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Kae-Leah Williamson

Kae-Leah Williamson


HUOT has WLW in it, yes, but I never associated the OG Hung Up as a particularly sexual song. I know, it's Madonna, there can be a sexual subtext to everything she does and she did so some suggestive moves when performing it originally like humping a boom box, but it isn't JML or Erotica, just isn't the same kind of song.

The closest I can think for narrative sense is the Hung Up performance is the prelude to Bad Girl, showing the hedonistic partying that the character in Bad Girl is starting to regret. It does end with kissing a stranger's lips, after all ;)

Kae-Leah Williamson

Kae-Leah Williamson

HUOT has WLW in it, yes, but I never associated the OG Hung Up as a particularly sexual song. I know, it's Madonna, there can be a sexual subtext to everything she does and she did so some suggestive moves when performing it originally like humping a boom box, but it isn't JML or Erotica, just isn't the same kind of song.

The closest I can thing for narrative sense is the Hung Up performance is the prelude to Bad Girl, showing the hedonistic partying that the character in Bad Girl is starting to regret. It does end with kissing a stranger's lips, after all ;)

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