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5 hours ago, Pedro Beltran said:

Dude be grateful to have her among us, in a show that according to the ones who have attended, is the best since confessions, and that’s no easy feat

Honestly let it go, it doesn’t look good that with just a few posts you came into a forum that is mostly dedicated to declare our love for Madonna to keep insisting on her flaws and on declaring freedom of speech and blind fans

She's amazing, wonderful, magical, she’s not perfect, we know, yes we know! but she’s the best that we have, she’s an inspiration, an icon, a religion, 

Let us enjoy and appreciate the great gift that is having her spreading her word, and joy, even if she sounds flat or misses a beat. We simply don’t care. 

It happens that I can count myself among those who attended the show. I saw the opening night, and I'll see it again in Lisbon. I was very excited, as I am every time I've seen Madonna up close. I had the feeling that she looked at me three times, and it was a beautiful feeling since I've admired this woman for most of my life.

But I'm at a stage in life where I've let go of idol worship. I no longer blindly idolize. I understand that love also involves recognizing flaws, seeing what worsens and what improves. One shouldn't be blind, one shouldn't perpetually stay in the infatuation and extreme idealization phase. It's about synthesizing thesis and antithesis; that's the dialectic, and that's the knowledge that underlies true love.

If I say she was off-key, it doesn't mean I don't love her. If I say the ending left some people a bit confused, it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the concert.

If many say it's the best since the Confessions era, I don't agree but I respect this opinion, it's just my personal taste. The tour is great and probably better than Madame X and MDNA Tour. But I loved the RHT, and I loved Sticky & Sweet more than this one (although I'm still evaluating it). I'm happy that she's alive and did a show like this. 

I'm a superfan of Mother And Father, it's one of the songs I listen to most often. I remember all the performances from the Re-Invention Tour, the acoustic one on TV, the one at La Cantine du Faubourg; they were all vocally excellent or even outstanding. This is a different story; you can see she has technical difficulties (as others more knowledgeable than me have explained), and the autotune fails to correct the cracks and the pitch problems well when she holds the long note in "give it UUUUUUUUUUUUUP."

Did I still enjoy it? Yes. Did I notice that it wasn't comparable to those from the RIT? Yes.

5 hours ago, True Blue 84 said:

I never said that, and i would never say that. I critisize her sometimes to, but some people just keep nitpicking over everything vocal wise, and thats their choise, I can't stop them. But for me, she sounds fine this tour, way better than what i was expecting when she anounced the tour. To me she sounds fine, not perfect but fine. And im thankfull the tour is that good, fans and even critics love it so.... No hate...

I'm not nitpicking.

I'm just saying this show is AMAZING, but her voice is not in a great condition and I did not love the ending.

I love her, no hate. 

5 hours ago, Jackie said:

Look - she’s never been a live singer we know this lol nothings changed it’s Madonna 

I don't agree with you. She always sang beautifullly till the Confessions Tour.



5 hours ago, Pedro Beltran said:

Dude be grateful to have her among us, in a show that according to the ones who have attended, is the best since confessions, and that’s no easy feat

Honestly let it go, it doesn’t look good that with just a few posts you came into a forum that is mostly dedicated to declare our love for Madonna to keep insisting on her flaws and on declaring freedom of speech and blind fans

She's amazing, wonderful, magical, she’s not perfect, we know, yes we know! but she’s the best that we have, she’s an inspiration, an icon, a religion, 

Let us enjoy and appreciate the great gift that is having her spreading her word, and joy, even if she sounds flat or misses a beat. We simply don’t care. 

It happens that I can count myself among those who attended the show. I saw the opening night, and I'll see it again in Lisbon. I was very excited, as I am every time I've seen Madonna up close. I had the feeling that she looked at me three times, and it was a beautiful feeling since I've admired this woman for most of my life.

But I'm at a stage in life where I've let go of idol worship. I no longer blindly idolize. I understand that love also involves recognizing flaws, seeing what worsens and what improves. One shouldn't be blind, one shouldn't perpetually stay in the infatuation and extreme idealization phase. It's about synthesizing thesis and antithesis; that's the dialectic, and that's the knowledge that underlies true love.

If I say she was off-key, it doesn't mean I don't love her. If I say the ending left some people a bit confused, it doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the concert.

If many say it's the best since the Confessions era, I don't agree but I respect this opinion, it's just my personal taste. The tour is great and probably better than Madame X and MDNA Tour. But I loved the RHT, and I loved Sticky & Sweet more than this one (although I'm still evaluating it). I'm happy that she's alive and did a show like this. 

I'm a superfan of Mother And Father, it's one of the songs I listen to most often. I remember all the performances from the Re-Invention Tour, the acoustic one on TV, the one at La Cantine du Faubourg; they were all vocally excellent or even outstanding. This is a different story; you can see she has technical difficulties (as others more knowledgeable than me have explained), and the autotune fails to correct the cracks and the pitch problems well when she holds the long note in "give it UUUUUUUUUUUUUP."

Did I still enjoy it? Yes. Did I notice that it wasn't comparable to those from the RIT? Yes.

5 hours ago, True Blue 84 said:

I never said that, and i would never say that. I critisize her sometimes to, but some people just keep nitpicking over everything vocal wise, and thats their choise, I can't stop them. But for me, she sounds fine this tour, way better than what i was expecting when she anounced the tour. To me she sounds fine, not perfect but fine. And im thankfull the tour is that good, fans and even critics love it so.... No hate...

I'm not nitpicking.

I'm just saying this show is AMAZING, except for her voice and the ending.

I love her, no hate. 

5 hours ago, Jackie said:

Look - she’s never been a live singer we know this lol nothings changed it’s Madonna 

I don't agree with you. She always sang beautifullly till the Confessions Tour.

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