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Madame X Tour | New York City


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1 hour ago, missberic said:

If the delays were really about settings and stuff the audience would for sure see the team moving things around and putting set elements to work. Broadway shows work on a tight schedule, they have one-night-only performances both on New York City and on international tours, but I have NEVER heard of a show that started two hours late.


How can you guys possibly think Madame X's staging is any different or more special or demanding than all the shows and tours going on combined? How can you suppose Madonna, after almost 40 years in the business, is working with such a shitty team that they can't make a staging work at least ONCE without delays?


This goes beyond stanning, this is selective blindness and simply ridiculous.

I actually agree with this.  While I understand that her crew/team may have overshot the timing and such in preparing the stage for the first night in Chicago and San Francisco, causing the rescheduled nights, but I cannot defend her lateness.  To me, it's two separate issues.  It's like she's purposely trying to be late.  It's hard to defend since she's been always known for her professional promptness.  People she's worked with in the past, whether it's producers, directors, actors, and other musicians, most have commented how she comes 'on time' and always prepared.  So I don't understand this idea of keeping fans waiting for up to two hours if not longer?  I know some will defend it and point out that we should be used to it by now, since she's been this way on the last few tours, but I can't say that is a good reason to defend.  Not even saying; "it's worth the wait" or it's just "one night out of your life". is a good excuse to me.  Her lateness affects more than just the fan's attending who are willing to sit around and wait for her.  There are people at the theater who can't go home when they are scheduled to leave because Madonna's kept the theater open longer than planned. I'm sure there are transportation issues with fans, crew and workers as well.  Also, even though some fans are fine with her being late, there are a lot of fans who have children and lives to attend to, who didn't expect to be out so late, or may need to be up the next morning at a decent time. 

I'm fine if the show might be 10 to 30 minutes late, especially if it's not happening all the time, but it seems it is anymore.  I have to agree if it's due to technical or staging issues, you'd think they'd have that figured out by now.  And let's be honest here, do you think Madonna would wait two to three hours for someone to arrive on stage?  I don't believe she would. 

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does nobody take into consideration that her moving the opening night is due to stage sizes being different etc ...surely they have to adapt to a new stage especially as things move around otherwise madonna could fall head first into the audience on the stairs that movie ...i dont believe she took this into consideration but each theatres stage is different in size or shape even ..i understand tbh but she and her team should have thought about this before tickets went on sale 

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33 minutes ago, mark perry said:

does nobody take into consideration that her moving the opening night is due to stage sizes being different etc ...surely they have to adapt to a new stage especially as things move around otherwise madonna could fall head first into the audience on the stairs that movie ...i dont believe she took this into consideration but each theatres stage is different in size or shape even ..i understand tbh but she and her team should have thought about this before tickets went on sale 


Stage sizes are different

She isn't taking her floor with her everywhere this time

they have to place tape at every precise place where a set piece goes for every single song so the projections are flawless

Im sure she'll want to rehearse in the actual space until they are comfortable.

The performers do go down and up the aisles. It seems Chicago has an extra aisle up the middle and two extra aisles on the sides. 

Howard Gilman is only 2,100 seats. Chicago theatre is 3,600 seats. Im sure the stage is significantly bigger considering the audience is almost twice the size. This will probably affect the stage pieces and where they sit and therefore the projections software. 

She's also got some pretty old ladies on stage with her who dont speak the same language. Making sure everyone is safe and taken care of is more of a priority than meeting an unrealistic deadline. 

This is new territory for her. Cut her some slack for rescheduling. Every other show she's done they build HER stage the same size every time. This is totally different. 




2 hours ago, missberic said:

If the delays were really about settings and stuff the audience would for sure see the team moving things around and putting set elements to work. Broadway shows work on a tight schedule, they have one-night-only performances both on New York City and on international tours, but I have NEVER heard of a show that started two hours late.


How can you guys possibly think Madame X's staging is any different or more special or demanding than all the shows and tours going on combined? How can you suppose Madonna, after almost 40 years in the business, is working with such a shitty team that they can't make a staging work at least ONCE without delays?


This goes beyond stanning, this is selective blindness and simply ridiculous.

And her being late every night is a different story, no one was talking about that. 



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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:


Stage sizes are different

She isn't taking her floor with her everywhere this time

they have to place tape at every precise place where a set piece goes for every single song so the projections are flawless

Im sure she'll want to rehearse in the actual space until they are comfortable.

The performers do go down and up the aisles. It seems Chicago has an extra aisle up the middle and two extra aisles on the sides. 

Howard Gilman is only 2,100 seats. Chicago theatre is 3,600 seats. Im sure the stage is significantly bigger considering the audience is almost twice the size. This will probably affect the stage pieces and where they sit and therefore the projections software. 

She's also got some pretty old ladies on stage with her who dont speak the same language. Making sure everyone is safe and taken care of is more of a priority than meeting an unrealistic deadline. 

This is new territory for her. Cut her some slack for rescheduling. Every other show she's done they build HER stage the same size every time. This is totally different.


And her being late every night is a different story, no one was talking about that. 



Try again.

The specs for the BAM stage are 37.3' deep by 49-75' wide, depending on how it's set up.

The specs for the Chicago stage are 30' deep and 60' wide.

So the specs are essentially the same.  NO drastic differences and, I would assume, most theaters have the same specs because, let's face it, there are TONS of traveling shows that need to have a typical dimension.  It's in the best interest of theaters to all have similar sizes because it makes it easier for shows to load in and load out.


So, no.  Try another excuse because this one doesn't hold water.

Edited by digitalfreaknyc (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, digitalfreaknyc said:

Try again.

The specs for the BAM stage are 37.3' deep by 49-75' wide, depending on how it's set up.

The specs for the Chicago stage are 30' deep and 60' wide.

So the specs are essentially the same.  NO drastic differences and, I would assume, most theaters have the same specs because, let's face it, there are TONS of traveling shows that need to have a typical dimension.  It's in the best interest of theaters to all have similar sizes because it makes it easier for shows to load in and load out.


So, no.  Try another excuse because this one doesn't hold water.

ZZZZZZ did you really google the sizes of the stage lol they are different in size ...do all these other traveling shows use projections ? have you seen the show ? ...ill wait for your answers ..madonna is a serious perfectionists ...she will not put on a show if its going to fuck up she would rather cancel and since when are you a expert on stages and her new show lol 

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12 minutes ago, mark perry said:

ZZZZZZ did you really google the sizes of the stage lol they are different in size ...do all these other traveling shows use projections ? have you seen the show ? ...ill wait for your answers ..madonna is a serious perfectionists ...she will not put on a show if its going to fuck up she would rather cancel and since when are you a expert on stages and her new show lol 

I'm responding to what was stated.  That the stages are different sizes. 

Yes.  The technical specs are readily available to anyone that wants to rent out the spaces.

And, btw, I'm sure I have a helluva lot more technical stage experience than you do.

ZZZzzzz all you want but if you don't want to talk about specs and facts, feel free to go argue with any other other no nothings on other boards.

Edited by digitalfreaknyc (see edit history)
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Venues are booked based on their stage dimensions / suitability (amongst other things). If they really need more than a couple of days between cities then I hate to think the impact this is going to have on Las Vegas, LA, Miami, London and Paris (..especially Paris as i'm going to the first night there). Hopefully it's just one of those BS reasons they give for probably some cost-cutting effort.

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Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. It's a new type of show for her and her team, there's bound to be some of these issues that will pop up - hopefully they will all be smoothed out before she hits Europe :)

I mean, it could be worse, we could all be Mariah fans....excited for her NYE performance....and that's all I will say on that topic ?


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If the production and venue scouts not only didn’t have all the technical specs of the theatres but also full 3D renders of the whole staging area for each venue months ago then there is something wrong with the team behind this

as soon as the venues were locked in the stage design and technical architects behind the tour would have had those to hand and as the rehearsals finalised stage sizes (probably based off the original specs) then here would have been updated

i can see maybe some of the crew not making allowances for weight tolerances off ceilings/ walls correctly as well as maybe actual lighting reflections/unanticipated shadowing / minor on location changes to be made, but certainly after whatever caused the 2 dates at the start of the tour to be rescheduled the whole production and crew would have been working towards the next venues ahead of time - she typically has around 3 separate full stages for an arena world tour that go ahead to ensure deadlines are met and delays don’t affect things

something else is happening here I think, maybe her bespoke video screens are finally ready to go along with the wider presentations by laser projectors. There was definitely technology and concepts from the tour rehearsals that hasn’t shown in NYC.. and she said it wasn’t finished yet..or maybe she’s holding out for Rocco to agree to be part of the show as the only child not involved so far (I’m kidding here btw) 

I would prefer to think it’s a change in part of the show at this stage rather than the production and design crew are really that bad and hence the delays...

time will tell

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2 hours ago, digitalfreaknyc said:

Try again.

The specs for the BAM stage are 37.3' deep by 49-75' wide, depending on how it's set up.

The specs for the Chicago stage are 30' deep and 60' wide.

So the specs are essentially the same.  NO drastic differences and, I would assume, most theaters have the same specs because, let's face it, there are TONS of traveling shows that need to have a typical dimension.  It's in the best interest of theaters to all have similar sizes because it makes it easier for shows to load in and load out.


So, no.  Try another excuse because this one doesn't hold water.


It's delayed because you are exhausting. Does that hold water?

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3 hours ago, digitalfreaknyc said:

Try again.

The specs for the BAM stage are 37.3' deep by 49-75' wide, depending on how it's set up.

The specs for the Chicago stage are 30' deep and 60' wide.

So the specs are essentially the same.  NO drastic differences and, I would assume, most theaters have the same specs because, let's face it, there are TONS of traveling shows that need to have a typical dimension.  It's in the best interest of theaters to all have similar sizes because it makes it easier for shows to load in and load out.


So, no.  Try another excuse because this one doesn't hold water.

Do you know the size of the lisbon venue and paris venue? I am just wondering were she will most likely film the show

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I don't mind if she arrives late on stage even though 11.30 P.M. seems really late

But I understand why some are complaining if they are working the next day or if they don't live in NYC, Paris, Lisbon, London etc. 

But we don't have all the keys to understand why she's so late. For sure she's not turning her thumbs for 2 hours. There's a lot of possible explanations including health issues. 

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11 hours ago, groovyguy said:

So I finally saw the Madame X show last night. As titled, the show shares the journey and experiences of Madame X as well as the current state of the world we live in.

Before I comment further on the show, I must say I absolutely love the pre show live music by the 4 member band, which performed several Madonna tracks - Secret, DTM, WTG, LAV. They sound brilliant.

Seeing the show live - which is visually stunning - I can understand the songs selected for the setlist. Note: Don’t worry. I’m not gonna go through each performance in the setlist. :)

She started the show literally with a bang - God Control. Then she performed Dark Ballet which ended with her being put into a round box space. It then seamlessly flowed in to Human Nature with her executing gorgeous choreography ala the Human Nature video. Those who thought her previous tours were too political might find offense in the first section alone which she throws in your face strong poignant political commentary. 

No one should take away our human rights and our right to live. We will not be silenced. We will speak and fight for our rights. Her PDP performance shows her stand against those trying to overthrow Roe Vs Wade and her fight for equal rights for women. She ended the section fittingly with American Life - “nothing is what it seems”. Side note: that AL bass is LIFE.

The second section is exactly as she introduced to us - her life and new music inspiration and appreciation in Lisbon. Beginning with Fado music. This section is a massive hit if you love the Mx album and a sore miss if you’re not a fan of the album. That said, I find this section the most broadway-esque if that makes sense.

The last section for me is about being freedom fighters craving for a brighter future despite obstacles and hardened people who want to take away our democracy. And she ended the show fading out with “We Will Rise” as she disappeared into the main exit of the theater behind the audience with her performers.

To sum up, this is a dream show for me in that it is an intimate, highly choreographed yet spontaneous, visually stunning and artistic theatrical performance. Is it perfect? No. But its imperfections make it perfect for me if that makes any sense. :)

Bitches, I absolutely love the show!

Excellent review. Thank you thank you! 

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17 hours ago, Bat-Fan said:

Do you know the size of the lisbon venue and paris venue? I am just wondering were she will most likely film the show

I don't know the size, but I really hope it will be filmed at Grand Rex Theatre, if it will be filmed. 

It looks so beautiful. 

I think that the set used as a backdrop in the part of the theater where the audience sits  fits perfectly with the scenography of the Madame X show. 





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15 minutes ago, Rupert76 said:

I don't know the size, but I really hope it will be filmed at Grand Rex Theatre, if it will be filmed. 

It looks so beautiful. 

I think that the set used as a backdrop in the part of the theater where the audience sits  fits perfectly with the scenography of the Madame X show. 





Wow just stunning and perfect as ever for this show!

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8 minutes ago, madgefan said:

It will be filmed in Lisbon again. The director will sue her for not fulfilling the contract and everything will be kept in store so we've got something extra to bitch about for years to come. The raw unedited footage with questioanable audio will leak in 2029 in .avi.

And people will say that only parts of it were filmed because they aren’t clever enough to change the film Reels when they run out ( IGTTYAS Paris Show ) ?

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4 hours ago, Rupert76 said:

I don't know the size, but I really hope it will be filmed at Grand Rex Theatre, if it will be filmed. 

It looks so beautiful. 

I think that the set used as a backdrop in the part of the theater where the audience sits  fits perfectly with the scenography of the Madame X show. 





Looks like the perfect place to film

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3 hours ago, madgefan said:

It will be filmed in Lisbon again. The director will sue her for not fulfilling the contract and everything will be kept in store so we've got something extra to bitch about for years to come. The raw unedited footage with questioanable audio will leak in 2029 in .avi.

Theoretically she shouldn’t film it. If Madame X wants you to experience with the show with your eyes and not through a screen she should be true to her word. 

But making money off fans >>>>>>>>>

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