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20 hours ago, Andymad said:

I'm still amazed at how amazing the Don't Cry For Me Argentina remix is.  Has she ever recorded new vocals for a remix ever?  Like this was an entirely new recording with Nikki and Donna wasn't it?

I believe she re-recorded vocals for Love Profusion Headleanr Rock Mix too. 


But yeah - The DCFMA remixes were pure perfection. I much prefer the full remix with the dramatic ending but the edit is still good too. 



3 hours ago, Andymad said:

I'm still amazed at how amazing the Don't Cry For Me Argentina remix is.  Has she ever recorded new vocals for a remix ever?  Like this was an entirely new recording with Nikki and Donna wasn't it?

I believe she re-recorded vocals for Love Profusion Headleanr Rock Mix too. 


But yeah - The DCFMA remixes weren't pure perfection. I much prefer the full remix with the dramatic ending but the edit is still good too. 

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