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Is the Madame X tour her worst tour?


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1 hour ago, MarXus said:

Seeing a concert on DVD versus live, cannot compare, but you still saw it, and are able to make a proper judgment if it's a great tour or not.  But the OP didn't ask if one saw it live or not. Unfortunately, that's the only option we have right now.  If and when it does get released on some format, then others can make a better judgment of it being great or worst.

I just find it interesting most who are saying it's her "worst" never saw the show. Just because it might not include all your favorite songs or the price of the ticket are too high, doesn't make the concert her worst.  After all, many of those who attended the concert may agree with you that the ticket prices are too high or they don't like the complete set list, but it still doesn't mean it makes it her "worst".  But at least, they saw the concert to properly judge, and not assume it's the worst because of logistics.   One can even add her coming on stage so late as another reason to dislike the concert, but most who attended were able to dismiss that as well.

Look, it might be the worst for some, but my point was that I just found it interesting that those who are calling it her "worst" right now, haven't even seen the concert.  That is all.  :01:

True, the OP asked if this is her worst tour ever - in my opinion probably to say her "worst tour" is maybe harsh. Maybe how you would rate it might have been easier and my personal rating of all of her tours would be in the bottom for sure. For the reasons though I have not seen it live and have seen every tour live since 2001, I have no interest in seeing this show. I didn't like Madame X as an album, the ticket prices are ridiculous, the set list doesn't interest me.

It's fine not to have to like everything she does. I enjoyed the Drowned World Tour, but I loved the Re-Invention tour so much I went to see it 4 times.

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I feel the fans who are criticizing the tour want Madonna to play it safe. But it's Madonna, she doesn't do safe or familiar. Reviews are not saying the tour is perfect. On the contrary, sometimes the show is messy and weird. But if it ain't messy and weird, it ain't Madonna. To quote Rolling Stone: Her weirdness is where she finds her greatness.

I don't ever want Madonna to be normal or to play it safe. I want her to take chances and to create a show no other artist has ever created. If it doesn't work out, then that's okay. At least she tried. And that's why I love Madonna: because she tries to be different. She IS different. If she fails she will learn from it. And Madonna failing is still far more interesting than anything any other pop star does. But I don't think she's failing. She's trying something new and in time she will perfect it. As always.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
6 minutes ago, Fontainebleau said:

I feel the fans who are criticizing the tour want Madonna to play it safe. But it's Madonna, she doesn't do safe or familiar. Reviews are not saying the tour is perfect. On the contrary, sometimes the show is messy and weird. But if it ain't messy and weird, it ain't Madonna. To quote Rolling Stone: Her weirdness is where she finds her greatness.

I don't ever want Madonna to be normal or to play it safe. I want her to take chances and to create a show no other artist has ever created. If it doesn't work out, then that's okay. At least she tried. And that's why I love Madonna: because she tries to be different. She IS different. If she fails she will learn from it. And Madonna failing is still far more interesting than anything any other pop star does. But I don't think she's failing. She's trying something new and in time she will perfect it. As always.

My problem at times though, and I am only judging this based on videos I’ve seen, is that it sometimes looks like they have played it safe by trying to pack an arena show into a theatre as opposed to something more theatrical and different. However, my opinion could, and most likely will, change completely when I see it live. 

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32 minutes ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

My problem at times though, and I am only judging this based on videos I’ve seen, is that it sometimes looks like they have played it safe by trying to pack an arena show into a theatre as opposed to something more theatrical and different. However, my opinion could, and most likely will, change completely when I see it live. 

Well, if you're referring to the elaborate set pieces, the dancers and choreography then I understand your perspective. After all, it still is a Madonna concert and it still is grand. But I think it's also intimate and more political. There are less casual hits and the Madame X tour has this woke theme which aims at thinking instead of dancing. But yes, I understand people saying she tried to pack an arena show into a theatre as Madonna is pushing the theatrical boundaries to the limits.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
Just now, Fontainebleau said:

Well, if you're referring to the elaborate set pieces, the dancers and choreography then I understand your perspective. After all, it still is a Madonna concert and it still is grand. But I think it's also intimate and more political. There are less casual hits and the Madame X tour has this woke theme which aims at thinking instead of dancing. But yes, I understand people saying she tried to pack an arena show into a theatre as Madonna is pushing the theatrical boundaries to the limits.

I don’t think it is a bad show, not at all. It’s a Madonna show so it’s obviously going to be brilliant. I was just expecting less of the dancers, sets and choreography with this tour, and I imagine some of it will be toned down for her knee in the European leg.

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2 hours ago, Alan Leggate said:

True, the OP asked if this is her worst tour ever - in my opinion probably to say her "worst tour" is maybe harsh. Maybe how you would rate it might have been easier and my personal rating of all of her tours would be in the bottom for sure. For the reasons though I have not seen it live and have seen every tour live since 2001, I have no interest in seeing this show. I didn't like Madame X as an album, the ticket prices are ridiculous, the set list doesn't interest me.

It's fine not to have to like everything she does. I enjoyed the Drowned World Tour, but I loved the Re-Invention tour so much I went to see it 4 times.

Sure, you have your opinion. No one is saying you can't, but how can you have an opinion based on something you really haven't seen in complete?  I'm right there with you about the ticket prices and the numerous others issues that logistically seem to keep putting a damper on this tour.  

I also agree you don't have to like everything she does, but that has nothing to do with the fact! You can't really say something is good or bad unless you have seen it in it's entirety. I understand you may not like the set list and logistics of the show, but can you really say it's her worst?  (I realize you said that might be a bit too harsh for someone who hasn't seen it, but I'm putting it out there in general since there are some others are basing it on very little and haven't seen the show.)  After all, a number of fans have gone to the show who really weren't into Madame X album or the setlist, and have rave reviews. Honestly, I haven't read a bad review from anyone who has gone.  Not to say, there isn't any, but it seems more love it than don't.

Once again you saw DWT and RIT, so you can properly give your opinion if it's good or bad.  It just seems to me that most who are claiming to dislike the MX Tour, haven't seen it?  I haven't seen it either, so I can't really say I will love it or hate it.  I can't properly judge until I see it.  Like you, I'm turned off by the ticket nonsense and her lateness.  But so were many who actually went. 

Those who have gone have repeatedly stated, this is a show you have to see, even if Madame X isn't your favorite era. 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
2 minutes ago, MarXus said:

Those who have gone have repeatedly stated, this is a show you have to see, even if Madame X isn't your favorite era. 

I just know I’ll be one of those people when I hopefully see it. :Madonna030:

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59 minutes ago, Fontainebleau said:

I feel the fans who are criticizing the tour want Madonna to play it safe. But it's Madonna, she doesn't do safe or familiar. Reviews are not saying the tour is perfect. On the contrary, sometimes the show is messy and weird. But if it ain't messy and weird, it ain't Madonna. To quote Rolling Stone: Her weirdness is where she finds her greatness.

I don't ever want Madonna to be normal or to play it safe. I want her to take chances and to create a show no other artist has ever created. If it doesn't work out, then that's okay. At least she tried. And that's why I love Madonna: because she tries to be different. She IS different. If she fails she will learn from it. And Madonna failing is still far more interesting than anything any other pop star does. But I don't think she's failing. She's trying something new and in time she will perfect it. As always.

Ditto!! I love that Madonna isn't safe too. Success or not, wrong or right, it's ok as it shows she's only human and it's how she learns. Being human and learning is a part of ALL our journeys.

Here's to the Madame X Journey. It sure has been an exciting one and has us all at the edge of our seats. I hope and pray Madonna can heal and get through to the end. ?????

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Just now, Nobody Knows Me said:

I just know I’ll be one of those people when I hopefully see it. :Madonna030:

You won't be the only one.  I've read plenty of reviews here and elsewhere where some fans weren't much into this era, ending up having a wonderful time.

I guess I would like to hear from those fans who actually went, who DIDN'T like it.   Right now they are few! 

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
12 minutes ago, MarXus said:

You won't be the only one.  I've read plenty of reviews here and elsewhere where some fans weren't much into this era, ending up having a wonderful time.

I guess I would like to hear from those fans who actually went, who DIDN'T like it.   Right now they are few! 

I actually haven’t seen anyone who went give any negative feedback aside from the late arrivals. I pray that she won’t cancel my show, I need to see her live at least once.

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Just now, Nobody Knows Me said:

I actually haven’t seen anyone who went give any negative feedback aside from the late arrivals. I pray that she won’t cancel my show, I need to see her live at least once.

Exactly!  I've read reviews from those that were hesitant to go and weren't into this era, come away very impressed.  I know that I'm not the only one who has pointed this out for some time, but many have noticed, most of the people complaining about the tour are those who haven't gone.  This would include me to some capacity as I have complained about the late time starts, but even that hasn't deterred fans and they still come out excited to share how great it was. 


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2 hours ago, Alan Leggate said:

It's fine not to have to like everything she does. I enjoyed the Drowned World Tour, but I loved the Re-Invention tour so much I went to see it 4 times.

True, everyone is entitled to their opinion. And yes, the Re-Invention Tour was great. My favourite tours this century are the Confessions Tour and the MDNA Tour. Both tours also had their fair share of detractors, especially the MDNA Tour, but I loved them anyway.

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Guest Nobody Knows Me
4 hours ago, Ashley said:

Madame X is something which needs a plot and storyline to drive it. The set list should have been more Madame X material and old tracks which fit into the Madame X story/manifesto (ones which come to mind are 'Words' from Erotica, 'Frozen' from ROL) and takes the audience on a  journey. 

God Control is a song which would be better further down the set list when more about Madame X's journey is revealed. Being the big bang opener hasn't done the show or song any favours. Especially since it's the album track version, a slower acoustic version probably would have had far more impact in this show. 



I always thought Dark Ballet could’ve made a really good opening.

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No it's not her worst tour. It definetely should be seen b4 you judge, although to be fair they should all be seen first to be on an equal playing field.

Since something has to be in last place, I choose Reinvention even though that has a few great numbers like Nobody Knows Me.

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11 hours ago, MarXus said:

Exactly!  I've read reviews from those that were hesitant to go and weren't into this era, come away very impressed.  I know that I'm not the only one who has pointed this out for some time, but many have noticed, most of the people complaining about the tour are those who haven't gone.  This would include me to some capacity as I have complained about the late time starts, but even that hasn't deterred fans and they still come out excited to share how great it was. 


I would love to go, I just really am priced out the market this tour because I am going to Florida in July for 2 weeks and the cost of that, is almost the same for me to go to London! I am gutted to be missing out on it, especially as it's the first one I've missed since 2001.  And I do love certain songs on the album. The late starts, don't bother me too much because as a person I am usually always running late. Although I do remember once being very late to a party and quoting one of her Rebel Heart being late speeches and it didn't go down well.... So I ain't do that again. Now I just copy Blanche from the Golden Girls and say "better late than....pregnant"!

I would have liked to have seen the theatre setting because I prefer indoor. One of reasons I didn't really enjoy MDNA was because it was a stadium and I really don't like stadium concerts.

I do feel sorry for Madonna on this tour, she is a perfectionist and I bet all these tiny-major f**k ups that we know about must have zapped her energy and enjoyment, so for her to go out each night and do it with such gusto is amazing.

I don't think the God Control opening will be a "big" statement as it was in America, and most Brits agree that they should be banned and aren't really at all familiar with Bill of Amendments etc. 

I just hope some department store hurries up and makes a copy of that Versace costume/cloak thing because I love that.

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I saw it in New York in September and didn’t like it. The narrative that everyone who’s criticising it hasn’t seen it is simply not true. 

As Alan states: it’s absolutely fine to not like absolutely everything she does. For me, yes, this is her worst tour in terms of cohesion, setlist, creativity - the lot. And I’m far from someone who is put off by a setlist that isn’t full of hits. Indeed, the Re-invention Tour is one of my least favourites. I do appreciate narrative cohesion when encountering a less-hit-heavy setlist, though, and, much like the era itself, I don’t believe the show has any. The whole story/concept of Madame X is jumbled at best and a pretentious mess at worst. With this being a theatre show, there was a real opportunity to put flesh on the bones of the concept. And they didn’t. At all. Plus, the vocoder effects throughout the entire show provide another barrier to the supposed intimacy that it was meant to encapsulate (alongside the tightly-scripted audience interactions and lack of deviance from the nightly setlist). 


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On 12/29/2019 at 5:12 PM, Ashley said:

Madame X is something which needs a plot and storyline to drive it. The set list should have been more Madame X material and old tracks which fit into the Madame X story/manifesto (ones which come to mind are 'Words' from Erotica, 'Frozen' from ROL) and takes the audience on a  journey. 

God Control is a song which would be better further down the set list when more about Madame X's journey is revealed. Being the big bang opener hasn't done the show or song any favours. Especially since it's the album track version, a slower acoustic version probably would have had far more impact in this show. 



Maddy would NEVER think about adding most of her songs because for her the only songs that seem to always be iconic would be:

Holiday, into the groove, vogue, like a prayer, human nature and candyshop... and like a virgin lol


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The videos and tour needed to have a story line ! With the Medellin video we all thought there was gonna be a story line with the following videos. You know, Madame X escape from her past and get married, but just after her wedding she goes away (fear of her past ? Trying to escape some old demons ?)... she should have had a real story line concept in mind while making the album, then choose the order of the singles according to the story line and then bring the story on stage for the Madame X tour. She started to tell a story with the Medellin video and then it went nowhere. In the end Madame X is this and that but not a real concept. It's easy and lazy to say Madame X is an equestrian when she rides a horse on a video or Madame X is a dancer when she dances. So Madame X is a disco dancer in Sorry, Madame X is a cowgirl in Don't tell me, Madame X is a soldier in American life... wowww, what an elaborate concept !

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1 hour ago, TonyMontana said:

The videos and tour needed to have a story line ! With the Medellin video we all thought there was gonna be a story line with the following videos. You know, Madame X escape from her past and get married, but just after her wedding she goes away (fear of her past ? Trying to escape some old demons ?)... she should have had a real story line concept in mind while making the album, then choose the order of the singles according to the story line and then bring the story on stage for the Madame X tour. She started to tell a story with the Medellin video and then it went nowhere. In the end Madame X is this and that but not a real concept. It's easy and lazy to say Madame X is an equestrian when she rides a horse on a video or Madame X is a dancer when she dances. So Madame X is a disco dancer in Sorry, Madame X is a cowgirl in Don't tell me, Madame X is a soldier in American life... wowww, what an elaborate concept !

After hearing and seeing Medellin, I thought we'd see a storyline take place in the theatre production too. She could have really played out a more elaborate spy story. It sounds like a super show regardless. I have no doubt I'd love it especially after reading reviews from fans here. 

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