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Madonna being rude and banned from backstage of Broadway Hamilton

Yung Rapunxel

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Are you serious? You believe what liz Rosenberg says? publicist is a person whose job is to generate and manage publicity for a public figure, especially a celebrity, Which part of the fundamental nature of public relations don't you understand? It's a publicists job to lie. How quickly your memory fades. Liz has lied for M many, many time's before. Do you need examples? Her job is to clean up M's crap.
Some people are so naive.... :Madonna033: 



Are you serious? You believe nobody A z-list broadway actress says? which have to Suck Broadway musical creator, composer and author's ass very hard which in order that to live? An one Z-list Broadway actress. just An One tweet. Are you stupid enough to believe that nobody's one tweet as a truth or you just want to believe every negative lie and rumor about Madonna? You seems like too much enjoy and digging to believe negative rumors. Just Stop Trolling. Only believe negative lies does not make you as better person. 

Some trolls are I mean "fans" are so naive.. An one tweet is God's words to them.I just can't... :Madonna033:

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Are you serious jstevens? You'll believe a nobody over Madonna who you're a supposed fan of?


I think you're on the wrong forum...


As for me I don't know what to believe nor do I care, But I just don't see Madonna being disrespectful like that.


To answer you Yes I whole heartedly believe what a total stranger sitting in the crowd that night tweeted is true before anything Liz on the offence comments on. 'That time you want to smack #Madonna upside the head for texting during the best show I've ever seen.' and yet almost at the same time Lin-Manuel Miranda's tweet goes outTonight was the first time I asked stage management NOT to allow a celebrity(who was texting all through Act 2) backstage". Buy the way, he did use the word celebrity and M was the only celebrity there that night. Do your homework, look it up. Also did you notice how Liz say's "she only texted Post show" (nice cover up) and made it a point to point out "she made a generous donation" ( She Swept that under the carpet beautifully ) Personally I think its rude but it really makes no difference in my life. But I wonder can you Tell me why would a complete stranger in the audience go after M? What's her motive? Oh yea, let's not forget M's a repeat offender. She's done it before. I don't have blinders on. I'm not walking blindly my eyes are wide open. Again you can like and be someone's fan but not love everything they do. 
When it comes down to childish word calling im done.
lets just say we agree to disagree.
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Are you serious jstevens? You'll believe a nobody over Madonna who you're a supposed fan of?I think you're on the wrong forum...As for me I don't know what to believe nor do I care, But I just don't see Madonna being disrespectful like that.



Do not feed that troll.


I just realized that that troll getting more exciting when we feed it.


Jut let it bark alone.


I will stop feeding that troll.


No more feed.


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i honestly dont see how jstevens is a "troll", how quickly some people are to label others and resort to childish name calling. Calm the F down. I am also more inclined to believe a "nobody" (yawn! Are YOU that important?), with a cunty yet spontaneous reaction, than a paid publicist with decades experience of damage control for one of the biggest stars in history releasing a press statement days after the fact, mentioning her "generous donations" in passing as if thats relevant at all to this.Either way, its irrelevant.

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sometimes she is so stupid, childish and without respect -.-

I'm sorry, but as long as you're not being a nuissance to other people, there's nothing stupid, childish or without respect in looking at your phone during a show. It's one thing to create an extra source of light in a cinema, but when you're at the theatre, and your phone isn't vibrating or making noise, you can go ahead and play Angry Birds all you want.

It can be disrespectful in the first row, but otherwise, it's bizarre that people would complain about this. Were they looking at Madonna instead of focusing on their play?

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