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Will the tours prior to Sticky ever be released on blu-ray?

Lucas B.

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I don't think so. It'd be so great but musical/concert Blurays and DVDs are disappearing with time.

I don't remember when I last saw a music video compilation being released as physical media. Or even concerts.

Streaming is killing it. Music videos are on Youtube, concerts on streaming services, it's like the greatest hits concept.

In terms of quality that's the worst thing ever.

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I don't know about blu-ray, but if some streaming service get interested in it, maybe we will be seeing it in HD someday... It kinda already happened with TCT, but instead of a streaming service it was a TV channel. So...

Hope is a dangerous thing for a boy like me to have but i have it. :dead:

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4 minutes ago, rog said:

I don't know about blu-ray, but if some streaming service get interested in it, maybe we will be seeing it in HD someday... It kinda already happened with TCT, but instead of a streaming service it was a TV channel. So...

Hope is a dangerous thing for a boy like me to have but i have it. :dead:

Wish they didn't cut some parts of the CT on TV, if they didn't we would already have a full HD version of it.


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Even if not in the foreseeable future, at some point I do envisage the ‘return’ or revitalization of physical visual media such as Blu Ray/4K - even for collectible reasons. Vinyl and cassette tapes returned and do garner enough attention to warrant record companies playing ball. Sure, they are fairly limited and niche, but nostalgia plus record companies wanting to capitalize on this are likely to lead to ‘collectors box set’ of some/all tours at some point. Even a phased limited edition release of single titles will be on the cards. Sadly, it’s just a waiting game. 

Bob Dylan is releasing a 5 CD set of unreleased songs from the 80s. Yes this is audio, but there is - and always will be - money on the table for physical releases. I think in the coming years/soon when streaming is ‘saturated’ there could be push back towards physical media. When artists want a bigger cut of the financial pie, when audiences tire of streaming fees and platforms losing rights to whatever films/shows… Even the latest story of Scarlet Johansson suing Disney for the Black Widow release points at a future in streaming not being smooth sailing for media producers or artists. Madonna - I’d hope - would be paying attention to this  

I’d wager that M’s pride at not wanting to ‘look backwards’ has held up some of these HD releases alongside rights issues etc behind the scenes, but hopefully things will start to change sooner rather than later. 

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7 hours ago, Lucas B. said:

Wish they didn't cut some parts of the CT on TV, if they didn't we would already have a full HD version of it.



7 hours ago, rog said:

yes, I agree :ag:




(honeymoon is her best album fight  me:Madonna016:


I wish they would make albums out of her tours up to RIT

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Well the recent Prince box sets all come with DVD's or Blurays. So maybe we will get The Virgin Tour DVD included with a Like a Virgin boxset. Or Confessions Tour Bluray with a COADF boxset. I think these kind of limited collectors releases are more likely.

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16 hours ago, wtg1987 said:

I don’t think girlie show or drowned world were filmed in HD but confessions tour London and Paris RIT were - although there is a debate whether the full Paris RIT was filmed ( I think it was ) why they have never been released on blu ray is a mystery but I would love them ?

I feel there must be an issue with Paris RIT Footage or it just wasn't good enough since a HUGE chunk of IGTTYAS is actually the Lisbon show.

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On 8/6/2021 at 4:35 PM, brank000 said:

I feel there must be an issue with Paris RIT Footage or it just wasn't good enough since a HUGE chunk of IGTTYAS is actually the Lisbon show.

Is it? I thought only one tiny bit of Vogue was from Lisbon. They even had to colour the corset differently as she wore the golden one in Lisbon and the lilac one in Paris. I doubt they’d go through all the trouble for more than one shot. 

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3 hours ago, ShantiAshtangi said:

Is it? I thought only one tiny bit of Vogue was from Lisbon. They even had to colour the corset differently as she wore the golden one in Lisbon and the lilac one in Paris. I doubt they’d go through all the trouble for more than one shot. 

I thought it was only part of Vogue too until I went through and tried to make a full versions of all of the songs using Lisbon to fill in the blanks and realized that at least half of Nobody Knows Me is Lisbon as well as huge chunks of American Life, Music and Holiday.

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On 8/7/2021 at 7:05 AM, chipie said:

Mariah released a concert from Tokyo on bluray. I think it's 1998 butterfly tour 

So why not??? 

Isn’t that because that concert was shot on film?

I think those early Madonna concerts were shot on tape which means the maximum quality will be SD only.

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27 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

Isn’t that because that concert was shot on film?

I think those early Madonna concerts were shot on tape which means the maximum quality will be SD only.

Someone posted somewhere on this forum that some shows were shot on tape, but most of them were shot on film. 

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I found the post I was talking about. 

Originally posted by @scion


The existing recorded mediums are as follows:


VT- HD/4k possible, film (? 16 or 35mm)

WTG - SD 4:3

BAT - SD 4:3 and HD:4K (35mm)

GS - SD 4:3

DWT - SD 4:3 (unreleased Barcelona show presumably also same)

RIT - both HD/4K 35mm film and SD 4:3 

CT - HD Film 35mm

S&S - HD Film 35mm

MDNA - Digital HD

Rebel Heart - Digital HD 


So a 4K is possible yet unlikely for VT, BAT, RIT, CT and S&S. Presumably also MDNA and RHT As I find it hard to believe they show digital as 1080i/p.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Most of the 20th century concerts released on Blu-ray were theatrical presentations originally. If it wasn't released in cinemas, then it's probably not that well known and not worth remastering in the eyes of the studio. Since none of Madonna's concerts was ever released in cinemas, I seriously doubt they will ever come to Blu-ray. The only exceptions to this that I've found are really popular artists like The Rolling Stones, whose non-theatrical concerts benefited by being shot on film. Most of Madonna's old shows were shot on video, so no HD. I've read that the Virgin Tour was shot on film, but too few people are gonna care about that one. It was fine, but one of her weaker tours. Mainly the hardcore would buy it, which isn't enough for the studio. We also don't know if the original materials are even still accessible and complete. Some people claim the whole Blonde Ambition show is still on film somewhere, but if it was ever going to be used, it would have happened already. It's very rare for shows to be released for the first time so long after they were filmed. Queen Rock Montreal for example, which the band member(s) produced partly because they weren't relevant anymore. I also am aware that Confessions was shot in HD, but again, not released in cinemas and not rock music, so it probably won't happen.

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8 hours ago, Warm Gun said:

I also am aware that Confessions was shot in HD, but again, not released in cinemas and not rock music, so it probably won't happen.

True, but it did have theatrical showings throughout Canada 1-2 weeks before the DVD was released. I don't think movie theatres would be showing it from a DVD. It was amazing to see on the big screen in Toronto.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/9/2021 at 12:48 AM, Fabiolous said:

I found the post I was talking about. 

Originally posted by @scion


The existing recorded mediums are as follows:


VT- HD/4k possible, film (? 16 or 35mm)

WTG - SD 4:3

BAT - SD 4:3 and HD:4K (35mm)

GS - SD 4:3

DWT - SD 4:3 (unreleased Barcelona show presumably also same)

RIT - both HD/4K 35mm film and SD 4:3 

CT - HD Film 35mm

S&S - HD Film 35mm

MDNA - Digital HD

Rebel Heart - Digital HD 


So a 4K is possible yet unlikely for VT, BAT, RIT, CT and S&S. Presumably also MDNA and RHT As I find it hard to believe they show digital as 1080i/p.

Guuuurlll I can't believe GS was filmed only in SD quality. We need this gem in HD!

I hope at least BAT, RIT and CT get to see the daylight in pristine HD as we deserve

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On 8/22/2021 at 6:25 PM, Warm Gun said:


Most of the 20th century concerts released on Blu-ray were theatrical presentations originally. If it wasn't released in cinemas, then it's probably not that well known and not worth remastering in the eyes of the studio. Since none of Madonna's concerts was ever released in cinemas, I seriously doubt they will ever come to Blu-ray. The only exceptions to this that I've found are really popular artists like The Rolling Stones, whose non-theatrical concerts benefited by being shot on film. Most of Madonna's old shows were shot on video, so no HD. I've read that the Virgin Tour was shot on film, but too few people are gonna care about that one. It was fine, but one of her weaker tours. Mainly the hardcore would buy it, which isn't enough for the studio. We also don't know if the original materials are even still accessible and complete. Some people claim the whole Blonde Ambition show is still on film somewhere, but if it was ever going to be used, it would have happened already. It's very rare for shows to be released for the first time so long after they were filmed. Queen Rock Montreal for example, which the band member(s) produced partly because they weren't relevant anymore. I also am aware that Confessions was shot in HD, but again, not released in cinemas and not rock music, so it probably won't happen.

Well since they've already announced box sets are coming I can imagine they may include that stuff in there. The demand is there for physical collectors items with Madonna.

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