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I don't believe it myself, but let's say that rumour is true (lol)... why wouldn't she do a setlist like that? Tickets go on sale long before we know anything about the show and that stadium audience won't know what hit them until the show is over. She's never been particularly interested in doing a crowd pleasing show in the first place, so here's hoping something along those lines will actually happen.

With her touring reputation in the toilet, the thing that has me frowning upon that stadium tour idea is if she'll actually be able to sell enough tickets. She'll do whatever she wants as usual, but filling a massive venue is a completely different thing.



I don't believe it myself, but let's say that rumour is true (lol)... why wouldn't she do a setlist like that? Tickets go on sale long before we know anything about the show and that stadium audience won't know what hit them until the show is over. She's never been particularly interested in doing a crowd pleasing show in the first place, so here's hoping something along those lines will actually happen.

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