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17 hours ago, steady75 said:

I’d honestly be really happy if she decided to give it all up and just enjoy her kids and her life without the glare of the spotlight. The pressure to look good or give a shit about the lenses. I wonder if she’s forgotten how it feels not to work? it certainly seemed like she takes a lot less joy from  her work for the last decade plus actually. There were some lovely warm moments on Rebel Heart Tour.
Bitch I’m Madonna would have been the most amazing final single ever thinking about it. Lol

  She’s retirement age anyway. 
Move full time into her philanthropy and shun the press. Do the odd interview with nothing to promote. Hopefully not too long from now become a grandmother. I think it’s really over for us once that happens tbh. 
I want her to do whatever she wants but I also want her to feel like she’s be able to be a twinkly eyed old woman who once had an unbelievable journey but didn’t let her journey so far and her ego dictate the rest of her journey. If she decided fuck it I ain’t touring no more and cancelled this tour I’d feel like it would be such a moment of self care and a real power move.

Sometimes I feel constantly liking her posts and giving her the engagement regilds her golden cage. It’s a weird relationship at times. 

i do not think she can 'retire', what ever that means... she's an artist through and through. she can scale it down, avoid the mainstream, doing smaller things, giving less of an f, enjoy her life in a different way. but I can't see her stop stopping completely being an artist. she said this many many times, it would be a nightmare for her soul I think. all her heroines worked until they passed away, I just watched a Frida Kahlo documentary yesterday. she seems connected to these kind of people, women, pioneers. with the difference of being a pop performer and having a family, as she also pointed out several times, the struggle, the different idendities. I think she will have her own journey as long as she can.



16 hours ago, steady75 said:

I’d honestly be really happy if she decided to give it all up and just enjoy her kids and her life without the glare of the spotlight. The pressure to look good or give a shit about the lenses. I wonder if she’s forgotten how it feels not to work? it certainly seemed like she takes a lot less joy from  her work for the last decade plus actually. There were some lovely warm moments on Rebel Heart Tour.
Bitch I’m Madonna would have been the most amazing final single ever thinking about it. Lol

  She’s retirement age anyway. 
Move full time into her philanthropy and shun the press. Do the odd interview with nothing to promote. Hopefully not too long from now become a grandmother. I think it’s really over for us once that happens tbh. 
I want her to do whatever she wants but I also want her to feel like she’s be able to be a twinkly eyed old woman who once had an unbelievable journey but didn’t let her journey so far and her ego dictate the rest of her journey. If she decided fuck it I ain’t touring no more and cancelled this tour I’d feel like it would be such a moment of self care and a real power move.

Sometimes I feel constantly liking her posts and giving her the engagement regilds her golden cage. It’s a weird relationship at times. 

i do not think she can 'retire', what ever that means... she's an artist through and through. she can scale it down, avoid the mainstream, doing smaller things, giving less of an f, enjoy her life in a different way. but I can't see her stop stopping completely being an artist. she said this many many times, it would be a nightmare for her soul I think. all her heroines worked until the passed away, I just watched a Frida Kahlo documentary yesterday. she seems connected to these kind of people, women, pioneers. with the difference of being a pop performer and having a family, as she also pointed out several times, the struggle, the different idendities. I think she will have her own journey as long as she can.

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