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V.I.P. Experience Q&A


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For those of you who’ve already attended a show with VIP tickets, how did the experience go for you? What time did you arrive? Was there a specific entrance? I’m just curious about the process since I haven’t received any communication detailing exactly what we are supposed to do for our VIP package yet.

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Do you have a Medellin ticket @Joseebus? Please share your experience if you do!

@RUADJAIhad a VIP ticket I think.

There's also plenty of discussions in every forum about the bad food treatment with carrots and cookies. Prison food.



The only info about backstage comes from M Underground but doesn't seem memorable:


The Medellin VIP package included a backstage tour at the BAM in New York as well. Here are a few details of the backstage tour on opening night.

People were taken on a tour around and on the stage while security came along for the trip. Everyone was informed on Madonna’s routine, rehearsals and the process of creating the show. Madonna makes long hours and there were over a hundred run-through’s of the entire show before the audience got to finally see it. Madonna pays attention to every little detail, for example if she is dissatisfied with a zipper on a specific costume it has to be replaced at once. Madonna doesn’t arrive at the theater before 4 or 5pm and sometimes carries on working until 6am the following morning.

On this occassion there were no dancers around to meet, but some of the musicians were present. All of the instruments were stored there as the entire show is 100% live music. They were also shown the little booth where Madonna changes costumes during the show. Also a sneak peek behind a curtain at the costumes, shoes and various props.

The fans present were also treated to the setlist already as it was displayed backstage.

Thank you to Wendy Gardien for the report!

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I have to point a few things after reading this report. 

18 minutes ago, Enrico said:

There's also plenty of discussions in every forum about the bad food treatment with carrots and cookies. Prison food.


The food looks so... not yummy. Looks lazy. Am I too poor to appreciate fancy food? 

7 minutes ago, Enrico said:

Everyone was informed on Madonna’s routine, rehearsals and the process of creating the show. Madonna makes long hours and there were over a hundred run-through’s of the entire show before the audience got to finally see it. Madonna pays attention to every little detail

This part is no news to a die-hard or long-time Madonna fan, but it is always nice to know what's behind artistic creation. She's indeed a hard worker and that is absolutely admiring. 

17 minutes ago, Enrico said:

All of the instruments were stored there as the entire show is 100% live music.

Not so sure about that though. It's a lot of backing track and no live band according to attendants' comments. 

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6 minutes ago, artlover said:

The food looks so... not yummy. Looks lazy. Am I too poor to appreciate fancy food? 

Not so sure about that though. It's a lot of backing track and no live band according to attendants' comments. 

Yeah the food is embarassing!

Backstage: I don't know if the tour is dull, or the report incomplete. Obviously if they say it's 100% live they are lying. Pity I won't do it, otherwise I would have started a discussion about it!!

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I wasn't impressed. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have waited in line outside like I did, being a VIP ticket holder, but there was nobody saying anything different. So by the time I got in I got one complimentary glass of wine and then was told the bar was switching to a paid bar. 10 minutes go by with my phone locked up and I realize people are walking around taking pictures. I asked the girl and she was like... oh yeah I can unlock it for u. :Madonna034:  uh yeah!!!  Why the fuck would I keep my phone in there. They should have offered as soon as I walked in the VIP area. Then they had the audacity to take the cookies away!!! The cookies were quite good. I didn't have an appetite for vegetables with ranch dressing so I didn't try them. 

There was no "designated" merch table for VIP, it was the same merch table for everyone else. This is probably because of lack of space at theaters that Live Nation didn't take into account when they wrote the VIP experience. 

It was cool to have my phone available in the 2 hours we waited for the show to start. We also got a "heads up" before M took the stage that other people probably didn't get. 

Was it worth the extra $700 for the VIP experience... definitely not. Unless the upcoming gift is super amazing I wouldn't do it again. 

It was opening night, so maybe it was a bit haphazard... but it seemed very unprofessional. They started removing MX decorations before we left the lounge. There really wasn't a need to remove the cookies at all. :smke:  

If VIP members can skip the line outside they need to post this clearly and have people walking around yelling it. Because if you are halfway down the block in line how would you ever know?

Also, like you can hear in the audio recording the selection of drinks was... extremely limited. 

They had 2 different beers.

A white wine, a red wine

Whiskey and Gin....

No bourbon, no vodka, no tequila... it was oddly limited. 

Just a side note: the VIP tags were just draping there... I could have swiped like 20 of them. I know they're not worth that much, but they are exclusive so it seemed odd they were just hanging around with no one really watching them. 

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1 hour ago, Enrico said:

If only the backstage bracelet was available too!

I think VIP ticket is useful because you get better seats. It was the only way for me get third row central in London. But all the rest is useless.

I can buy my same ticket right now for an upcoming show for 750 instead of 1400. 

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Another backstage report from MUnderground. It sounds like you don't see much.

Backstage Tour – Opening Night

During the pre-show party we were picked up by Justin and Bryan for the backstage tour. We were led into the back of the venue where we were given a lecture about the process of the show. Justin is the head of security and told us Madonna is one of the hardest working people in showbiz. She does about 100 entire shows before opening night! She is involved in every single detail of the show and it has to be perfect. From zipper to lightning.

After the interesting lecture, we were brought backstage, we were told we needed to stay in between the white lines on the floors, because the backstage was extremely packed. Usually there is a lot less stuff brought in at small venues like BAM. I believe everything goes into 9 trucks and it takes them aprox 9 hours to unload. I think it must be like playing ‘Tetris’ for Madonna’s staff.

We were shown the hallway to the dressingrooms, but we were not allowed to see them. We did see the smaller dressing area of Madonna and the one for the dancers. A setlist was hanging on a wall, so we got to see what songs she was going to do. I saw two of my faves (not gonna spoil) so I was really happy. We came to the musicians area, where all the instruments stood.

Everybody was quiet backstage. Justin told us it was because everybody was up since early that morning and they were very focussed. He also told us that all music was performed live, either onstage or offstage. Nothing was prerecorded. Then we headed onto the stage. There were these boring looking stairs. But don’t worry, during the show they use ‘geomapping’, to make things quite colourful. Nothing boring about this show! We took a group photo on the stage and after that we were escorted back to the pre-party area and we were free to get to our seats.

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On 9/21/2019 at 7:22 PM, Enrico said:

If only the backstage bracelet was available too!

I think VIP ticket is useful because you get better seats. It was the only way for me get third row central in London. But all the rest is useless.

Lucky you! The closest I was able to get was row i just in the main section of the stalls.

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That photo of the food better be an image from Google cause.....

The food is really hit and miss, and I've been told it depends on the venue itself and a few guidelines given by the artist. The selection for MDNA Tour in Ottawa was amazing, definitely VIP worthy, I don't recall everything the only standout was the seafood, only because I don't eat it so I had to stick to the chicken they had.

And by far the WORST I have ever experienced was Miley Cyrus' Bangerz Tour in Toronto. The selection was literally hotdogs, nothing else to go with it like a salad or anything.....hotdogs. And some girls we sat beside one was a vegan and asked for a vegan option and they said 'Oh we don't have anything like that' and wouldn't even do anything like offer her like a bag of chips or candies from the concession stand, so I felt really bad when I saw her eating a bun. :rip:

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