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Kae-Leah Williamson

Kae-Leah Williamson

On 9/24/2023 at 9:06 PM, dankpepe said:

Not necessarily for The Celebration Tour but for a tour, I always thought it would be cool if she did a really trippy dreamscape segment inspired by Alice in Wonderland - cheshire cats, clocks, mushrooms, dancing on a long dining table, oversized tea cups, white rabbits, rabbit hole, playing cards, etc.

I heard a cool Express Yourself / What You Waiting For (Gwen Stefani) mashup that could segway into Hung Up for that section. The visuals would be so cool, especially if she did a number that was lit only by blacklights to really get trippy maybe for Bedtime Story or something.

OMG I love Alice In Wonderland!!! I'm surprised with all her tours, I'm not aware of her ever doing an AIW theme. Maybe she associated it too much with other artists like Gwen, and thought it was too cliche' or cheesy or something? So much potential there. She would look cute in a "sexy Alice" costume, though that might look too much like something from Party City, or her more imperious side would make a good Queen of Hearts, with her dancers as sexy Playing Card Soldiers. 

@Confessions Lightside-I like your setlist! I think Hung Up works better in a disco section, as it seemed like a bit of a stretch to me that she put it in the sex section. I would've done a sexual/Erotica-themed section with a JML/Erotica mash-up or medley, and put HU in a different section. If she wanted a celebration of joyful hedonism in that section, Deeper and Deeper(similar to the Girlie Show) would've been a more logical choice than HU. 

Kae-Leah Williamson

Kae-Leah Williamson

On 9/24/2023 at 9:06 PM, dankpepe said:

Not necessarily for The Celebration Tour but for a tour, I always thought it would be cool if she did a really trippy dreamscape segment inspired by Alice in Wonderland - cheshire cats, clocks, mushrooms, dancing on a long dining table, oversized tea cups, white rabbits, rabbit hole, playing cards, etc.

I heard a cool Express Yourself / What You Waiting For (Gwen Stefani) mashup that could segway into Hung Up for that section. The visuals would be so cool, especially if she did a number that was lit only by blacklights to really get trippy maybe for Bedtime Story or something.

OMG I love Alice In Wonderland!!! I'm surprised with all her tours, I'm not aware of her ever doing an AIW theme. Maybe she associated it too much with other artists like Gwen, and thought it was too cliche' or cheesy or something? So much potential there. She would look cute in a "sexy Alice" costume, though that might look too much like something from Party City, or her more imperious side would make a good Queen of Hearts, with her dancers as sexy Playing Card Soldiers. 

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