “enjoy it whilst you can, bitches’ ? I was anxious that we were about to get the censored show, but I had started to accept that fate and expect the worst... then her voice... that voice... lights down. So exciting. TBC... ?

Great review! I loved reading every word. So happy you got to see the full show! ?????

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1 hour ago, diesel6888 said:

well lucky guys that got to see the whole show. I went on Wednesday and got an extremely rushed and cut show. Some great moments like Frozen and Come alive but overall not my favorite Madonna show..... plus I really dont think It was worth the money paid when I know the night before people paid less and got the whole show... but just my honest opinion....

It is unfair, I agree. It's an unfortunate situation and while I do understand her predicament I wonder if she could do 3-4 bonus acoustic hits in the fado section to make up for it.

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6 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

It is unfair, I agree. It's an unfortunate situation and while I do understand her predicament I wonder if she could do 3-4 bonus acoustic hits in the fado section to make up for it.

You mean like where she used to sit on the piano with her guitar and sing Sodade...


I absolutely 100% agree with you - unfortunately especially in London with her timing and the curfew threat she doesn’t appear willing to change too much :(

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11 minutes ago, Krystof said:

You mean like where she used to sit on the piano with her guitar and sing Sodade...


I absolutely 100% agree with you - unfortunately especially in London with her timing and the curfew threat she doesn’t appear willing to change too much :(

If she just went on at the correct time of 8.30 she wouldnt have to cut the show

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26 minutes ago, diesel6888 said:

If she just went on at the correct time of 8.30 she wouldnt have to cut the show

She is doing that for the injuries, not for the curfew. She hasn't done two nights together in Lisbon, so they agreed she could do it reducing the physical effort on second night and cancelling the third night.

1 hour ago, jmrgby88 said:

Wednesday was a full show?

First night is full show, which means Wed and Sat.

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15 minutes ago, Enrico said:

She is doing that for the injuries, not for the curfew. She hasn't done two nights together in Lisbon, so they agreed she could do it reducing the physical effort on second night and cancelling the third night.

First night is full show, which means Wed and Sat.

She is doing two shows in London then a day off. The days in between have been cancelled. But to then cut the second show by 5 songs is pretty bad. Why the hell didn't she do a day on then a day off so that way she could perform the full show and we would get what we paid for. Imagine going to a west end show and they suddenly announce "sorry we have cut the first act"........ Personally I think its really bad and frankly those getting a cut show should get a partial refund...

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
10 minutes ago, diesel6888 said:

Why the hell didn't she do a day on then a day off so that way she could perform the full show and we would get what we paid for.

So that she isn’t cancelling as many shows. I understand your point of view, but then there were so many people online saying they’d prefer an altered show to a cancelled show, so who knows, maybe she and her team took that into account. I’m attending the final date and she has a show the night before, so it’s likely she’ll open with Vogue, and I’d personally prefer her to alter my show than cancel it.

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26 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

So that she isn’t cancelling as many shows. I understand your point of view, but then there were so many people online saying they’d prefer an altered show to a cancelled show, so who knows, maybe she and her team took that into account. I’m attending the final date and she has a show the night before, so it’s likely she’ll open with Vogue, and I’d personally prefer her to alter my show than cancel it.

I expect to get what I paid for or a partial refund. Just me I guess, don't get me wrong there were moments of excellence but it was not the best feeling to feel short changed... I just think this whole situation has been handed badly....

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20 minutes ago, diesel6888 said:

I expect to get what I paid for or a partial refund. Just me I guess, don't get me wrong there were moments of excellence but it was not the best feeling to feel short changed... I just think this whole situation has been handed badly....

Yeah, but she never promised any set list. Most people bought tickets before they even knew the set list.  The show is still nearly two hours long.  I think it's fair to say you're still getting a great show.  After all, there are many who aren't getting any show at all, or their only show was cancelled. 

She made it clear she is making changes to accommodate her injuries.  I'm sure it's easier to cut the first few songs than start adding others in between, etc.  I suspect the Human Nature choreography is quite strenuous to her injuries.

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28 minutes ago, diesel6888 said:

I expect to get what I paid for or a partial refund. Just me I guess, don't get me wrong there were moments of excellence but it was not the best feeling to feel short changed... I just think this whole situation has been handed badly....

Agreed. Still feeling shit about last Sunday's shortened show 

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5 hours ago, Kieran said:

I could not believe my seats. Stalls Row D 23-24.

That’s good to know, I’m D15 on Thursday so the other end of that row.  The plan shows two seats between me and the aisle, if I recall from my other London show, that’s the aisle she exits from during I Rise.  Let’s hope my end loses a column too ?

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2 minutes ago, diesel6888 said:

sorry I just dont agree.... Im actually trying to buy tickets for next Wednesday to try and see the whole show...

I understand why you're disappointed, but this is what she's giving us, or as she said, "no show at all".  At least, you have the opportunity to see her several times as many other fans haven't.  Also, many artists are known to add/drop songs and alter shows within the tour.  As stated, that ticket you bought never promised you any particular "set list" or how long she should perform.  Again, at least you have the opportunity to go see her, not once but several times.  Lucky you!  I'd love to just see half the show you've seen so far.

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I saw both shows, full (5th), half(6th) and one cancelled(4th) and I 'd paid for my cancelled was the half show. I looove when she started with Vogue. Two different shows, she includes different coreos and I loved seeing both shows. And I touched her at two days so what can I say? I'm very happy!!!

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