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beyonce fans are too busy supporting beyonce why would they support madonna ? Madonna fans be busy bashing madonna to death and not supporting her new remixes and supporting beyonce more than madonna because she has done a commercial album etc i dont know what happened to madonnas fan base but i think it comes from her not doing what they want her to do and the sad thing is the more they demand things of her the more she wont do them so we will never get a ray of light part 2 or a confessions part two ! Im confused as to how and why she has not recorded a solo song with no collabs etc she was in the studio why couldnt she have done that ! I dont think we will see another studio album from her for a very long time because she is under no obligation to make one ! We may get the odd song here and there though ! I cant help but wonder if she feels some of her fans are racist so this is why she does music with rappers etc etc to point the hypocrisy and racism out ! I do wonder if she likes us at at all lol 

she could easily make a great pop record she clearly still has it but it seems she does not want to after rebel heart which had great pop tracks ! 

she could have made a great solo track out of that synth used on material gworll now i bet some other artists will use it ! Didnt mike say he created that new synth for the record ?



beyonce fans are too busy supporting beyonce why would they support madonna ? Madonna fans be busy bashing madonna to death and not supporting her new remixes etc i dont know what happened to madonnas fan base but i think it comes from her not doing what they want her to do and the sad thing is the more they demand things of her the more she wont do them so we will never get a ray of light part 2 or a confessions part two ! Im confused as to how and why she has not recorded a solo song with no collabs etc she was in the studio why couldnt she have done that ! I dont think we will see another studio album from her for a very long time because she is under no obligation to make one ! We may get the odd song here and there though ! I cant help but wonder if she feels some of her fans are racist so this is why she does music with rappers etc etc to point the hypocrisy and racism out ! I do wonder if she likes us at at all lol 

she could easily make a great pop record she clearly still has it but it seems she does not want to after rebel heart which had great pop tracks ! 

she could have made a great solo track out of that synth used on material gworll now i bet some other artists will use it ! Didnt mike say he created that new synth for the record ?

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