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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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@@Liam Who's That Girl Tour used other shows in their DVDs? How?


You can see it from the different quality.

The necklace is not always present. Check this at 7.00, where you can also notice the change of hair:


If you see the RAI broadcast you'll notice the comb scene is totally different, because in Florence everybody had a comb and they threw them on stage, having see the show live on tv two days earlier.

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@@Liam Who's That Girl Tour used other shows in their DVDs? How?

@@KaitoXD  Ciao Italia: Live From Italy uses footage from three different shows: Tokyo June 22, 1987, Turin September 4, 1987, and Florence September 6, 1987.  Note: a necklace appears and disappears around her neck throughout the video.   

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Guest ArthurBadin



For the uninformed people who read news on madonnaonline and other groups with my name... Well, the cover wasn't changed and Madonna did not give in to any plea for a change. Do you know why? Because no artwork made by me for the cover has been leaked or published and it will all remain like this.

I participated in the election of the cover... So stop reading lies in those groups with my name and sharing misleading information.
People! Don't believe everything posted on those sites or groups... Try to know beforehand, my God! :/
(PT > Facebook translations > SP > EN, so there will be some mistakes for sure)



He was referring to that "news":




Translating it:


"Madonna.com send on Tuesday (21/June) to those who are registered on that site a e-mail confirming the release of Rebel Heart Tour official register and finally with the official cover. Can you believe Madonna has changed her mind and changed the cover? And now we have the beautiful photo taken by Brazilian fan Josh Brandão. Remember our campaign for it.* [bold mine]


Release will take part on September 15, 2017 on DVD, Blu-ray, Standard CD, Deluxe CD and digital download.


Concert was shot in several parts from world, having as main footage the one from Sydney, Australia, and it will have also backstage scenes. Co-direction was done by Danny B. Tull and Nathan Rismman, who had already worked on MDNA Tour edition.


We'll have 22 songs and different from the shortest version broadcast in TV in late [last] year**, and it will feature performances from Like a Prayer, Secret, Don't Tell Me and the most awaited Take a Bow.**


It will contain also a 15-minute resume from minigig Tears of a Clown.


Prepare yourselves!


UPDATE: Press release and cover in better resolution have been displayed on Madonna.com."


*In fact, it links to http://madonnaonline.com.br/2017/05/15/please-madonna/, when MadonnaOnline (aka MOL) team started, by their own initiative, believing Aldo Diaz' poster was indeed the cover, a "campaign" on social networks asking for the "change" of the "cover", using instead the aforementioned Josh Brandão photo from Prague concert. The nerve. And to believe they were "succeeded" at their "goal"...

**Full assumption of MOL writer, believing Rolling Stone's report of the DVD was full sure (as if it was confirmed by any official source).

This site is indeed the main Brazilian fanpage about Madonna, with almost no competition after Estilo Madonna (which I worked with) and Madonna Now were closed. Most Brazilian fans (including me) read this site, but, for obvious reasons, most Brazilian fans also hate a lot that fansite. I won't go into details, but check yourselves just for people's reactions on that Diaz post on Facebook.

Unfortunately it's very expensive to maintain a Brazilian site about Madonna, so we have to get that thing here.

But it was about time somebody would come with a response to such "assumptions" by MOL.

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Well, certain Madonna fan sites love to take credit for "exclusives", etc. to boost their egos.  In fact, some fan forums believe Madonna frequents those forums, believing she makes her decisions based on what they post about.  So it doesn't surprise me that MOL thinks they were behind the "change of the cover".  LOL!  Though, the outrage of that Aldo's poster was spoken about at every Madonna group, and there were countless outraged Tweets and Instagrams  sent to Madonna's camp (Madonna and Guy O.) as well as Aldo begging by fans for it not to be the cover.  So who's to say MOL was behind that change if that is what really happened? However, Aldo said early on when that poster first surfaced that it wasn't the cover.  Why people keep insisting in thinking that was the cover from that point on, is bewildering to me?

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Guest ArthurBadin

Well, certain Madonna fan sites love to take credit for "exclusives", etc. to boost their egos.  In fact, some fan forums believe Madonna frequents those forums, believing she makes her decisions based on what they post about.  So it doesn't surprise me that MOL thinks they were behind the "change of the cover".  LOL!  Though, the outrage of that Aldo's poster was spoken about at every Madonna group, and there were countless outraged Tweets and Instagrams  sent to Madonna's camp (Madonna and Guy O.) as well as Aldo begging by fans for it not to be the cover.  So who's to say MOL was behind that change if that is what really happened? However, Aldo said early on when that poster first surfaced that it wasn't the cover.  Why people keep insisting in thinking that was the cover from that point on, is bewildering to me?


Beloved @@Liam, as we say here in Brazil, people adores a confusion to get part into.

They love misreading things and then assuming they are alright. It's a worldwide embarassing behaviour.

For instance: people who used to know me on Madonna related pages loves thinking I'm a troll, the "worst troll ever", like they want to assume, just because of a damned fiction tour I created back in 2007. And, because once I was friends with a Madonna hater, and used to collab with him in his hate page, that I created the page together with him. I'm used to take all wrong credits for my damn innocence, immaturity and ignorance regards things. I could blame it on my mix of signs (Sun - Taurus, Moon - Sagittarius, ascendent - Cancer), which are indeed a triple divergent force of nature, but instead I'd rather blame on my lack of friends I have collected all my entire life, virtual ones and Madonna fans ones included.

I have a lot of stories to tell, and if I could, I'd write them all to create a book which I ought to name, "What to Avoid in Being a Madonna Fan". For sure it would be funny!

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Guest ArthurBadin

I didn't see it was already heading madonna.com !!!!




It looks really beautiful, making sense with tourbook's fonts and colors... i really want this one to be the real one. Fingers crossed...


Dear, all on it screams the official cover. Why wouldn't it be? At least they have something more to inform since mid May...

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Beloved @@Liam, as we say here in Brazil, people adores a confusion to get part into.

They love misreading things and then assuming they are alright. It's a worldwide embarassing behaviour.

For instance: people who used to know me on Madonna related pages loves thinking I'm a troll, the "worst troll ever", like they want to assume, just because of a damned fiction tour I created back in 2007. And, because once I was friends with a Madonna hater, and used to collab with him in his hate page, that I created the page together with him. I'm used to take all wrong credits for my damn innocence, immaturity and ignorance regards things. I could blame it on my mix of signs (Sun - Taurus, Moon - Sagittarius, ascendent - Cancer), which are indeed a triple divergent force of nature, but instead I'd rather blame on my lack of friends I have collected all my entire life, virtual ones and Madonna fans ones included.

I have a lot of stories to tell, and if I could, I'd write them all to create a book which I ought to name, "What to Avoid in Being a Madonna Fan". For sure it would be funny!

Well, I have to admit that I would question someone that participated in and created a Madonna hate site, and came to a support forum, still claiming to be a fan, especially to nitpick what they don't like about her.  Not to say that is what you did at all. I'm just saying; I can't imagine taking part in an Anti-Madonna site. yet expecting people to believe I'm a fan.  It would be like me stating I don't like carrots, but I buy them anyway, only to complain about the taste and how they look, in every bite I take.  LOL!  

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Guest ArthurBadin

Well, I have to admit that I would question someone that participated in and created a Madonna hate site, and came to a support forum, still claiming to be a fan, especially to nitpick what they don't like about her.  Not to say that is what you did at all. I'm just saying; I can't imagine taking part in an Anti-Madonna site. yet expecting people to believe I'm a fan.  It would be like me stating I don't like carrots, but I buy them anyway, only to complain about the taste and how they look, in every bite I take.  LOL!  

Yes, dear, but you don't know the circumstances I had taken part to collab with such a site like this.  :smile:

And I'd prefer take them very hidden. Of course they don't know who I was back in that time and who I am today. :smile:

Anyone has their stories, their skeletons kept in the closet. :smile:  And I don't even know what I brought this to table.  :smile:  But for sure if you went to my profile here on Infinity, you'd know in the past I wasn't in love with Madonna for every single second of my life.  :smile:  

EDIT: And, in fact, I still am not in love with her every single second of my life.   :smile:  For that reason I despise places such as MadonnaNation.  :smile:  I honestly believe that, if it is to be a real Madonna fan, you cannot love everything she does.  :smile:

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Guest ArthurBadin

I'm pleading the fifth

Honestly I don't know what you mean with this, that's why I haven't answered you yet.

But if you are, congrats for your posts on FOTP.

About me: I gave up on this release. Now I know it will come for sure, let it wash all over me.

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Yes, dear, but you don't know the circumstances I had taken part to collab with such a site like this.  :smile:

And I'd prefer take them very hidden. Of course they don't know who I was back in that time and who I am today. :smile:

Anyone has their stories, their skeletons kept in the closet. :smile:  And I don't even know what I brought this to table.  :smile:  But for sure if you went to my profile here on Infinity, you'd know in the past I wasn't in love with Madonna for every single second of my life.  :smile:  

EDIT: And, in fact, I still am not in love with her every single second of my life.   :smile:  For that reason I despise places such as MadonnaNation.  :smile:  I honestly believe that, if it is to be a real Madonna fan, you cannot love everything she does.  :smile:

People change.  I accept that. Maybe you weren't the fan you are today?  I don't know?  As you said, we don't know you.  However, the way you present yourself ANYWHERE whether it's a dinner party, an interview, or at work, it is a part of who you really are.  The same goes for how you present yourself on a internet group or forum. Now, it's easy to say, well that's not who I really am, but if that's all people know of you, do you really expect them to think you're a fan?  It's no different if we saw the same man digging through the trash every day when we pass an alleyway.  Most people would assume he might be homeless or worse when he could be looking to recycle? The difference is; on the internet you do have the choice to manipulate and fool people easily.  And let's be realistic here, if you have once presented yourself to be behind a Madonna hate site, that's probably going to stick with you until you prove otherwise that isn't who you are anymore. Like mentioned, people do change. I'm willing to give people a chance to prove that.  Yet, if all they do is come in and throw out comments that constant question, criticize, and/or bash Madonna, then that isn't going to convince people they are fans.  Again, I'm not saying that's what you're doing. I'm just making conversation about what you brought up in how someone may have misread who you are based on a previous connection you had that could easily be interpreted negatively for you.

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EDIT: And, in fact, I still am not in love with her every single second of my life.   :smile:  For that reason I despise places such as MadonnaNation.  :smile:  I honestly believe that, if it is to be a real Madonna fan, you cannot love everything she does.  :smile:

I don't think there is one fan that can say they just love everything she says and does, but if so, awesome.  Those are very devoted fans and honestly I can't see why that should even be in question.  Also,  I do know there are fans like myself who don't even think about what they dislike or don't enjoy because it's so minimal that it doesn't take away from the overall appreciation we have of her. 

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Guest ArthurBadin

@@Liam, good for you. I am who I am. Fan or hater, I am who I am. I don't care about people say, I don't care for people's approval or denial. After years and years of having such neurothic experiences in being a Madonna fan, I've learnt what I should learn from the very first start: Madonna fans live in a vast spectrum, so vast they even the most hater people can be considered as Madonna stans.

Yes, that's it: Madonna is so polarizing, that even haters are her fans. All is a question of caring with what you are. If people devote their lives to criticize someone, is that because they want this person so much that they want he/she does what they want. As a famous Brazilian pyschic, Chico Xavier, told once, "hate is the love which got mad".

I know people who loves her from the very first start, I know people who used to loved her so much that, once she started to fail on her career with Hard Candy, started hating her (this is the case of the guy I worked with). I know people who doesn't even knew about her, but hated her just for the sake she's an antimodel (search for Freud explanations), and I know people who love hating her and at the same time, adore her so much that they cannot live without her for a single day in their life.

I suggest, in fact, to you, to read Freud's theories about models and antimodels, and the three components of psychic system. I know Madonna hates Freud (she prefers Jung, just like me), but you cannot start with Jung without doing Freud first.

And so, combine them with both bio books, Lucy O'Brien's and Chris Ciccone's. You will understand my point.

Madonna is in fact the ultimate archeotype of what is a superwoman; as someone told, she has joined and cicatrized figures of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene. She's the ultimate name of what you think instanteously when thinking about a everything person. For that reason, it's impossible to not be seduced with her poison, or potion, or sap. Once you crossed Madonna's river, you're not the same, for ever. It's like discovering your reason in life: you cannot be indifferent to her. Loving her or hating her, she is who she is. She is the ultimate force of nature who inspires the outcasts around the world. Her power is so undescribeable that just when you see her dancing, singing and expressing herself, she's got you. That's what happened to me.

After all those years studying Madonna's mind, I came to conclusion she's the open door for the mystery to be solved, for the secret to be told. She's so close from the Light that only her could bring up the true Light conception on such a place like a concert tour.

That's it. Take my words if you want. After all, people can deceive another ones and even themselves online, but I decided, once I entered the internet, i'd be the most sincere I could. And I'm very sincere to you.

EDIT: And, honestly, don't mind for what i've said on that Rebel Hugo thread. I was so p*ssed off with you that I found in it the perfect place to tell what I wanted. I hope you're fine with me.  :kissy:  :heart:  I absolutely adore an altercation when I know I can tell the words I want to say.  :smile:  Sometimes people disguise their bad blood and anger with only the bad but certain words.  :smile:  If someone knew the exact formula of how to deal with people around, for sure, there wouldn't be no catfight nor another more serious ways of fight. The contender is born from the misundestanding. That why's Madonna said, right in Rescue Me, "love is understanding". Even years before Kabbalah she knew it. :angel:  See you!

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@@Liam Who's That Girl Tour used other shows in their DVDs? How?

I'm gonna give way more information than needed but I'm gonna do it nonetheless. Just some fun trivia lol. 



The Ciao Italia was indeed footage taken from three different dates. Tokyo is seen a lot in the beginning. In fact, the footage we see of the stadium before the show with M sound checking in fact isn't the Stadio Communale but it is the Korakuen Stadium in Tokyo. A lot of the show footage itself was split between the Turin and Florence dates, but almost all of the visual we see of the actual stadium is Tokyo. 


Stadio_Comunale_Benito_Mussolini.jpg This is the stadium in Turin. Not seen on the DVD. 


This is the stadium in Forence. Again, not seen on the DVD. 


16.jpg This is the stadium in Tokyo. Familiar? ;) 


The Blond Ambition HBO special and Lazerdisc release was shot almost entirely in Nice. There are certain crowd shots pulled from Barcelona, but 99.999% comes from Nice. 


The Girlie Show Live Down Under was shot primarily in Sydney certain audio taken from Brisbane.


The Drowned World Tour DVD (as well as the HBO special) as you know was mainly filmed in Auburn Hills (Detroit). Many fans also know that there is some footage of the opening night in Barcelona included as well, mainly used during the interludes and Spanish section of the show. 


The Re-invention Tour filming that was planned to be released used mainly footage from Lisbon but also included split second shots from the IGTTYAS filming in Paris, but these are noticeable if you pay attention to the fans in the pit as in some shots there are different people standing at the railing. 


The Confessions Tour DVD and NBC special was filmed across three nights in London (mainly from her birthday show on the 16th however any references to it being her birthday were removed from the broadcast and DVD). The audio is mainly pulled from those London shows however due audio samples are pulled from one of the other London shows that was not filmed but recorded as a rehearsal for the main show.


Sticky and Sweet was filmed across two nights in Buenos Aires at the River Plate Stadium, namely the December 7-8 shows. However, these dates had to be shuffled around from the originally planned dates. The show at the stadium that was played on December was originally scheduled for December 3, but technical issues arose that led to the cancellation and rescheduling of that show. The December 8 show was originally supposed to happen on December 6 but had to be rescheduled as well. This made the filming go a little off course. While 99% of the footage comes from the 7-8 shows in Buenos Aires, there was some crowd footage and audio pulled from Santiago night one. There were certain stage moments and dialogue moments taken from unknown shows from 2009, noticeable for the subtle costume differences seen on the DVD. 


MDNA as we all know was pulled from three shows: Stade de France on July 14, L'Olympia on July 26, and American Airlines Arena on November 19-20. There is some audio taken from other European stops of the tour to cover for certain moments in the show that apparently wasn't vocally appealing to M. 

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@@Liam, good for you. I am who I am. Fan or hater, I am who I am. I don't care about people say, I don't care for people's approval or denial. After years and years of having such neurothic experiences in being a Madonna fan, I've learnt what I should learn from the very first start: Madonna fans live in a vast spectrum, so vast they even the most hater people can be considered as Madonna stans.

Yes, that's it: Madonna is so polarizing, that even haters are her fans. All is a question of caring with what you are. If people devote their lives to criticize someone, is that because they want this person so much that they want he/she does what they want. As a famous Brazilian pyschic, Chico Xavier, told once, "hate is the love which got mad".

I know people who loves her from the very first start, I know people who used to loved her so much that, once she started to fail on her career with Hard Candy, started hating her (this is the case of the guy I worked with). I know people who doesn't even knew about her, but hated her just for the sake she's an antimodel (search for Freud explanations), and I know people who love hating her and at the same time, adore her so much that they cannot live without her for a single day in their life.

I suggest, in fact, to you, to read Freud's theories about models and antimodels, and the three components of psychic system. I know Madonna hates Freud (she prefers Jung, just like me), but you cannot start with Jung without doing Freud first.

And so, combine them with both bio books, Lucy O'Brien's and Chris Ciccone's. You will understand my point.

Madonna is in fact the ultimate archeotype of what is a superwoman; as someone told, she has joined and cicatrized figures of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene. She's the ultimate name of what you think instanteously when thinking about a everything person. For that reason, it's impossible to not be seduced with her poison, or potion, or sap. Once you crossed Madonna's river, you're not the same, for ever. It's like discovering your reason in life: you cannot be indifferent to her. Loving her or hating her, she is who she is. She is the ultimate force of nature who inspires the outcasts around the world. Her power is so undescribeable that just when you see her dancing, singing and expressing herself, she's got you. That's what happened to me.

After all those years studying Madonna's mind, I came to conclusion she's the open door for the mystery to be solved, for the secret to be told. She's so close from the Light that only her could bring up the true Light conception on such a place like a concert tour.

That's it. Take my words if you want. After all, people can deceive another ones and even themselves online, but I decided, once I entered the internet, i'd be the most sincere I could. And I'm very sincere to you.

EDIT: And, honestly, don't mind for what i've said on that Rebel Hugo thread. I was so p*ssed off with you that I found in it the perfect place to tell what I wanted. I hope you're fine with me.  :kissy:  :heart:  I absolutely adore an altercation when I know I can tell the words I want to say.  :smile:  Sometimes people disguise their bad blood and anger with only the bad but certain words.  :smile:  If someone knew the exact formula of how to deal with people around, for sure, there wouldn't be no catfight nor another more serious ways of fight. The contender is born from the misundestanding. That why's Madonna said, right in Rescue Me, "love is understanding". Even years before Kabbalah she knew it. :angel:  See you!

Again, I'm here to enjoy Madonna and discuss Madonna related things with like minded fans.  If you have other intentions such as twisting what I say negatively into an altercation, I will just have to pass. There is far too much negative energy going around the world, that I refuse to take part in it at a fan forum. Good luck on your journey.  :)


Now back on topic...

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I'm gonna give way more information than needed but I'm gonna do it nonetheless. Just some fun trivia lol. 



The Ciao Italia was indeed footage taken from three different dates. Tokyo is seen a lot in the beginning. In fact, the footage we see of the stadium before the show with M sound checking in fact isn't the Stadio Communale but it is the Korakuen Stadium in Tokyo. A lot of the show footage itself was split between the Turin and Florence dates, but almost all of the visual we see of the actual stadium is Tokyo. 


Stadio_Comunale_Benito_Mussolini.jpg This is the stadium in Turin. Not seen on the DVD. 


This is the stadium in Forence. Again, not seen on the DVD. 


16.jpg This is the stadium in Tokyo. Familiar? ;) 


The Blond Ambition HBO special and Lazerdisc release was shot almost entirely in Nice. There are certain crowd shots pulled from Barcelona, but 99.999% comes from Nice. 


The Girlie Show Live Down Under was shot primarily in Sydney certain audio taken from Brisbane.


The Drowned World Tour DVD (as well as the HBO special) as you know was mainly filmed in Auburn Hills (Detroit). Many fans also know that there is some footage of the opening night in Barcelona included as well, mainly used during the interludes and Spanish section of the show. 


The Re-invention Tour filming that was planned to be released used mainly footage from Lisbon but also included split second shots from the IGTTYAS filming in Paris, but these are noticeable if you pay attention to the fans in the pit as in some shots there are different people standing at the railing. 


The Confessions Tour DVD and NBC special was filmed across three nights in London (mainly from her birthday show on the 16th however any references to it being her birthday were removed from the broadcast and DVD). The audio is mainly pulled from those London shows however due audio samples are pulled from one of the other London shows that was not filmed but recorded as a rehearsal for the main show.


Sticky and Sweet was filmed across two nights in Buenos Aires at the River Plate Stadium, namely the December 7-8 shows. However, these dates had to be shuffled around from the originally planned dates. The show at the stadium that was played on December was originally scheduled for December 3, but technical issues arose that led to the cancellation and rescheduling of that show. The December 8 show was originally supposed to happen on December 6 but had to be rescheduled as well. This made the filming go a little off course. While 99% of the footage comes from the 7-8 shows in Buenos Aires, there was some crowd footage and audio pulled from Santiago night one. There were certain stage moments and dialogue moments taken from unknown shows from 2009, noticeable for the subtle costume differences seen on the DVD. 


MDNA as we all know was pulled from three shows: Stade de France on July 14, L'Olympia on July 26, and American Airlines Arena on November 19-20. There is some audio taken from other European stops of the tour to cover for certain moments in the show that apparently wasn't vocally appealing to M. 

Lovely read!!  Thanks for the info.  Definitely something a lot of newer fans should read.  ;)

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Guest ArthurBadin

Again, I'm here to enjoy Madonna and discuss Madonna related things with like minded fans.  If you have other intentions such as twisting what I say negatively into an altercation, I will just have to pass. There is far too much negative energy going around the world, that I refuse to take part in it at a fan forum. Good luck on your journey.  :)


Now back on topic...

Oh God... Back to topic so: when do you think tracklist of CD will appear on iTunes?

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