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I don't get the hostility to it?  Why can't we just be happy, another one of her songs is getting recognized?  I will admit that it's hardly my favorite song, but I get it.  What's going viral is very catchy.  I have to agree with @Frank, I hope it's the demo that is released, maybe alongside the official version of Madame X.  I listen to both version back to back, and both are good in their own way, but there is something to the demo that just sounds better.  Some of the vocal effects on the MX version seems a bit much.   Whatever the case, I'm happy to see another song of hers is catching on.  Those who go on making this about "tweens" horrible taste, may want to consider the age of those you see in these videos or uploading a vidoo using her song. They are hardly tweens.

I also think she may have made a video to it and that's what she was referring to in her Instagram post.  Her playing the drums alludes to it.  We'll have to see though. 

4 hours ago, moloko said:

they are joking right?? it needs to be uploaded NOW, while it's viral, not in the month. as usual her team is useless. 😒

While I understand what you are getting at, it's not as easy as you make it.  There is a process to this, even for huge musicians like Madonna.  If you recall, Madonna's demos from Rebel Heart started leaking November of 2014 and by Christmas, practically every song she recorded for that era, leaked.  As she even stated by then, much of the industry is shutting down for the holidays and that's why up until recently we rarely saw new music releases happening by mid December.  Madonna said, she had to call in some favors or such to get those 6 early tracks up on Apple.  So if it's true, that 'Back that up to the beat' is being released on Jan 13th, that's a much earlier response to what's gone viral compared to the viral Frozen mix.  It's easy to say, "but she's Madonna, she can get this done", but it's easier said than done.  I think @GregVsMatt can attest to that as well.   



I don't get the hostility to it?  Why can't we just be happy, another one of her songs is getting recognized?  I will admit that it's hardly my favorite song, but I get it.  What's going viral is very catchy.  I have to agree with @Frank, I hope it's the demo that is released, maybe alongside the official version of Madame X.  I listen to both version back to back, and both are good in their own way, but there is something to the demo that just sounds better.  Some of the vocal effects on the MX version seems a bit much.   Whatever the case, I'm happy to see another song of hers is catching on.  Those who go on making this about "tweens" horrible taste, may want to consider the age of those you see in these videos or uploading a vidoo using her song. They are hardly tweens.

I also think she may have made a video to it and that's what she was referring to in her Instagram post.  Her playing the drums alludes to it.  We'll have to see though. 

4 hours ago, moloko said:

they are joking right?? it needs to be uploaded NOW, while it's viral, not in the month. as usual her team is useless. 😒

While I understand what you are getting at, it's not as easy as you make it.  There is a process to this, even for huge musicians like Madonna.  If you recall, Madonna's demos from Rebel Heart started leaking November of 2014 and by Christmas, practically every song she recorded for that era, leaked.  As she even stated by then, much of the industry is shutting down for the holidays and that's why up until recently we rarely saw new music releases happening by mid December.  Madonna said, she had to call in some favors or such to get those 6 early tracks up on Apple.  So if it's true, that 'Back that up to the beat' is being released on Jan 13th, that's a much earlier response to it then with the viral Frozen mixes.  It's easy to say, "but she's Madonna, she can get this done", but it's easier said than done.  I think @GregVsMatt can attest to that as well.   



I don't get the hostility to it?  Why can't we just be happy, another one of her songs is getting recognized?  I will admit that it's hardly my favorite song, but I get it.  What's going viral is very catchy.  I have to agree with @Frank, I hope it's the demo that is released, maybe alongside the official version of Madame X.  I listen to both version back to back, and both are good in their own way, but there is something to the demo that just sounds better.  Some of the vocal effects on the MX version seems a bit much.   Whatever the case, I'm happy to see another song of hers is catching on.  Those go on making this about "tweens" horrible taste.  You might want to consider the age of most people you see in these video using her song. They are hardly tweens.

I also think she may have made a video to it and that's what she was referring to in her Instagram post.  Her playing the drums alludes to it.  We'll have to see though. 

4 hours ago, moloko said:

they are joking right?? it needs to be uploaded NOW, while it's viral, not in the month. as usual her team is useless. 😒

While I understand what you are getting at, it's not as easy as you make it.  There is a process to this, even for huge musicians like Madonna.  If you recall, Madonna's demos from Rebel Heart started leaking November of 2014 and by Christmas, practically every song she recorded for that era, leaked.  As she even stated by then, much of the industry is shutting down for the holidays and that's why up until recently we rarely saw new music releases happening by mid December.  Madonna said, she had to call in some favors or such to get those 6 early tracks up on Apple.  So if it's true, that 'Back that up to the beat' is being released on Jan 13th, that's a much earlier response to it then with the viral Frozen mixes.  It's easy to say, "but she's Madonna, she can get this done", but it's easier said than done.  I think @GregVsMatt can attest to that as well.   



I don't get the hostility to it?  Why can't we just be happy, another one of her songs is getting recognize?  I will admit that it's hardly my favorite song, but I get it.  What's going viral is very viral.  I have to agree with @Frank, I hope it's the demo that is released, maybe alongside the official version of Madame X.  I listen to both version back to back, and both are good in their own way, but there is something to the demo that just sounds better.  Some of the vocal effects on the MX version seems a bit much.   Whatever the case, I'm happy to see another song of hers is catching on.  Those go on making this about "tweens" horrible taste.  You might want to consider the age of most people you see in these video using her song. They are hardly tweens.

I also think she may have made a video to it and that's what she was referring to in her Instagram post.  Her playing the drums alludes to it.  We'll have to see though. 

4 hours ago, moloko said:

they are joking right?? it needs to be uploaded NOW, while it's viral, not in the month. as usual her team is useless. 😒

While I understand what you are getting at, it's not as easy as you make it.  There is a process to this, even for huge musicians like Madonna.  If you recall, Madonna's demos from Rebel Heart started leaking November of 2014 and by Christmas, practically every song she recorded for that era, leaked.  As she even stated by then, much of the industry is shutting down for the holidays and that's why up until recently we rarely saw new music releases happening by mid December.  Madonna said, she had to call in some favors or such to get those 6 early tracks up on Apple.  So if it's true, that 'Back that up to the beat' is being released on Jan 13th, that's a much earlier response to it then with the viral Frozen mixes.  It's easy to say, "but she's Madonna, she can get this done", but it's easier said than done.  I think @GregVsMatt can attest to that as well.   

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