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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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Yeah that comment was weird. I have to say I am kinda glad it reached her though. A shame she didn't quite "hear it". She could use a few people around her who speak some truth. TBH her response was a little TRUMPish.      Not Fair!     APOLOGIZE!!     STOP IT!!!!!!


Maybe she's just got anxiety like the rest of us. 



Fans leave a lot of opinions sometimes in a shady way, so I understand that she wasn't just replying to that one person really but to everyone who didn't like the poster, etc. I'm sure it's frustrating for her. However, to call censorship and fascism over something so trivial is nothing short of baffling. Especially with the things that are going on, has anyone read the news lately? She's smart and educated, so I expect her not to be so flippant. People are actually scared and worried for their future. 


Also, a lot of fans have talked about S&S's dubbing and MDNA's editing for years, it's not an insult but a compliment when they say she doesn't need those things. It's fans saying, don't be insecure cos you sound and look great. But we all choose to take whatever we want from what is said. The enemy is within  :polish:

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I mean, yes, it's her work and what she wants to do with it and the way she wants to present it are totaly her artistic decisions, you could like it or not... but there are some words that you can't say so lightly, calling someone a fascist just because he didn't like a robotic dubbed voice and the thousand instagram filters in a video, well, is just too much. It's just like that time when the demos leaked and she described that as terrorism. I know she has a little twisted humor sense and that she doesn't like when people take her words so literal, but there are certain words with a deep meaning  :sad:

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Now we know how she reacts when someone tries to give her good advice... she won't listen! Well actually we knew already.


(Although the comment was rude - but remember she has only replied to strong critics until now... an invitation to be rude to get her attention in this so distorted social media world.)


And that's why we are getting bad stuff in terms of voice dubbing, posters, covers, editing.

If she surrounds herself only with yes men she (and we) is fucked.

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I'm sorry if this offends anyone - it is not my intention to do so - but I really think we need to take a step back and get some perspective here.


None of us know this person. She's not our family, friend, or work colleague. Criticising her artistic choices is perfectly valid of course, but there are no universal 'truths', that make anyone else's opinion right or wrong. The only opinion that matters is hers.


Take a moment to imagine how offended you'd feel if a stranger told you how to do your job? You'd be outraged! You'd think 'who the f*$k are you talking to me like that?!' It's never acceptable to be so rude to someone you've never met.


I agree her response was facetious, but we also understand her sense of humour, because we've become familiar with it over a longer period of time. But that understanding is not mutual - as much we may think we know her - she does not know each and everyone of us.


Social media is rarely a closed conversation, and just because she doesn't always respond, doesn't mean she isn't listening, so we should mindful of how hurtful our comments can be.



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I agree that people shouldn't be rude on social media but one shouldn't egg on the hate, either. It gets exhausting and eventually you just stop rooting for and defending the person who gets it.


I agree she can do anything she pleases artistically and she doesn't owe anyone anything, and I agree if you don't like it don't buy it, but if we're talking about respect then she shouldn't constantly try to outdo rudeness. If people wanna cheer that, that's cool. I'm not here for her glamour or her being the queen, I'm here because of her message and talent.


I don't think her throwing around heavy terms for no reason comes from a place of humour. It's hyperbole and one of the reasons people don't take her seriously when she talks about important things. She's been one of the few artists who continues to talk about things that matter, so it's a pity for her to undermine her own message like that. 


Having said that, I'm putting it down as a moment of weakness and let's just move on because there's too much infighting and bullshit in the world already. Art should be a joyous experience, especially in times of darkness.  :om:  :pray:

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to some people, anyone who steps up to you and says "i know better than you" or "i am better than you" (especially in a rude, know-it-all way) is a fascist.

because it's thinking you are better than someone for the sake of it. or for some reason that in fact, is no real reason. (race, gender, shoe size, taste, what-have-you).

it's the progression to being arrogant.

so yeah. fascist indeed.

i don't know if anyone should think that they "own" an artist just because they are fans of them. like in the idea of a democracy? you pay taxes, make monetary contributions and then the artist needs to give you a blow-job 24/7? never.

let her do what she wants, ignore her if you think it's shite. to tell her things in this manner over the net is quite lame. try telling that to her face. - yes, exactly. most probably: no balls for that...

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I think it boils down to the same old thing, people who don't get the snarky tone and bluntness of the internet generation. I'm not saying it's right, or wrong, it's just not that serious and to go off over it is silly. I pray that the only fascism we see is on instagram comments about the editing of a pop music DVD. I pray.  :pray:

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At the end of the day it is funny because she thinks she is very liberal and very funny while when it's about her she has no sense of humour and she seems to be the most fascist because she doesn't accept any other opinion but her own.

I am free to say that the editing of MDNA is horrible and the new RHT poster makes me sick and I will fight for my freedom to express this opinion. Of course I have argumentation about it: for instance the comparison with other fan made works.

Of course I hate people commenting on internet with no reason and no respect. I don't read those comments normally, I don't care.

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.....well. the guy was right....the over editing and "polishing" of vocals takes away the live energy...which basically is what we all want to be reminded of when we watch a concert video. Even confessions was too 'clean" as far as sound goes. It's actually sad. gone are the raw emotions from live broadcasts like the DWT and Girlie Show....even the shot vocals from the BA tour from Niece and WTG Turin were more captivating than the MDNA or SS tour videos. It started with confessions and her insecurities seem to only be getting stronger with age...whereas for most people not in the spotlight we tend to give less fuck the older we get. 

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At the end of the day it is funny because she thinks she is very liberal and very funny while when it's about her she has no sense of humour and she seems to be the most fascist because she doesn't accept any other opinion but her own.

I am free to say that the editing of MDNA is horrible and the new RHT poster makes me sick and I will fight for my freedom to express this opinion. Of course I have argumentation about it: for instance the comparison with other fan made works.

Of course I hate people commenting on internet with no reason and no respect. I don't read those comments normally, I don't care.


you're free to voice your opinion. (then again, you know how it goes...opinions are like assholes. everyone has one.)

my questions would be however:

would you voice your opinion in an impolite way when talking directly to her?

how would you feel when your artistic product got judged like that before it has seen the light of day in such way, semi-directly expressed on an app like "Instagram" for anyone to see? (not an insult in some way?)


and yes, there are more important issues and fascisms in the world right now but this mere reaction seems to be a symptom of a mentality today that has been cultivated for a long time (ever since everyone is "free to voice their opinion" online, in comments/forums, whatever).

it is one more sign of butting-in anyone's business but your very own...


i am looking forward to this release.

anyone who wants the "real stuff" will probably wait for hacks/leaks.

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you're free to voice your opinion. (then again, you know how it goes...opinions are like assholles. everyone has one.)

my questions would be however:

would you voice your opinion in an impolite way when talking directly to her?

how would you feel when your artistic product got judged like that before it has seen the light of day in such way, semi-directly expressed on an app like "Instagram" for anyone to see? (not an insult in some way?)


and yes, there are more important issues and fascisms in the world right now but this mere reaction seems to be a symptom of a mentality today that has been cultivated for a long time (ever since everyone is "free to voice their opinion" online, in comments/forums, whatever).

it is one more sign of butting-in anyone's business but your very own...


i am looking forward to this release.

anyone who wants the "real stuff" will probably wait for hacks/leaks.

Totally agree, I would never be rude, it's not my attitude, and I'd never use Instagram although it seems to be the only way of communicating with Madonna. Fan club and Madonna.com are embarassing, we all know...

I hate people who make judgements and express opinions without any knowledge; as fans, having seen the real show live more than once, having bought hundreds of videos and dvds, both offical and unofficial, I think we are entitled to say that the past two official releases were very disappointing in many ways. We have never been granted with special editions etc. I am impatiently waiting to see RHT film because the show was fantastic and I happen to like the trailers, although Madonna's answer makes me think she is satisfied with the previous dvd results, which kinda surprised me because I hoped she had realized, maybe too late, that they could do a lot better.


One more thing... I hope I had the courage to ask her questions and challenge her, unfortunately I am not the chosen one for Miami!

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@@NowRadiate It's such a pleasure to read ur words. U deserve this:




I couldn't agree more with ur opinions. I'm also looking forward for this BD, and can't wait to see it at home with my loved ones. And we're really sure that we will enjoy it just as much as everytime we've seen her live. It's refreshing to see some positivity around this post. Thanks a lot.

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I don't think her throwing around heavy terms for no reason comes from a place of humour. It's hyperbole and one of the reasons people don't take her seriously when she talks about important things. She's been one of the few artists who continues to talk about things that matter, so it's a pity for her to undermine her own message like that. 


This is actually the reason why this bothered me in particular. I know that some of us may be making this bigger than it is (maybe).


I applaud the fact that she is defendig her work and her unique artistic vision, it's one of the reasons that made me love her, she owes her triumphs and failures solely to herself, and I know that I will enjoy a lot the release (at least the first time that I watch it, for sure), but answering rudeness with rudeness it's kinda childlish.


I know that's she's human, have feelings and emotions and she's entitled to express them the way she wants to, but sometimes she's a little impulsive, and that's kinda worrying for the reason quoted above.

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I have this weird feeling, that the Showtime special includes the show only. The TOAC clips are for the DVD Disc no. 2 possibly..., which will be like the Showtime special, but based on the TOAC show. I also noticed the great angles compared to MDNA. I feel like this is not going include color filters this time!!!

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would you voice your opinion in an impolite way when talking directly to her?


Ok but what was the real problem with what that person said? That she has overdubbed some of her DVDs.  That's not really an opinion, it's a fact that she has overdubbed her stuff and people have noticed.


I guess the moral of the story is that it's rude to be so.... truthful.



how would you feel when your artistic product got judged like that before it has seen the light of day in such way, semi-directly expressed on an app like "Instagram" for anyone to see? (not an insult in some way?)


But more than a judgement it is expectation based on past experience. I think we are all hoping for great things, but having hopes and expectations is only natural. 



and yes, there are more important issues and fascisms in the world right now but this mere reaction seems to be a symptom of a mentality today that has been cultivated for a long time (ever since everyone is "free to voice their opinion" online, in comments/forums, whatever).

it is one more sign of butting-in anyone's business but your very own...


I don't see how we can label it as butting-in.  :thinker: Are you implying the person who said it wasn't a fan and therefore it's none of their business? Why would anyone who isn't a fan care about specific details like that? They posted a public comment on a public instagram about something she had posted. That's how social media works. 

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@@Fighter like when she called the RH leaks artistic rape. Like yeah it sucks but that is kinda insensitive. It's taking this really important thing and twisting it to fit your needs almost to victimize herself further.


Well I can see how she felt that way by being hacked. It's an awful thing. To anyone who isn't an artist, it can seem like WHAT? when she says something like that, but I get what she means. I mean her own fans leaked her shit by spreading it everywhere and then acting like it's whateva and I would be very upset too.

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