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Taipei, Taiwan [Thursday, Feb 4th / Saturday, Feb 6th, 2016]


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I dont really get it...  :confused:


I will try to explain as simple as I can.


China is nation of communism. And some Chinese people are ran away from China and move to island because of political issue and they start call it as Taiwan and they call it as independent country. But China never approval Taiwan as independent country And officially whole world do not approval Taiwan as Independent Nation now.


I know that Taiwan people are angry about this but it's a fact. For example Taiwan can participation as independently at Olympic but they can't Use nation name "Taiwan" at their uniform. They only write "chinese taipei" at their uniform at Olympic. I know that's sound very weird and ridiculous but that's the reality. well personally I think that Taiwan is very different than China but political reality is not that simple.


And there is very complicated own political issue in Taiwan(not just problem with china). So that symbol of flag which Madonna use is right shape of Taiwan flag symbol but the color is politically wrong for some Taiwan people. that's the issue with some Taiwan people. I guess.

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ISo that symbol of flag which Madonna use is right shape of Taiwan flag symbol but the color is politically wrong for some Taiwan people. that's the issue with some Taiwan people. I guess.


 People were saying she posted the kuomintang flag but she actually didn't... it's all very strange lol

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 People were saying she posted the kuomintang flag but she actually didn't... it's all very strange lol

Oh my bad actually you're right. LOL I just mis thinking because of that blue color!


This is kuomintang flag which whole blue background with white star(sun? whatever)! So Madonna actually didn't post kumintang flag because her star actully is blue! LOL. Now I don't get neither what is their problem. 


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super_hero_tony#Repost@ayasato1006 with @repostapp.
Such a great raining day off with Team#rebelheart â¤â™¥â™¥â¤The Rebel â¤'s Invade Juifen. Whenever I love a moment a whole lot I image capturing it in a Snow Globe you can keep on a shelf forever. This is one of those moments. â¤

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super_hero_tony"Spirited Away" Juifen Taiwan. Yesterday was a for real day off with site seeing and everything. A group of us visited Juifen inspiration for the anime film spirited away ( haven't seen it yet). I got to spend some off time with our people. (That's not my stomach-by the way it's the rain poncho - but it is a Boba Tea!!!) that picture looks like a Herman Cartoon. Back to work excited for show #2 in Taipei â£Ps - I told Val with the rain this reminds me of "Blade Runner" she said what's that? Is it a movie about ice skating? She wasn't born yet-oh God.

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it's very strange to me read about people worried for an eartquake just for the reason madonna is on the place... we all must be worried for the earthquake wherever it is.


I agree with you on the substance but in the same time you are in a Madonna forum and in the section about her tour, that's a natural reaction...It doesn't necessarily mean that people don't care about the earthquake and its consequences in general...

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it's very strange to me read about people worried for an eartquake just for the reason madonna is on the place... we all must be worried for the earthquake wherever it is.

This is so far off from the truth! First off, the people that you talk about here are always concern about any natural disaster - flood, fire, earthquake, tornado and windstorm esp the ones that can affect thousands of people every year.

And this time, it just happened that Madonna is in Taiwan where there's an earthquake. This being a Madonna forum, it's only natural that we are concerned for her safety and the safety of her whole entourage. It'd be really strange if anyone here isn't concern for her, wouldn't you say?

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