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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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And in no way is my mentioning this comparable to those criticizing the performance for the back up singers appearing to be singing when they may not. Nor does it mean they weren't originally.

How is it different? Because you don't like that people criticize Madonna? This has been constructive criticism all along. In no way like those who just make drama out of nowhere. Saying that "it doesn't ruin the performance" or whatever other disclaimer is not necessary to discuss something constructively.


But let me just say this: how many artists can say they have fans across multiple generations holding them to such a high degree and standard that they nitpick everything they do? This is a compliment, not an insult to her. Who else should critique her but her fans? "professional critics"? the media? her team? I think we are the ones with the most authority to critique her work because we are the consumers and the admirers and probably the least biased... and sometimes it's gonna be messy yes but that's human nature. :cryin:

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How is it different? Because you don't like that people criticize Madonna? This has been constructive criticism all along. In no way like those who just make drama out of nowhere. Saying that "it doesn't ruin the performance" or whatever other disclaimer is not necessary to discuss something constructively.


But let me just say this: how many artists can say they have fans across multiple generations holding them to such a high degree and standard that they nitpick everything they do? This is a compliment, not an insult to her. Who else should critique her but her fans? "professional critics"? the media? her team? I think we are the ones with the most authority to critique her work because we are the consumers and the admirers and probably the least biased... and sometimes it's gonna be messy yes but that's human nature. :cryin:




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How is it different? Because you don't like that people criticize Madonna? This has been constructive criticism all along. In no way like those who just make drama out of nowhere. Saying that "it doesn't ruin the performance" or whatever other disclaimer is not necessary to discuss something constructively.


But let me just say this: how many artists can say they have fans across multiple generations holding her to such a high degree and standard that they nitpick everything they do? This is a compliment, not an insult to her. Who else should critique her but her fans? "professional critics"? the media? her team? I think we are the ones with the most authority to critique her work because we are the consumers and the admirers and probably the least biased... and sometimes it's gonna be messy yes but that's human nature.  :cryin:

Look, I never said anyone can't be "constructive" or even "criticize" her and you know that. You know that's not my issue, but you and a few others keep twisting it as so. Also, it isn't about wanting everyone to agree with me either, nor do I think people should love everything she does.  It's the fact that it seems those who criticize her get all up and arms about someone such as myself who challenge their views and say, "I have the right to criticize her".  When I say, "it seems like a silly thing to nitpick over", I never say they can't or they should stop. Not once have I ever said such. However, the moment someone such as myself dares to challenge their nitpicking or question their negativity, they shoot back by saying, "it's my opinion. I have the right to say it".  Certainly, they do!!  Just like I have every right to challenge it and say it's silly or a non-issue.  It's not meant to be a personal jab at them. It's just the idea that I find silly or ridiculous.  Furthermore, there seems to be a lot of the same people being overly negative rather spending time just appreciating her.  I mean c'mon... there are some people who have posted in this thread, where most if not all their posts are bitching and moaning.  I'm sorry if you find an issue with me pointing that out.  But not once have I said they couldn't continue sharing their negativity.  But pardon me for being curious why someone who is negative about her all the time bothers to come here?  But again and let me be VERY clear, I never said they can't come here.  I'm just baffled why anyone would spend so much time at a fan forum, bashing the artist.  You can try to pretend it's not happening or it's minimal, but the fact still stands that some come here constantly to complain if not take swipes at Madonna.  I'm not the only one who feels this way. I know there are a lot of people who don't post as often (for this very reason) because they fear they will get bashed for defending Madonna. To me, I really find it appalling that a fan such as myself who simply looks at Madonna far more optimistically has to keep defending himself for doing so. It should be a no brainer. I love Madonna unconditionally.  It doesn't mean I love everything she says or does, but I also fail to see the purpose to come to a place that is set up to appreciation and celebrate an artist simply to take her down a few pegs over silly non trivial things.  Not only that, there are a lot of people who get ignored or topics get ignored over the negativity.  No doubt, our conversations tonight will get a lot of views if not snide comments as well as "likes" over topics that are really about appreciating Madonna.  To me, I find it ridiculous. I'm not here to fight with anyone. I just want to share my perspective of how I view Madonna.  Again, this is my opinion. I'm not saying anyone should go or be banned. This isn't my community. I don't have any authority of who comes and goes. But certainly, I can offer why I think some are trying to constantly bring the morale down here.  I'm simply asking for some to balance it out, rather being negative about everything. If you or someone else prefers to twist what I say here tonight into something more, that's your guy's issues.  I'm here to appreciate and celebrate Madonna.  :)

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Ok let's get this straight: There is nothing inherently negative about critiquing. If people wanna say they dislike something for this or that reason that's their opinion and it's neither negative nor positive, it is what it is.


Sometimes people post really annoying shit or things I don't agree with but I don't subsequently hold it against them because that's not participating on a discussion in good faith. Holding people's post histories against them is ad-hominem by definition. For instance i'm disagreeing with you right now, but as you can tell by your notifications I actually like many of your posts despite any momentary disagreement. 


A forum is about discussing things that other people couldn't give less of a shit about, including tracklist order, sound quality, whatever it is. We are the ones who care enough about her and her art and her products to actually go through everything, no one else cares as much as we do. That is very much a part of appreciating and celebrating an artist;


if your idea of positivity and appreciation is different, you're entitled to it, but you can't expect people to be positive by your personal standards on every critical post. No one who doesn't love Madonna is going to come to a forum of hers to talk about an editing mistake or whatever other detail, or they're going to feel upset over such things. :lol:


Madonna doesn't need defending if people wanna say a performance is poor or a tour was her worst or an album was weak. She really doesn't. Defend her from sexism, ageism, actual bullying, etc. Those are things worth defending her for.


There are a lot of people who don't post often on ANY Madonna forum because they fear they'll have to defend their personal opinion or they even fear their posts will be deleted and their accounts banned, and places like these are for fans first, fan opinions, fan feelings, fan messiness even. It is what it is. No one should be judging who belongs and who doesn't.

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Ok let's get this straight: There is nothing inherently negative about critiquing. If people wanna say they dislike something for this or that reason that's their opinion and it's neither negative nor positive, it is what it is.


Sometimes people post really annoying shit or things I don't agree with but I don't subsequently hold it against them because that's not participating on a discussion in good faith. Holding people's post histories against them is ad-hominem by definition. For instance i'm disagreeing with you right now, but as you can tell by your notifications I actually like many of your posts despite any momentary disagreement. 


A forum is about discussing things that other people couldn't give less of a shit about, including tracklist order, sound quality, whatever it is. We are the ones who care enough about her and her art and her products to actually go through everything, no one else cares as much as we do. That is very much a part of appreciating and celebrating an artist;


if your idea of positivity and appreciation is different, you're entitled to it, but you can't expect people to be positive by your personal standards on every critical post. No one who doesn't love Madonna is going to come to a forum of hers to talk about an editing mistake or whatever other detail, or they're going to feel upset over such things. :lol:


Madonna doesn't need defending if people wanna say a performance is poor or a tour was her worst or an album was weak. She really doesn't. Defend her from sexism, ageism, actual bullying, etc. Those are things worth defending her for.


There are a lot of people who don't post often on ANY Madonna forum because they fear they'll have to defend their personal opinion or they even fear their posts will be deleted and their accounts banned, and places like these are for fans first, fan opinions, fan feelings, fan messiness even. It is what it is. No one should be judging who belongs and who doesn't.

Yeah, Yeah whatever. This is all turning into a useless war of words.  All I was trying to convey is some should try to be a bit more positive, appreciative and respectful, rather constantly ragging on Madonna. You know it's happening.  That said, I'm moving on to better things because as I said this conversation is going nowhere and I refuse to contribute to making this anymore negative.  Not only that, it's totally off topic. Good night!!

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Yeah, Yeah whatever. This is all turning into a useless war of words.  All I was trying to convey is some should try to be a bit more positive, appreciative and respectful, rather constantly ragging on Madonna. You know it's happening.  That said, I'm moving on to better things because as I said this conversation is going nowhere and I refuse to contribute to making this anymore negative.  Good night!!


I guess saying I appreciate your posts and that respect between fans is the most important thing on a fan community is negative, useless and "whatever" to you.  If you wanna keep having confrontations with people keep judging them and keep thinking every critique is "ragging on Madonna", but know people aren't out to get you for being positive and no one is secretly a Madonna hater. I guess keep going through people's post histories to prove yourself right if that suits you. 

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i finale watched the bluray , i liked it !

i had to wait long before the japanese edition arrived and i had to pay extra import cost so total 85 euro !

the bluray works fine on my player 





I'm really glad I don't live in Belgium, Jesus.

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Look, I never said anyone can't be "constructive" or even "criticize" her and you know that. You know that's not my issue, but you and a few others keep twisting it as so. Also, it isn't about wanting everyone to agree with me either, nor do I think people should love everything she does.  It's the fact that it seems those who criticize her get all up and arms about someone such as myself who challenge their views and say, "I have the right to criticize her".  When I say, "it seems like a silly thing to nitpick over", I never say they can't or they should stop. Not once have I ever said such. However, the moment someone such as myself dares to challenge their nitpicking or question their negativity, they shoot back by saying, "it's my opinion. I have the right to say it".  Certainly, they do!!  Just like I have every right to challenge it and say it's silly or a non-issue.  It's not meant to be a personal jab at them. It's just the idea that I find silly or ridiculous.  Furthermore, there seems to be a lot of the same people being overly negative rather spending time just appreciating her.  I mean c'mon... there are some people who have posted in this thread, where most if not all their posts are bitching and moaning.  I'm sorry if you find an issue with me pointing that out.  But not once have I said they couldn't continue sharing their negativity.  But pardon me for being curious why someone who is negative about her all the time bothers to come here?  But again and let me be VERY clear, I never said they can't come here.  I'm just baffled why anyone would spend so much time at a fan forum, bashing the artist.  You can try to pretend it's not happening or it's minimal, but the fact still stands that some come here constantly to complain if not take swipes at Madonna.  I'm not the only one who feels this way. I know there are a lot of people who don't post as often (for this very reason) because they fear they will get bashed for defending Madonna. To me, I really find it appalling that a fan such as myself who simply looks at Madonna far more optimistically has to keep defending himself for doing so. It should be a no brainer. I love Madonna unconditionally.  It doesn't mean I love everything she says or does, but I also fail to see the purpose to come to a place that is set up to appreciation and celebrate an artist simply to take her down a few pegs over silly non trivial things.  Not only that, there are a lot of people who get ignored or topics get ignored over the negativity.  No doubt, our conversations tonight will get a lot of views if not snide comments as well as "likes" over topics that are really about appreciating Madonna.  To me, I find it ridiculous. I'm not here to fight with anyone. I just want to share my perspective of how I view Madonna.  Again, this is my opinion. I'm not saying anyone should go or be banned. This isn't my community. I don't have any authority of who comes and goes. But certainly, I can offer why I think some are trying to constantly bring the morale down here.  I'm simply asking for some to balance it out, rather being negative about everything. If you or someone else prefers to twist what I say here tonight into something more, that's your guy's issues.  I'm here to appreciate and celebrate Madonna.  :)


The internet is  full of people arguing and criticizing everything and that's not just on Madonna forums. All fan forums have this problem as does Madonna's instagram, as does Facebook, as do news sites, youtube etc. I understand your frustration but this is not going to change. These are the places people come to nitpick, the majority of people are out there just enjoying the dvd and not thinking that much about it.


I do understand the disappointment about the edits however this is actually the first Madonna concert that ran over 2 hours and its also the only time we've gotten so many bonus performances on a tour. So in truth we were spoiled this time.


Either way I love the tour and the bluray/dvd, I love the editing. I'm glad we got LAP and TAB in some form. I do wish WTG was included also... Hopefully it leaks!

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Guest ArthurBadin

After more than 15 days of waiting, finally bought dvd. Unlike previous Madonna one (L-U-V M-D-N-A),I can watch it properly on my PC, and probably I will on my DVD player. Thank you Madonna! Finally you score the union of old technology with new technology. And I hope never more to buy anything from you in a good while. Thank you you too, all people in this thread, for being so supportive and telling the truth to me when I needed. See y'all. As in Candy Shop lyrics, "peace in the corner of UK, and USA..." and everywhere else.


EDIT: And I can't believe you are still discussing people who complain and people who don't complain. As if the Light in what we all will turn into in one day would love such complaining. Time is up for everyone being happy! Bye!

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So today I picked up my order from Madonna’s store and now I can finally share my story.




When the bundles first showed up on her store I added them my basket to see how much shipping would be to Canada and due to some odd glitch for any of the bundles no matter what I added the price would always be $0.00 and they didn’t ask for a credit card. So I picked up some bundles for the different shirts and formats (Blu-Ray and DVD) and processed the order thinking ‘Oh they’ll cancel it because I didn’t add in a credit card.


So a few days pass and I get an e-mail from Live Nation asking me to confirm my shirt sizes. So I reply then I think they’ll ask me for a credit card. Nope, I get my confirmation e-mail that it’s shipped. And here we are and I have my video releases in my hand now waiting for all the shirts to arrive.


I’m literally in disbelief that I actually didn’t pay for any of this.

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So today I picked up my order from Madonna’s store and now I can finally share my story.




When the bundles first showed up on her store I added them my basket to see how much shipping would be to Canada and due to some odd glitch for any of the bundles no matter what I added the price would always be $0.00 and they didn’t ask for a credit card. So I picked up some bundles for the different shirts and formats (Blu-Ray and DVD) and processed the order thinking ‘Oh they’ll cancel it because I didn’t add in a credit card.


So a few days pass and I get an e-mail from Live Nation asking me to confirm my shirt sizes. So I reply then I think they’ll ask me for a credit card. Nope, I get my confirmation e-mail that it’s shipped. And here we are and I have my video releases in my hand now waiting for all the shirts to arrive.


I’m literally in disbelief that I actually didn’t pay for any of this.

How lucky are you.

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does anyone know if their was a rebel heart silicone glow bracelet like the blue MDNA one? i have the one from the MDNA concert!



I have never seen any, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.  By the way, I always enjoy your posts!  Thank you.  :)

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Im going to die!


This morning I contacted with WOWHD.UK because DVD/CD was sent september 09th and I havent received yet.


An hour later I had the reply. To claim an order as lost I have to wait 45 days, and today is day 25.

Can you just cancel the order?

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