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LMAO  :laughing:  :laughing:  :laughing:



Funny but what the "fascist for Madonna" says is true... Glad she faces that kind of comment in a way cos I don't really agree with the so called artistic choice to fake the people overdubbing voice for a so called live show... We've been too far with M's live #stickyandsweettour...

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it's rather disrespectful to say she has "fucked her voice over" with overdubs and stuff...you know...she's human. i don't blame her for the reaction at all. even if it's a bit exaggerated.

the point seems to be: she is insecure now. she needs all the effects to feel better about herself. so she will be defensive if a fan wants to tell her what to do.

i am sure she is very sick of our smart-assness.

can't blame her at all.

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My God. I can't believe what I just read. A reality-check: it is absolutely HER work, to do as she wishes. We pay our money for it. If someone doesn't like, then they shouldn't buy it, but always, ALWAYS be respectful. She owes us nothing.


To be so arrogant, so upfront is utterly disgraceful, embarrassing and shameful. I hope none of us would dare say that to her face, because it's RUDE and HURTFUL, so why say it online?


We should be grateful that she's still doing this - she doesn't have to do it for any of us. So have an opinion by all means, but express it in a polite, respectful and dignified manner.

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Fans leave a lot of opinions sometimes in a shady way, so I understand that she wasn't just replying to that one person really but to everyone who didn't like the poster, etc. I'm sure it's frustrating for her. However, to call censorship and fascism over something so trivial is nothing short of baffling. Especially with the things that are going on, has anyone read the news lately? She's smart and educated, so I expect her not to be so flippant. People are actually scared and worried for their future. 


Also, a lot of fans have talked about S&S's dubbing and MDNA's editing for years, it's not an insult but a compliment when they say she doesn't need those things. It's fans saying, don't be insecure cos you sound and look great. But we all choose to take whatever we want from what is said. The enemy is within  :polish:

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