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Rumor : New album / Update page 23

Redha DBL

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21 minutes ago, steady75 said:

She’s an amazing mother. I don’t think any one can question that. Do we fall out with our mothers or disagree with their decisions for us when we think we know better.. yes. For someone who never had a mother herself her compassion and investment in her kids in both time and energy is astounding.

Yes they are well provided for and have staff but they have her with them all the time. How many of us working class kids had loving caring parents who we simply didn’t get to see very much growing up because they were out working their asses off to put food in our mouths?

She educated them, exposes them to art and life and experiences and challenges their opinions and if Rocco takes exception to that or just misses his dad and wants to share his living situation between both of them it’s a) none of my damn business and b) perfectly normal for a young man to want to be around his main role model. His father. Madonna grew up with one parent, why should Rocco?

Her kids all seem bloody amazing and so different. Mercy James melts my heart. 


I’m not sure why or how I quoted you. Sorry. 

This is so true. 
Thank you

(you can quote me every time you want it darling)

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Guest DeeperDeeper
3 hours ago, madenis said:

I guess being Madonna's child is safier than living in poverty and abandonment

GIven that two of her adopted children still have living relatives, you can't say they were abandoned when you know the reasons they were living in the orphanage. 



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Guest DeeperDeeper
18 hours ago, steady75 said:

I’m pretty sure Madonna went to watch Kate at the Hammersmith Apollo to be fair. 

She did apparently, but did she learn anything or be inspired? I think she might have.  

Would the creative crowd she's had around since 2007 be happy with her being influenced by someone else and not being able to have things go their way? Absolutely not. Hence why we are having this discussion today. 



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22 hours ago, Blue Prince said:

So let's see what she should be doing. She should have minimum interventions on her face and body, so she doesn't look like a caricature but she also looks as sexy as she was at 47, pretty easy yeah. Change her looks for her fans who want a queen of reinvention but also not change her hair color to pink or wear grills and also not wear any wigs because they are a safe cheap choice. Then she should date a man her age who looks like crap but of course his music is good and he is a man so he can afford to look like crap and never date a hot dancer she can get anytime because she looks desperate and because her fans are jealous they can't get a man like that. She should age gracefully and start wearing gowns and sing ballads but she should also give her other fans sexy bops and be disco queen again. The real issue I see is in fans' heads and expectations. Find a successful female artist her age who does all that and then tell Madonna to go take notes.

Kylie Minogue.

Disco album. Gorgeous gowns. Gorgeous man who is around her age etc etc

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I'm not here to dictate on Madonna's men but it is safe and fair to claim that the woman has always been a sponge (and not only with lovers btw) so I think that's where the "problem" lies, one could think she'd known better than "suck the energy" of a 20 something and start to behave like a dumb-grillz-weed-trap gal when she's 60 and had the most privileged life with access to everything in a finger's snap. But each to their own, there's nothing wrong to be that it's just weird and unsettling because we know where she's been before. It feels like a step back.

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If you’ve never had a substantially younger partner I highly recommended it. By 38 the guys my own age came with too much baggage, were stuck in their ways and had bizarrely limited points of view. 
The right younger partner reinvigorates your belief in love and living and the ability to grow and change. They also tend to be more open to advice. If anyone thinks Madonna is bending to the will of her younger I’d probably dispute that. We know this woman. She doesn’t bend to the will of man. She plays the role sometime but when it comes down to it she’s in control and it doesn’t even mean there’s a power struggle. If anything she might not be challenged on her decisions enough by him. I think being challenged by your partner forms part of a good partnership. 
I think she just likes trolling us more often than not which is super annoying.

I think her new beau seems sweet tbh. The kids seem to like him and he seems chill. 

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Hi All!

Like a lot of fans lately I do not understand her, and I am in a love/hate relationship with her at the moment.

But the only thing that it matters to me is to know if she is happy. We do not know that, but if she is happy with all her choices, that's fine with me. We should never forget how many things she has done to entertain us during the last 4 decades, and she is still there. 

She might not be the best at taking care of her legacy or her social media, but we should never forget how amazing her career has been.

Let's try to focus on the topic of this thread, her possible collaboration with Pat. I am not extremely excited about this, as we know that usually her collaborations with previous producers have not been as great as the first one, but maybe with Pat that could be different... who knows?

I guess all this time looking back has maybe inspired her to go back to her roots. It will be interesting to hear a collaboration with Pat again, but I would love her to work with other new people, like as someone said, Brian Eno.

She just needs to focus on her creativity side and stop trying to sound like the rest of artists and stop all these featurings.


But once again, if she happy making that type of music I am happy. I can always revisit other albums and enjoy them. She is an artist and that's her evolution, if I don't like Madame X, I don't have the right to say she is downgrading her art, she is simply evolving into a different type of artist. We are all growing, and she can't please all of us.

I just want her to be happy, she deserves it.


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Guest DeeperDeeper
1 hour ago, steady75 said:

If you’ve never had a substantially younger partner I highly recommended it. By 38 the guys my own age came with too much baggage, were stuck in their ways and had bizarrely limited points of view. 
The right younger partner reinvigorates your belief in love and living and the ability to grow and change. They also tend to be more open to advice.

Nah. I find that working class boys whatever age are always top value. 

The only time I've seen a intergenerational couple work is when both partners have the same maturity level and outlook.

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2 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

Kylie Minogue.

Disco album. Gorgeous gowns. Gorgeous man who is around her age etc etc

I love Kylie. But sorry, Madonna still sells better than her because she still has an effect on the US market as with the rest of the world. Disco will hardly reach even Madame X's half a million copies. M could take notes on how to churn out albums often like Kylie though, but unfortunately she has like six kids more. As for the man, won't even comment on that. When it comes to the music, men are out of the picture. Try listening to Taylor Swift instead.

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Typically I’d agree with the “her private relationships are her business”

and they are. 
I have personally never had a problem with people discussing her relationships. This is a very specific fan forum and not a general discussion board of celebrities in general. It’s not Instagram Facebook or Twitter where she trends or can be deliberately targeted. It’s not a think piece on an online publication, entertainment section or local rag. 
It’s hard core fans who have likely followed every minute of her life and career. There IS a differentiation here.

Romantic Relationships, whilst I don’t find particularly interesting part of the Madonna brand will always be of interest to the fan base because we know historically they often fall into her professional career, whether it be a musical pairing, a film project, a magazine spread or someone who is featured in her documentaries. Madonna has always invited us into her personal world. Even in recent years her boyfriends have been part of her work and she continues to align herself with them in front of the camera. I would probably say more than any other legit megastar I know. 

Madonna is a cultural, feminist and gay icon. Choices and alliances in her personal life have a direct correlation to understanding who she is and what she stands for. Her alignment with the gay and black community in particular. 
I think it’s naive to think otherwise.

Her children on the other hand, I have reservations about. They have no choice in the matter. Yes she over exposes them to us but in some way maybe that’s her way of protecting them. I don’t know it’s something I’d like to steer clear on commenting on too much. They too have been politicised in many ways through the media. But I think the kids deserve more respect. Her partners... they’re fair game for commentary in a forum like this for sure. As long as it’s respectful and doesn’t lurk behind walls of misogyny, racism or ageism I’m good. 

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Guest DeeperDeeper
45 minutes ago, deathproof said:

I’m sorry, but this is such a silly thing to say


Yes and no. It is nobody's business, at the same time as long time Madonna fans, we've seen patterns evolve (especially since 2007) and can suss something isn't right. So it's not unreasonable for us to discuss as long as we remember we don't control her life and she has free will to do what she pleases. 





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I believe that we can describe two different categories of artists: the ones who have a 'normal life' and the ones who are intrinsically restless and hunger for life. We can take Antonio Canova as a model for the first category: he was successful, he had his own workshop and he was appreciated by sovereigns. After all he had a normal life, just because he guided his artistic instincts rationally and pragmatically. On the other hand we can take Vincent Van Gogh as an example: as everybody knows, he had a restless life, he lived in lots of cities and he was never satisfied with his life and his art. Artists who belong to the second category need to feel connected with their inner self, with the universe, they need to find the inner sense of their life and they live art viscerally: that's why they feel the necessity of being always challenged by society, by their loved ones and it explains why they travel frequently and try everything. But the most important thing about this kind of artists is that they need to feel loved and appreciated to be able to create something astonishing. Artists who belong to the first category carry out their project no matter how they feel: they want to fulfill the contract and then move on. 

Said that, I believe that our beloved singer belongs to the second category, so the quality of her projects mirrors how much happy she was when she made them. If it was confirmed she is working with Leonard, I wouldn't be surprised at all, because, before being a producer, he is a friend for her (let's be honest, they had a long term partnership and lyrically their songs are stellar, so it would be reasonable she came back to collaborate with him). 

In conclusion, I don't give a damn about her relationships: if she's happy and satisfied with her life, her contract and the freedom the label gives her, it's enough for me. (sorry, I'm quite wordy, I know it) 

Edited by Loki (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, steady75 said:

If anyone thinks Madonna is bending to the will of her younger I’d probably dispute that. We know this woman. She doesn’t bend to the will of man. She plays the role sometime but when it comes down to it she’s in control and it doesn’t even mean there’s a power struggle.

Have you been to her home or how do you know? I’m not saying you are wrong but we can’t know whether you’re right either. 
Sometimes I feel as if here fans like to project something on her that they wish they were themselves. It’s the same with sex, many of her fans think she’s a machine in bed and has very hot and very good sex quite regularly. She’s said herself she’d rather read a book than having sex. So we don’t know whether all of this isn’t merely an image she likes to sell. And she’s sold it well. 
When it comes to her choice of men all we can say is that there is a huge difference between her choice of men post Ritchie and prior. Sean, Warren, Guy were all so different from the men she’s dating today. Maybe she’s learned her lesson well and that this is not the right type of guy for her. But then again, her recent relationships haven’t had the greatest longevity either. 

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