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Should she be called out for Esther?


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Just now, Redha DBL said:

I'm not going into an argument with you. Don't waste your energy. We've been talking enough about it, said eveything we had to say and kept it polite. I'm mature enough to have a dicussion with people having differents opinions and not having any hard feelings towards them. I would glady discuss with you again about anything else on the forum. Same goes for @Honey Little, he clearly is against my point of view in this thread qnd showed it obviously but i don't like him less, cause he knows i love his posts especially his sense of humour. 

You have the right to your opinion. I disagree but no one deserves to be canceled. 

My main issue with certain Madonna fans is their love for other female pop acts. I hate them all. 🤣🤣🤣Hahaha. I listen to much different music outside of Madonna.

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1 minute ago, Mden said:

I’m still here m.....f...... Guess nobody reported me.💁

Yeah you're still there, pushing the deep unhappiness within yourself down by latching into a nasty politics which lashes out and externalises your pain by projecting it onto easy targets. Fortunately LGBTQ people are winning and will continue to win, whatever bile you write on the internet.

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1 minute ago, Honey Little said:

You have the right to your opinion. I disagree but no one deserves to be canceled. 

My main issue with certain Madonna fans is their love for other female pop acts. I hate them all. 🤣🤣🤣Hahaha. I listen to much different music outside of Madonna.

See, that last part of your comment, that's excatly why i like you. You always seem to have that light view on things and find an innocent thing to say, even on the most serious matters, almost like a child and i'm melting for it tbh. 

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Just now, Redha DBL said:

See, that last part of your comment, that's excatly why i like you. You always seem to have that light view on things and find an innocent thing to say, even on the most serious matters, almost like a child and i'm melting for it tbh. 

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your feedback. It made me fell the feels inside. Hugs 🤗 to you. And lots of love. Enjoy all the things you enjoy today. Focus on the fun good things. 

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12 minutes ago, Debord said:

No-one was 'cancelling' him. What do you understand 'cancelled' to mean?

I'm actually often cancelling myself here cause i often have different points of view. Wanna check the thread where i said i think Mirwais is a one hit pony in Madonna's career 😂😂😂 that was something 😂😂😂

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1 minute ago, Honey Little said:

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your feedback. It made me fell the feels inside. Hugs 🤗 to you. And lots of love. Enjoy all the things you enjoy today. Focus on the fun good things. 

Thing is i'm passionnate and always speak from my heart. Thanks for your words sweety, keep being one of the cutest touch of the forum 😘

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1 minute ago, Redha DBL said:

I'm actually often cancelling myself here cause i often have different points of view. Wanna check the thread where i said i think Mirwais is a one trick pony in Madonna's career 😂😂😂 that was something 😂😂😂

Haha but that's what I mean - folk having an argument or a debate isn't cancellation, even folk saying that particular views have no place in a particular platform isn't cancelling. None of us have any power to 'cancel' anyone cos the outlets for expression are so many, and none of us have any particular right to access all and every platform cos most of them are privately owned - it's the companies and the governments who can actually 'cancel' people.

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I mean come on?  You'd think this is the first time Esther or any of her children have been exposed to nudity and/or sexual content?  LOL! This is Madonna we are talking about? 

To me, it's a controlled environment.  There is no doubt Madonna has conversations about what they are being exposed to.  A lot of people look at such behavior as "deviant" behavior and harmful. It isn't as long as her children aren't physically abused.  Though too many people are so wrapped up in turning sex and nudity into some dirty little act. 

I would be more concerned if we seen evidence of her children being mistreated and not being cared for properly. This isn't the case. So no, I don't think Madonna should be called out.  Four of her children are 18 or older now (or at least Mercy will be soon). They all seem to be very well adjusted. I guess it's hard for us to really know, but other than typical teen angst on Rocco's part, I haven't seen any evidence of questioning how Madonna raises her children.  As far as I can see, her children are being raised to be comfortable with their bodies and being responsible.  


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6 minutes ago, McDonna said:

I mean come on?  You'd think this is the first time Esther or any of her children have been exposed to nudity and/or sexual content?  LOL! This is Madonna we are talking about? 

To me, it's a controlled environment.  There is no doubt Madonna has conversations about what they are being exposed to.  A lot of people look at such behavior as "deviant" behavior and harmful. It isn't as long as her children aren't physically abused.  Though too many people are so wrapped up in turning sex and nudity into some dirty little act. 

I would be more concerned if we seen evidence of her children being mistreated and not being cared for properly. This isn't the case. So no, I don't think Madonna should be called out.  Four of her children are 18 or older now (or at least Mercy will be soon). They all seem to be very well adjusted. I guess it's hard for us to really know, but other than typical teen angst on Rocco's part, I haven't seen any evidence of questioning how Madonna raises her children.  As far as I can see, her children are being raised to be comfortable with their bodies and being responsible.  


Indeed when she was asked about her children seeing her Sex book she said she would be perfectly happy for them to see it and she would explain what her intentions were. Treating your kids with respect and educating them is always the best path, rather than trying to insulate them from the world.

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I'm already exhausted thinking bout all the members that haven't see this thread yet and who will quote me within the next hours to argue how wrong i am... Oh well, at least i'm not the one who has opened the thread this time. By the way, where is him ?? Please do your part of the job and take the next round, i gave your thread 6 extra pages in less than 40 minutes !

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9 minutes ago, Debord said:

Indeed when she was asked about her children seeing her Sex book she said she would be perfectly happy for them to see it and she would explain what her intentions were. Treating your kids with respect and educating them is always the best path, rather than trying to insulate them from the world.

And like mentioned, she controls the environment.  She is aware of who is around her children at all times.  Being open as she is about sex, their bodies and nudity, there is a greater chance that her children will be open to sharing if they were being sexually abused by anyone in the environment they are in.  The way Madonna vets people who work for her, I'm sure that is the same for those who help care for her children. 

Her daughters are reaching puberty if not probably have experienced it already. So it's more important now than ever to make sure her children are educated about their bodies, sex and nudity.  So many people in the real world want to shut their children up in a closet, keeping them from proper education, which only leads to more issues in the future.  The more you hide things from your kids, the more chance they will seek it out more. That's just a plain fact. 

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Maybe some people think it is cute. I surely do not. Not everything should be excused as controversial either just because it's Madonna doing it.

That said, I'm not so disgusted that it will prevent me from seeing the show. Can't wait.

And folks need to stop being assholes to each other on here.

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4 hours ago, Redha DBL said:

I was about to post about it cause i've just noticed Estere is right a few feet in front of this :


i'm a Madonna fan but this is really morbid and sick to show such stuff in front of your 11yo daughter. We're not talking about people topless like you can see on the beach, we're talking aout about guys in jockstrap with their naked asses miming sexual intercourse just in front of her. She's 11yo for God sake. Anyone saying it's ok is really worrying, there's no debate about it. If anyone would do it publicly in France with natural child or adopted child they would probably have their children taken away from them. Sorry i cannot defend her about it, it's just sick and disgusting. Nothing can explain it. Do anything you want controversial, i'm the last person on earth to be chocked, but showing your 11yo daughter naked ass guys miming sexual intercourse on your mother on a stage is just sick sick sick.

I’m sorry but no where in that video shows an 11 year old. 

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11 minutes ago, Redha DBL said:

@McDonna you're in my black ignore list (🧙)  and i've just seen one of your post because Debord have quoted you. From what i can read you will stay for one more week in my black ignore list. I wonder if one day we will agree on something...

Then so be it.  I just offered my opinion.  Up until now, I hadn't read many of your responses in this thread, nor was my post above in response to anything you posted.  I'm sorry you feel the need to put me on an "ignore list"  just because we may not agree on something.  Sounds like you're not as open minded as you might think. Especially up until now, we haven't exchanged any words over the topic.  We still haven't!  You've only commented to make sure I know you have me on 'ignore'.  Again, I don't care.  My life won't fall apart because of it. There are plenty of others here who are willing to be mature and speak with me about this topic even though we may not agree.

My philosophy is that I'm willing to have conversations with people I may disagree with as long as it is kept respectful and not insulting others. 

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