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The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)


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3 minutes ago, Future Lover said:

Also, I do find this to be relevant because at the moment, Taylor's the artist touring with a greatest hits show and it could be more of a preview into how M is choosing to structure her own than I think many of you are willing to come to terms with. The idea of exploring specific eras and periods of her career is being strongly hinted at in the VIP section names, the ticket packages, and the hints she's providing on Instagram. It's not a leap to see that that The Eras Tour and The Celebration Tour may have a good deal in common in terms of approach. Seeing as M's tour hasn't begun yet, all we can do is speculate and what better thing to speculate with than a tour that's already going with an identical theme as to M's?

There really is no need to be so damn bitter and angry about everything. If you don't like her that's fine, but like it or not, these tour concepts are very similar and it's worthwhile to look at what Taylor is offering to help try and gleam what we may be getting out of the Celebration Tour. 

I've been so thrilled to come back here to get hype for this tour but I'm starting to remember why I left in the first place. 

Yes however there are fans here that are just not interested in Taylor Swift or her tour and just want to discuss Madonna's tour. 

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22 minutes ago, Future Lover said:

It's cool because it's so rare. A lot of Madonna's younger fans didn't get to experience someone that powerful when Madonna was at her peak, or even Britney when she was at hers even if maybe we were alive for it. Taylor's current power is the first time in a long time we've seen someone achieve this level of pop culture impact. I mean every city her tour is visiting is bending over backwards to celebrate it such as renaming the city after her or granting her the key to the city. In an era where a lot of artists are disposable, it's amazing to see someone who's stuck around and gained the sort of rabid following and hard to fathom level of success that someone like Madonna did when she was at the peak of her powers. There's a reason she and M are friends and I think it's because M saw before a lot of us did that this was eventually going to happen with Taylor and she was gracious enough to extend a hand early and be an ally. 

I don't see how it can't be cool to see an artist hitting this level of fame again when everyone though that genuine superstars was a dead concept.


It would be cool if i liked her or her music but unfortunately I don’t.

But if you want to talk about Taylor Swift there is a thread about her or forums about her. Go there and share your essays about how revolutionary she is. The rest of us don’t want to read that irrelevant nonsense in the Celebration thread.

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13 hours ago, scion said:

I know… and too fucking thick to even spell Hitler correctly.

That’s the joke…

It’s a mix between Hitler x Taylor (I can’t believe I even have to explain this).

Anyway, supporting her is like siding with the bully in high school. Not only does she actively try to sabotage the chart placement of POC artists (and has been called out for doing so by the artists themselves), she also PAYS an entire legal team to sue or pressure bloggers and journalists to not write negative headlines about her. (This has also been proven by numerous sources)

Sorry, if that is too much for you to process. She's a terrible person, a narcissist but she has the benefit of being white, from a midwest background and has stayed politically silent to not scare off her beloved right-wing conservative audiences. 

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1 minute ago, MPowered said:

That’s the joke…

It’s a mix between Hitler x Taylor (I can’t believe I even have to explain this).

Anyway, supporting her is like siding with the bully in high school. Not only does she actively try to sabotage the chart placement of POC artists (and has been called out for doing so by the artists themselves), she also PAYS an entire legal team to sue or pressure bloggers and journalists to not write negative headlines about her. (This has also been proven by numerous sources)

Sorry, if that is too much for you to process. She's a terrible person, a narcissist but she has the benefit of being white, from a midwest background and has stayed politically silent to not scare off her beloved right-wing conservative audiences. 

Can you take this into the T***** S***t thread, I will join you 

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2 hours ago, Physical Graffiti said:

What is so cool about living through it? I did not realize so many Madonna fans are feeling blessed to witness Taylors current hype🥴

We also got to live through a worldwide pandemic and are now about to live through a global recession. Fun times.

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5 hours ago, GregVsMatt said:

Some advice from Mr Tony Villanueva

 I don’t do spoilers. BUT what I can do is offer some advice. Take your vitamins, get to the gym, build up your stamina! Pace yourself! This show starts at 500 miles an hour! Just the Beat alone - 2 notes is going to get you on your feet This is what you have been waiting for


I've seen his post on Insta and I was SHAKING IN MY BOOTS! 

She's coming to slay! 


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5 hours ago, GregVsMatt said:

Some advice from Mr Tony Villanueva

 I don’t do spoilers. BUT what I can do is offer some advice. Take your vitamins, get to the gym, build up your stamina! Pace yourself! This show starts at 500 miles an hour! Just the Beat alone - 2 notes is going to get you on your feet This is what you have been waiting for



Oh my..... This sounds so impressive. Obviously she's gonna open with a well known classic - I wonder what it could be? 

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