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Say Goodbye: Sydney, Australia [Sat Mar 19 / Sun Mar 20, 2016]


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Well apparently he didn't do that this time. You can't compare racial hatred and violence, to peoples preferences for the Unapologetic Bitch on a madonna DVD can you...Some things just aren't in the same league....


I don't agree with you at all. Let me be very clear and let's not turn this into another forum drama, please.

You can't just let things be said because "they're not that bad". And yes, I can compare racial hatred to dragphobia.

The Unapologetic Bitch segment on stage and on the future DVD is not only fun and laughs and bananas. Madonna turned it into a statement every time she had the occasion to do so. At least, she expressed her respect or friendship or admiration to UBs around the world (Jean-Paul Gaultier and Christine and the Queens in Paris, for example).


We all knew someone special would be on stage today (tonight if you're down under). Don't let your disappointment about Kylie, or Courtney or whoever, allow you to dismiss Maxi. Maxi was that special UB: an oversize drag queen. How more unapologetic can it get?

If you don't want Maxi on the DVD, you have to come with a solid and valid point (she puked on stage, she punched Madonna on the face, she eats babies, she stole my mother's dress...). Or you might say "Gwendoline Christie was so much fun", "Gwendoline Christie's moves were hotter", "Game of Thrones has more appeal", whatever, I'm very open to any thought. You can have any preference, as long as you talk about it as a preference and are able to stand for it. Rollin your eyes will not calm me down.


If not, you're just discrimitating her because she is a drag queen. Then it is dragphobia, no matter how you put it. Like when you say "I'm not racist but..." or "I'm not homophobic but...". No "but" comes as a legitimate excuse. See what I mean?


There is no such thing as acceptable discrimination, especially when it comes to women and lgbtiq people.

Unless you are a Trump supporter or a proud patriarch (any of which I hope didn't find their way to this place).


I think this is what it means to be a rebel heart : to go against the norm with an open heart. Don't forget that.


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so when are they announcing M's gonna do a quick round 2? You know, 'cos this isn't the end, it can't be! it can't right? is it?


Tony Villanueva said there will no 2nd round. I don't understand why people think about it just because it happened once...

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It could not be otherwise, and that since it was announced that Madonna would depues Australia 23 years of his first and only visit, all eyes turned in Sydney. That's where the beloved "The Girlie Show" was immortalized on video when there were these official recordings to enjoy a full concert. Sidney brought us good memories and from today will do more.

villanueva video rehearsing with tony

At first the two concerts of Sidney would be prior to the last two, but a change of a few months ago in the final couple of concerts Brisbane ten days ahead, made these the most populous city australia were the ones who put the finishing touch to this wonderful "Rebel Heart Tour". But if that were not enough, less than a week we knew we were the shows of Sydney which were recorded for subsequent sale concert video, so the good memories of the 93 returned to crowd in our mind.

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What songs or what changes of clothes end would be chosen for filming the event were the most common questions we asked for some days, and faster than a beam of light, as the song says, we have planted in the last two episodes of this tour who have returned us to bring very good moments to remember.


The two days were filled with an emotion that was palpable. The public, unique and most spectacular of the last dates knew enjoy this unique occasion especially on Saturday, that every time sounded the first chord of each song, the arena exploded in a cry unínoso of all attendees. It was fantastic. Due to the recording of the concert, both shows have generally been identical in costume and setlist, though fortunately or unfortunately there were some differences

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At 2200 and 2230 he appeared yesterday and today respectively Madonna on the sky Allphones Arena. Everything seemed normal at first, until today's show began in its first few seconds and we realized that the central screen, the one that rises from the ground and in which certain artistic part of the show ( "Messiah" is supported, "Body Shop", "Material girl", "Holiday", etc.) was off. A black square in the center of the stage Presedia the intro and all of us we panic. Thanks to the filming of the show yesterday and if managed quickly, all could be in a story, but if I was off throughout the show could cause more of a headache when mounting the video. But everything worked out quickly and when "Messiah" arrived, the screen rose and looked perfect as ever. At that time we all breathe.

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The suit of the second segment was the same as the last cap shows included and between one song and another we planted in the middle of the show, yes, leaving behind a few speechesextra long in which Madonna kept alluding to his joy back to Sydney, it was the end of the tour and even took the opportunity to explain why late: "not wanting to be late, is I want to get perfect." All this very correct and spiced jokes and the particular "Fuck Fuck Fuck Yeah" has been repeated in recent days and it seems that has become his latest battle cry. But the tour could not end without some funny anecdote is that while today spoke before "True Blue" realized they had broken zipper of his pants and between laughter and jokes made ​​her dressing Tony Villanueva came out on stage and is placed in front of her for a couple of minutes to fix the mess. Both seemed the thing to crickets sounded while M accepted the moment with humor tangled. In the end he settled and after a drum roll, Tony greeted the feverish public and disappeared from the stage bowing and letting the show run its script.

On Saturday the same thing happen again at the beginning of "Living for Love" ... it was late. We do not know why, but that journey has not finished being entirely controlled by many shows that have been on this tour; but today had a second chance and of course it has stuck. For the occasion, M wanted the layer display on televisions around the world is the rose and giving it all came to "La Isla Bonita". We were returning to be breathing hard because now we played disclose whether or not "Medley" and therefore would have appeared in the video. How we have suffered with this random amputation of the show! But after the break flamenco, the screen filled with color and started playing "Dress You Up". All right!! Madonna knows this part of the show has been a few days and not others , and at this point he explained why: "I know I have not always played this song but it's exhausting. There 's dancing all the time, from the beginning to the end ... and singing ... and a lot of clothes on. " So with this clarification, all the doubts we had about this odd choice were diluted and the answer was that some thought: sings when you fancy.

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And as if it were a bookmaker, they all started at this time to predict what song sing at the random moment of the concert. Many asked, "Who's That Girl" and others to "Ghosttown" but the truth is that neither of these sounded again in "Rebel Heart Tour".After the "Medley", the wonderful tinkling "Take a Bow" made it clear that, although late, Madonna had realized the level of song he had in his repertoire and had given aside forever and why not He wanted to leave the opportunity to sing for inclusion in the video. Good choice. We all thought that we would go to "Rebel Heart" but no. Just before another surprise called "Like a Prayer". The theme par excellence could not miss. Some thought that only sing on Saturday that they had never played in Sydney and the next day would fall a different, but no, the song also appeared gold today. And it is that an issue of this level can not or does not usually miss. In the DVD / Bluray is an all claims and for live performance is a song that everyone knows and connects from the first second uniquely with the public.And after this and sentences Sunday of "My Way" itself came "Rebel Heart".

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The end was inevitably approaching while "Music" filled the stage. In the pause of the subject and more fun than ever Madonna, we gave away acappella quite extensive, for what often these moments, "Hanky ​​Panky". Fantastic. He followed the party, lights and color and in the latter part of the show many expected Kylie appeared on stage after peteción via twitterthat Madonna had dropped him.But our joy in a well because theBitch Unapologetic yesterday was the famous actress of "Game of Thrones" and "Star Wars" Gwendoline Christie, and today was a fan drag queen, so the photo Minogue-Ciccone will have to keep waiting.

"Holiday" told us loudly that the end of the show and the tour was here and get enjoy, wanting to capture everything and make the most of the time we escaped by seconds, we went the last show listening to Madonna to thank while public wished us good night. In this way and without saying anything special farewell was going down behind the screen, up there where two hours earlier had come to give us full of spectacle. And thus ended the tour a few hours ago, this tour that began seven months ago and we still have things to taste. Because the "Rebel Heart Tour" is not over yet. Posted Image

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