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The Biopic.. Which years should it cover?


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So, in recent years the biopic genre of film was highly successful. And obviously Madonna and Diablo Cody will do their best to keep that going.

Bohemian Rhapsody and Rocketman tell stories of Queen (15 years of career, 1970-1985) and Elton John (25 years of career, from childhood up until the early 90s) - NOT the complete stories. I assume Madonna's will probably be similar in that way.

Which years do you think her biopic should cover?

I feel like she wants to ignore anything Guy Ritchie, so maybe from birth up until her first pregnancy and newfound spirituality? And because there isn't anything really groundbreaking past Ray of Light that needs to be squeezed in a 2 hour movie.

Any thoughts??

PS. I think she's going to keep the title 'Blond Ambition' that was supposedly in works without her permition a few years back.

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Personally, and if she's indeed doing some sort of biopic, I would prefer if she'd stick to the pre-Madonna/The First Album years (leading up to the album release in the end).

I think it's way too soon to do a full-on biopic and this way her most unknown years would be shed a light on, because the rest the whole world already knows anyway. I want to see the egg movie thing, her relationship with Basquiat, the mysterious trip to Paris... etc.

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17 minutes ago, Dito said:

Personally, and if she's indeed doing some sort of biopic, I would prefer if she'd stick to the pre-Madonna/The First Album years (leading up to the album release in the end).

I think it's way too soon to do a full-on biopic and this way her most unknown years would be shed a light on, because the rest the whole world already knows anyway. I want to see the egg movie thing, her relationship with Basquiat, the mysterious trip to Paris... etc.

I thought that at first, but then it wouldn’t include a lot of her biggest most iconic hits such as Like a Prayer and Vogue. I think you want to show a younger audience why she is a legend and an icon and for that you have to include the height of her success. Otherwise people would think why are we watching a film about a struggling dancer and singer/songwriter. 
I would say they should go up to the early 90’s, maybe with the release of the Immaculate Collection. 
Or alternatively you could end it with the birth of Lourdes and her winning the Golden Globe for Evita. That would show how becoming a mom healed the pain from her mom’s death. 

Edited by Glindathegood (see edit history)
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4 minutes ago, Glindathegood said:

Otherwise people would think why are we watching a film about a struggling dancer and singer/songwriter.

This is actually the reason why I would LOVE if she not only did that, but the marketing for the film wouldn't mention it's Madonna's story. It would be such a trip for the viewers to find out later that it was a true story. haha

But yeah, that's not gonna happen. And you're probably right as she was talking about either the WTG or BAT corset on an Instagram video a few days ago.

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2 minutes ago, Dito said:

This is actually the reason why I would LOVE if she not only did that, but the marketing for the film wouldn't mention it's Madonna's story. It would be such a trip for the viewers to find out later that it was a true story. haha

But yeah, that's not gonna happen. And you're probably right as she was talking about either the WTG or BAT corset on an Instagram video a few days ago.

But if they did that it would be too similiar to the TV movie and the Breakfast Club docudrama. I think they want to separate themselves from those and just not repeat the same material in a more high budget manner. 

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1 hour ago, GhostOrchid said:

And because there isn't anything really groundbreaking past Ray of Light that needs to be squeezed in a 2 hour movie.

Any thoughts??

I think her philanthropy work is one of the most important things she has ever done.

I understand they cant fit everything in, so it may be an end credit thing where they list what that person been pursuing over the years.

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Hard to know as there is so much to cover that could be really interesting. I would love it to concentrate on her moving to New York and getting her break  - when she did the interview in 1998 on MTV with Rupert Evererett it was fascinating when she went back to her old haunts in New York before she made it big and had no money. But also love it to cover the 90's from Blond Ambition through to Ray of Light I think that was such a fascinating period for her creatively, artistically and the relationship with the media like a roller coaster really

I would not mind if it does not cover the last 10 years from MDNA onwards but depending what she wanted to share it could still be something I would want watch 

Edited by MDNA22 (see edit history)
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Guest Nobody Knows Me

Preferably I’d like for it to cover her early days and her rise to fame, but the backlash to SEX and Erotica would also be interesting to see. 

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I would love if they covered everything till Confessions but there's no way for them to cram that in a 2 hour movie. I don't want her pre-debut plot to be rushed as that's what people will be most interested in since we don't know all the details. 

I still wonder how she'll portray Sean - will she reveal the abuse or tone it down for his sake? 

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I actually think she needs to lay the ground work for this film. I think as fans we think her catalogue and releases will get a bump post film but the truth is she needs to utlize her catalogue before the movie to try and get the public on side so they'll go and see the film. This film is gonna be one of the most important projects to her personally that she has ever put her name to. If it flops she'll be heartbroken. Her journey and lifes work and the story of that is everything she has been working towards. There is a lot riding on this. 

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5 hours ago, Enrico said:

Pre-Madonna years with a few fkasforwards to include some of her hits. It doesn't have to be a documentary.

Yes that could work. I wouldn’t mind if she stuck to the early 80s as long as they fit in some of the later hits into the soundtrack. The soundtrack also needs some new songs perhaps done in an 80s new wave style. 

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Pre-fame years to Blond Ambition would be the only real period that would create an interesting story on film. Madonna's career has been one that (luckily for her) is one without any real tragedy, without addiction, and without massive public feuds, so beyond making a biopic of the years she ruled the industry, it would be rather uninteresting to the general viewer. 

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4 hours ago, Nahual said:

Ideally everything from the  80's and maybe the early 90's, but I hope they won't touch on anything post-Music.

I think it would depend on whether it is a regular 2 hour movie or a longer series on Netflix for example. If there’s more time then there’s nothing wrong with covering later times. But if it’s only 2 hours you need to compress the time covered so you don’t rush through things too quickly. 

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The first years would be interesting to watch. She will show people how it was then in New York, true artists befriending one another, drawing on each other's clothes, writing lyrics for one another. Then she should show the AIDS years through her eyes. The friends she lost, the shit she got for standing up for them. Truth is I want to see little of the success stories. I want to see the personal moments that scarred her. The climax/ ending has to be Blond Ambition or the film will be too long. Otherwise I'm dying to see her around Erotica struggles. With scenes of her reading headlines that compared her to Satan or writing that letter where she was mentioning Whitney Houston I think and Sharon Stone and how she is better but people only love them. And Tupac leaving her basically because she is white. Hope she can fit all that and probably end with the recognition of Ray of Light and end just before the dawn of the new century. The anticipation of a new time that only we know now if it is better or not :tongue: Finally, the credits must begin with a big new song, just to sweep some awards. Been some time since the last Globe, time for another one.

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I think it ends with either The Virgin Tour or Blond Ambition Tour. Both moments were huge and one signaled her global popularity and the other was defining what it means to be a pop star and an artist/performer.

Ideally though, I wish it covers her whole career and features multiple actors like Moonlight movie. 

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22 hours ago, steady75 said:

I actually think she needs to lay the ground work for this film. I think as fans we think her catalogue and releases will get a bump post film but the truth is she needs to utlize her catalogue before the movie to try and get the public on side so they'll go and see the film. This film is gonna be one of the most important projects to her personally that she has ever put her name to. If it flops she'll be heartbroken. Her journey and lifes work and the story of that is everything she has been working towards. There is a lot riding on this. 

My thoughts exactly. I think that's one of the reasons she is back at Warner. She needs full support on this one.

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