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Finally Enough Love is currently tracking at Number 2 debut in UK


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49 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

Steps have been desperate for the number 1 position if it wasn't for the multiple editions and the signing appearances all around the UK i'm sure Madonna would have been number 1

Can you blame them for working extra hard for a #1? If you do more promotion, you have an advantage - and they just do their job.

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15 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

I wondered if they're holding back on despatch of the boxset for UK to contribute to week 2 sales maybe? that would also mean not a massive drop in the charts?

When I contacted UK store yesterday they said an email update would go out the end of the week for the boxset

I don't think it's that calculated really. Probably they just haven't received them yet. Also it would be very nasty to the loyal fans that pre-ordered it as soon as it was announced.

Let's pray they send them tomorrow or Thursday and contribute to this week's chart position.

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3 hours ago, cosmic_system said:

Madonna will be number 1on the European chart, something Kylie wasn’t with Disco (I believe, no shade to Kylie I love her). Who cares if she will be number 2 in the UK chart? For a remix collection (Steps have a less expensive and standard collection) number 2 is a great chart position since there was zero promo for it. 

Thank you! Infinity fans are literally impossible to please. 

Remix albums usually scores way, waaaaay lower, we should be happy that her name itself still sells, since there has been only very little promotion for FEL. But she still managed to get to no. 2 in UK, god damn it! 

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3 hours ago, Prayer said:

Joking. Steps deserve the #1 if they get it, they're working their a****s off to have it while Madonna is... well, on a boat in Italy.

And this how support from Madonna fans looks like in reality, you don’t won’t her to win, to have another number one of one of biggest market, to help her legacy to celebrate 40th anniversary. Madonna with her incredible music deserves number one, you want to support Steps( whoever they are) go to their fans forum. :bubblebitch:

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5 minutes ago, xavier said:

#2 is perfectly fine. Remember there’s nothing new on it, old remixes

That said it’s doing perfectly fine.

It’s deserves number one and nothing less, nothing new on it, yeah just like those Steps album, only different is Madonna’s remixes are history of 40 years of worldwide music!  

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Going by past examples I believe the 16 track and 50 track versions count as seperate albums anyway so they kind of scuppered their own chances from the get go since I imagine most people are streaming the 50 track and there are more variations of the 16 track. She'll finish at number 3 by the end of the week I would guess, not bad for an album of mostly old remixes

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Im Streaming both versions today on my phone but in background as im sick of thee remixes now sorry 😞 Steps getting to number 1 reminds me back of 1999 when s club 7 beat beautiful stranger to number 1 which was an absolute travesty imo

numbrr 2 is good though - it’s higher position than you can dance got and back in 87 she was way more popular 

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8 minutes ago, proxy said:

Yeah, very fucking funny, 645 streams in whole UK! :cry:

I know it's frustrating but if her and her team are not bothered or putting any effort into promoting it hurts me to say Steps deserve the number 1 they are working really hard to get it and they have an excellent marketing campaign


Madonna has had a very limited 6lp box set that can't even be delivered on time for fans, 4 variants of a standard vinyl and 1 standard cd, tbh its piss poor.


I would love to see her at the top but they have written their own Fado tbh

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2 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

I know it's frustrating but if her and her team are not bothered or putting any effort into promoting it hurts me to say Steps deserve the number 1 they are working really hard to get it and they have an excellent marketing campaign


Madonna has had a very limited 6lp box set that can't even be delivered on time for fans, 4 variants of a standard vinyl and 1 standard cd, tbh its piss poor.


I would love to see her at the top but they have written their own Fado tbh

So Madonna didn't work very hard for more than 40 years, right? And this great collection is 40 years of music history, I mean what for, for her fan's to give a shit about it with 645 stream in UK. For many years fans was bitching that Madonna do nothing for her legacy, now when she's doing you all don't care, but you will be here again bitching how she's flopping! I have no word's, I'm out!! 

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The sales of Steps album shot up after they appeared on This Morning yesterday. Until then Madonna was Number One on Amazon UK for CD/Vinyl, Pop and Box Sets. Does anyone know if the 16 track and 50 track are counted as the same album in the UK? I know a lot fans defend the artwork, but when you see it in the shops it looks really bad. It doesn't stand out and isn't attractive or appealing. I was sooooo disappointed when I saw the boxset CD and vinyl. It could have been epic. I think that will affect sales too. When I think back to the days of "Immaculate" and "Celebration" you walked into the store and they stood out instantly. The 50 track artwork is too cluttered and dull. It just blends into the background and gets lost amongst all the other artist's CDs. The 16 track is a bit better. But because it's b/w it doesn't stand out at all. All we can do is hope that Rhino report their online sales once a week rather than daily. Then maybe she'll get a nice boost before the end of the week. 

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20 minutes ago, proxy said:

So Madonna didn't work very hard for more than 40 years, right? And this great collection is 40 years of music history, I mean what for, for her fan's to give a shit about it with 645 stream in UK. For many years fans was bitching that Madonna do nothing for her legacy, now when she's doing you all don't care, but you will be here again bitching how she's flopping! I have no word's, I'm out!! 

It's not about not caring I've bought every physical format I can, I've been streaming all day since the weekend what else can you do? There weren't enough variants and she's not promoted like Steps

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4 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

It's not about not caring I've bought every physical format I can, I've been streaming all day since the weekend what else can you do? There weren't enough variants and she's not promoted like Steps

Nothing, you can do nothing more, just like many fans do nothing & they even proud about it, we can only wait and hope that something good will happen and Madonna will have album one in very decade from 80s on UK chart. 

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