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Leona Helmsley

Leona Helmsley

@McDonna Yes dolly and k dont sold albums like before.... not even madonna to be honest... but new generation yes they do it and numbers at the end are important....M is the first to say she sold 400 million and the fans the first to write them everywhere so at the end number are important and if you think that rihanna have more than 380 million certification.... Taylor 270... and drake near 500 million....

Leona Helmsley

Leona Helmsley

@McDonna Yes dolly and k dont sold albums like before.... not even madonna to be honest... but new generation yes they do it and numbers at the end are important....M is the first to say she sold 400 million and the fans the first to write them everywhere so at the end number are important and of you think that rihanna have more than 380 million certification.... Taylor 270... and drake near 500 million....

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