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I'm not a fan of Ricardo Gomez's editing; he's not a great "photographer." I mean, he's not really a photographer; he's just a guy who uses FaceApp.

Fan photos are much better!

And in person, she looks much better (and very different), especially when you're in the front row.


Anyway, this is the tour I've seen live the most - I've attended three shows.

Over time, I've come to appreciate it more. On the opening night, I had mixed feelings - I was both excited and a bit disappointed. I had high expectations because I knew the setlist for months (including songs like Oh Father, Bad Girl, Sorry, Bedtime Story...) and I thought it was going to be fantastic. I was there, but I wasn't fully engaged: I hadn't watched the show with the right mindset, and I also had some health issues that day. Still, I went because I couldn't miss it (even though my condition affected my judgment). For these reasons, I didn't fully grasp the show's narrative.

In Milan and Lisbon, I enjoyed the show much more because I learned to accept its flaws and appreciate its strengths better. However, despite attending it three times, it's the tour I'm least fixated on, after the MXT. I liked it, despite its flaws (that ending leaves a bit of a bitter taste every time), but I'm not obsessed with it. I watch many videos, but I was truly obsessed with the Rebel Heart Tour (I saw it twice). Every time she had a new concert, I watched all the videos and listened to all the speeches. I enjoyed watching her again and again endlessly. The same happened to me with the MDNA Tour, the S&S... This time, I still watch many videos, but not as much.

I think it's a show that's much more appreciated when experienced live.

I loved it in Lisbon and Milan. I think some parts are brilliant.

Watching it on video, it loses a lot, and the visual impact isn't as strong. It's like comparing watching a theatrical performance in a theater to watching it recorded with a camera: it's a completely different experience.

But seeing this show two or three times is enough for me. I don't feel the need to see other shows.

For the Rebel Heart Tour or the Sticky & Sweet Tour, if I had had the financial means, I would have followed them to all 80 stops. I was quite passionate about it, lol. But they were different kind of shows.



I hate Ricardo Gomez editing, he's a very bad "photographer". I mean, he isn't a photographer, it's just a guy who uses FaceApp.

She looks way better (and very different) in person when you're in the front row.



Anyway, this is the tour I've seen live the most - I've attended three shows.

Over time, I've learned to appreciate it more. On the opening night, I had mixed feelings - I was both happy and disappointed. I had high expectations because I knew the setlist for months (including songs like Oh Father, Bad Girl, Sorry, Bedtime Story...) and thought it was goind to be fantastic. I was there but I wasn't fully there: I hadn't watched the show with the right mindset, and I also had health issues that day, but I went anyway because I couldn't miss it (although it affected my judgment). I didn't fully grasp the show's narrative for this reason.

In Milan and Lisbon, I enjoyed the show much more because I learned to accept its flaws and appreciate its strengths better. However, despite attending it three times, it's the tour I'm least obsessed with, after the MXT. I loved it, despite its flaws (that ending leaves a bitter taste every time), but I'm not obsessed with it. I watch many videos, but I was literally obsessed with the Rebel Heart Tour (seen it twice). Every time she had a new concert, I watched all the videos, all the speeches. And I enjoyed watching her again and again endlessly. The same happened to me with the MDNA Tour, the S&S... This time, I still watch many videos, but much less.

I think it's a show that is much more appreciated live.

Seen on video, it loses a lot and the visual impact is much worse. It's like watching a theatrical performance in a theater versus watching it recorded with a camera: it's a completely different experience. 

And seeing this show two or three times is enough for me. I don't feel the need to see other shows.

But for the Rebel Heart Tour or the Sticky & Sweet Tour, if I had had the financial means, I would have followed them in all 80 stops. I was crazy lol

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