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Ex-Dancer Carlton Wilborn reveals his experience with Madonna!


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  • Adonna changed the title to Ex-Dancer Carlton Wilborn reveals his experience with Madonna!
3 hours ago, BuggedOut said:


I don't see the point of your post, so I am reporting you.  You are aware I posted this weeks ago and now another thread has been made on this same topic, so your purposely stirring shit and making this a contest of threads:

 This is ridiculous, because I originally shared this weeks ago, thinking fans would be interested in Carlton's input.. I am aware others can innocently miss threads posted by others, but the moment I mentioned to the member who posted a duplicate thread,  this particular member (Buggedout) poppped into BOTH threads, acting like he never saw either, yet making an odd picture post like this.  It may seem harmless to mods, but this is his way of harassing and bullying others who don't agree with him, etc. It's been his M/O for many months when he knows I have him on ignore.


EDIT: Since then ... other thread has been removed.

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12 minutes ago, McDonna said:

I don't see the point of your post, so I am reporting you.  You are aware I posted this weeks ago and now another thread has been made on this same topic, so your purposely stirring shit and making this a contest of threads:

  This is ridiculous, because I originally shared this weeks ago thinking fans would be interested in Carlton's input.. I am aware others can innocently miss threads and post by others, but this particular member is just  stirring the pot and making odd picture post like this and others (in other threads).


Why am I being linked in this I stated my opinion on Lorraine......

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20 minutes ago, McDonna said:

I don't see the point of your post, so I am reporting you.  You are aware I posted this weeks ago and now another thread has been made on this same topic, so your purposely trying to stir shit.  This is ridiculous, because I origianlly shared this because fans would be interested in Carlton's input, rather a contest who posted what.


Stop the drama and focus on your multiple accounts here.

You can’t stand when someone else posts something because you think that this is your forum.

I don’t like being a part of your threads, but since you are here 24/7 and start every thread, I have no choice but to participate.

You constantly bump your threads if someone else posts something similar to get attention and you constantly edit your posts to include pictures someone else beat you to posting to make it look like they are copying you.

I didn’t even start a Carlton thread. You’re really losing it.

You are being reported for being a menace.


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4 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

Daddy is trying to sleep

I get it. It's just weird!  This dude has been silent for weeks and then all of sudden starts harassing me again. You know the history.  I made this post weeks ago and then he thanks the other member in a thread on the same topic, as if he never saw the topic, and then enters my thread with a weird picture post.  You obviously are able to connect the dots to "shit stirring".  Right?

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9 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

Daddy is trying to sleep


I left weeks ago because of this bro’s weirdness and then came back with the start of the tour and he decided to start with me again by taking pics I posted from the tour and then editing his posts right before to make it look like he posted them first and that I copied him.

I reported the posts and I know Mods can see his editing history so ever since then, he follows me around acting like a 5yo.

He has alienated 90% of this forum and has told them that he is blocking them, but he refuses to block me and it’s really creepy.

Please go and look at our posts since I came back and I have plenty of screenshots if there are any issues.

I like this forum and I have had no interaction with this person until they started following me around yesterday and taking my posts and editing his to include what I had posted. Soooo creepy.

Can someone please just tell him to block me like he tells everyone else? Or ask him to stop starting every thread here? Otherwise he is going to get replies.

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10 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

I'm gonna change both of your user names to Israel and Palestine. 

I know it's weird.  Honestly, it doesn't bother me too much.  I have him on ignore as been suggested. I never comment directly to anything he says.  I am not here to fight with others.  I think he's more bothered I have him blocked and won't acknoledge him than anything else. Anyway, I'm open to ignoring him, but he won't stop with the zinger posts which others obviously quote and laugh at.  It's just weird. If he truly is wanting to have nothing to do with me, than he would just ignore me completely. My history shows I do that of him. I have him on ignore, but it's obvous he's still responding to my post with weird picture posts that have nothing to do with the threads or posts beforehand.  :)

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Alright look. He takes your pics... who cares. He posts muppets on your threads. Who cares. You guys have for whatever reason decided to be married to each other until one of you can decide to overcome your ego and ignore the other. It's really very simple. This is elementary school stuff. 

No one can hurt you unless you LOVE them to. Why do you guys love it?

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Just now, McDonna said:

I know it's weird.  Honestly, it doesn't bother me too much.  I have him on ignore as been suggested. I never comment directly to anything he says.  I am not here to fight with others.  I think he's more bothered I have him blocked and won't acknoledge him than anything else. Anyway, I'm open to ignoring him, but he won't stop with the zinger posts which others obviously quote and laugh at.  It's just weird. If he truly is wanting to have nothing to do with me, than he would just ignore me completely. I do that of him. :)

If I was on ignore, you wouldn’t constantly edit your posts that are mocking me and for which I screenshot for situations like this :luv:

Allow others here to post things. You don’t always have to try and run everything and be first.

You are a forum member, not a moderator.

Please remember that. :)


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2 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

Alright look. He takes your pics... who cares. He posts muppets on your threads. Who cares. You guys have for whatever reason decided to be married to each other until one of you can decide to overcome your ego and ignore the other. It's really very simple. This is elementary school stuff. 

No one can hurt you unless you LOVE them to. Why do you guys love it?

Now that I know all is ok, I won’t call him out. I’ll just keep posting like I was and if he has trouble with my posts, which he shouldn’t, since I’m blocked, then he can report me.

He needs to get over it and grow up, but if I’m publicly called out by him, I will be forced to respond.

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9 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

Alright look. He takes your pics... who cares. He posts muppets on your threads. Who cares. You guys have for whatever reason decided to be married to each other until one of you can decide to overcome your ego and ignore the other. It's really very simple. This is elementary school stuff. 

No one can hurt you unless you LOVE them to. Why do you guys love it?

True.  But he won't stop. He knew this topic existed and came in purposely to antagonize by posting an odd Muppet image. He's done this in other topics that I've never reported or acknowledge him in. He knows I have him on ignore and will not directly engage him. I have no interest in engaging with this person.

I'm happy to continue to ignore him, but he needs to stop following me around making indirect comments and picture posts that are obviously directed at me.


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4 minutes ago, Jackie said:

Why are you both not ignoring each other - and why such a drama over a duplicate post - honestly. 

He doesn’t have me on ignore. I have screenshots of him ‘laughing’ at my posts and then he quickly removes it so other can’t see 😂

He called me out about a duplicate Carlton post. Something I didn’t even post, I just replied lol.

I was doing just fine not responding to him until he called me out.

I tried having him on ignore, but he starts every thread here and replies to every thread, so I always see his spam/posts.

If I’m on ignore as he claims, all should be good.

Let me know if you’d like the screenshots. There’s a bucketload of them. :)

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@JackieFeel free to lock this thread. Another thread is now available regarding the original topic I posted weeks ago. I'm not interested in further drama here. It's not worth it. 

EDIT: thanks for making this the lone thread on this topic. (So much of this conversation is void and doesn't make much sense anymore).

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