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Turin, Italy [Thur Nov 19th, Sat Nov 21st, & Sun, Nov 22nd, 2015]


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Hello everybody!Yes I wasn't the UB but I came late (I didn't win the Icon early entry contest) and I was freezing outside with a cold wind for hours... but then inside the atmosphere was HOT! Madonna was very HOT tonight! More beautiful than ever.The people around me were not very noisy, they kinda looked at me as a ghost, dressed in yellow and screaming loud every instant! I feared she might not like the crowd, but during the True blue speech she said "we are going to count in Italian later" which meant that she was going to do the medley and I felt so happy. And she also said that the first night crowd was incredible but she thought even the second night would be awesome because Italians do it better!During the Rebel Heart speech she thanked the Italian stylists of the tour, Prada and Gucci etc. She said without Italians she would be naked on stage. She asked the crowd if she had to take off the gown, you can imagine the answer. She said Michaelangelo and Leonardo were portraying naked people because Prada wasn't born yet.During Material girl she trew the bouquet at an Italian boy named Marco saying he is very BELLO. Marco didn't understand any English at all, so she made fun of him. She said he had to share her love with the rest of the world and said that Gianluca from the other night was too jealous for her.The UB André was very scary, he really grapped her in the beginning at the head of the "penis" (that is how she called the heart stage), she asked what he had drunk and he said vodka and red bull and she replied:"This explains everything". She introduced him as the typical "Italian style" so when she asked his name and realized he wasn't Italian she was sooo let down!I really loved the show, the projections when seen live are a lot better, some choreographies like Messiah are fantastic! I loved every single minute, cant wait to be back in London. I may try to dress again because many people appreciated the tshirt. My friend Davide did a recording, it is full but not very good in quality but i'll share it in the forum in the next days.I bought two candles, Holy water and Messiah, now my wallet is crying. They smell good but I didn't have the courage to open the metal box. I light a candle in the dark...Goodnight bitches!

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Wait, What does the Holy Water one smell like lol? If I were to buy 2 I'd buy that and Living For Love.

I woul say lavender but it is difficult to say.I bought Messiah because there is a reference to a candle in the lyrics.LFL wasn't available in no merchandise point inside the venue.
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