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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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@@G House that's amazing. I really wish the great bootlegs' times would be back. Bootlegs used to be so well done, so amazing... i'd love to see a bootleg like that [because we all know that asking for something like this as an official release is an impossible dream]. Today is all about these messed up things LOL:


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Pages ago, someone (I can't recall who did it) asked for a vinyl edition of the RHT and I thought that it would be a great idea.

The version that @@valonqar made is amazing, because I really love red vinyl (even better if it's translucid), but I came across this idea yesterday night and here it is: a puzzle picture disc, kind of a rare limited edition in my mind.



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It's very sad thinking that we're never going to have something like this for real :cry: .


As a physical artistic product the box must be part of the album concept, not just the cover image. The box of the RH deluxe edition came a little closer to this.


I love what Fangoria do with their boxes, they're so amazing: 


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Cause she always ignores our wishes, even we are the last interested people in her stuff, she prefers to bore us with black of white images of her telling lame and unfunny jokes, we'll see.


Strange when you are the biggest star in the world and think about being standup comedian. The grillz freak show - loving to repeat herself over and over: will be the title for sure

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Kylie includes the backdrop videos on some of her tours dvds? Why cant M ?? Ms are way better too

I hate to break it to you but Kylie ≠ Madge

They are run starkly different.

One's label respects their Artistry the other is clearly being seen as a cash grab.


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

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Rebel Heart Tour Official 2017 Emmy ‘For Your Consideration’ Showtime DVD added



We have just added the official 2017 Emmy promo DVD containing the Showtime special of the Rebel Heart Tour to Videotheque and Rebel Heart Tourpage (memorabilia).


This official promotional DVD has been sent out to Emmy voters as part of the Outstanding Special Class Programand is backed by the Zero Days documentary. The DVD comes in a large card slipcase and is the ‘Showtime’ cut (meaning the cut songs are still cut), throughout you’ll sometimes see ‘Property of Showtime’ appear on your screen. The matrix on the back of the DVD reads ‘#25388 Zero/Madonna Showtime 2017 Emmy Mailer’.


These are authorized and official, they were sent to garner VOTES from Emmy Voters. It is removed from a heavy set of unrelated DVDs.





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we're gonna piss her off so much shes gonna go on a blockt spree again.  :lol:


let her feel her photoshop fantasy


aint no harm done  :kiss:


I mean it truly, honestly.


We can print our own fantasy artwork if we dont like the official.  :kissy:


And better luck next time.


Cos what you see isn't always to our taste.

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What you see is not necessarily what you get

Take your judgements and let them go


There is no such thing as regret

There is no point in placing the blame

Hate destroys the one who hates

And everyone suffers the same


So the golden "Express Yourself" rule is valid for Madonna only or only when she is right?

I am sorry @@Fighter but I don't agree with you!

It is not my intention to piss her off, but to open her eyes... or at least let her know that we may love and support her and buy her stuff but not necessarily approve everything she does! We learnt it from her!

Anyway, I don't think she'll ever read the posts she receives or where she is tagged...

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Sure, and it's ok to show different artworks to her but I don't think telling her "look at this it's so much better" is gonna do any good tbh. She likes Aldo Diaz and he's a fan, a nice person by all accounts, so it's a bit touchy imho, do we expect her to be like "oh yeah fuck this let's change him for someone else"...


I mean really it's not realistic.


TBH I'm surprised she hasn't bitched at us again. And afraid that she's just over the whole thing.

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What you say is true, she may be busy doing something else and Guy is working with U2 now.

Still to show her other things could only help:

- to convince her to discover another artist next time

- as I wrote, not to go for second best and care more about the final product

- for Aldo himself, prove that he deserves the honor and the position and show us all he can do better!


As a teacher, I know that especially young people often are satisfied with the first thing they write or imagine, but the creative process may also take time and effort... it is not just the inspiration of a second... Don't go for second best!

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At the same time we gotta be careful we're not implying "you have bad taste, we know better". i mean I'm sure people have literally told her that "to her face" on instagram. We can joke and be extra on fan forums but to go to Madonna's and Aldo's instagrams or tagging them is too much for me.


It's her art and obviously she cares, and obviously she thinks she's going for the best, and she's also involved enough to give Aldo instructions on what she wants. 


My guess is that she just doesn't have a firm grasp on digital aesthetics that much yet, like for us who grew up doing photoshop, we know what a generic lense flair, bad cropping, etc, looks like. It jumps at us. For people like her who are used to doing things differently it's likely not so obvious unless it's pointed out, but we gotta do it politely. Aldo is clearly learning and improving, he may not be ready for primetime but i'm rooting for him as someone else said.


I mean, let's also remember that she chose a fan to design her covers after we bitched at her about her artworks. It was a nice gesture.


And i'm not mother teresa but I play one on this thread. :dead: so thats that. 

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we're gonna piss her off so much shes gonna go on a blockt spree again.  :lol:



I'm a victim of one of those sprees. Still bitter about it.

Should be oddly honored in a way but interestingly I am also blocked by LOLA despite never having access to her account of even interacting with her. Is she the one in charge of M's Instagram? She at least has access no doubt. Dawn Lombardi is friends with Lola, hence those posts supporting his show.

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I was born in a period of cameras and films, I almost use no photoshop.

I appreciate the good all art of photography and would be happy with a simple one.

I sent these two images in full respect and that is why I didn't tag Aldo.

But I also have the impression she is surrounded by yes men who can't really tell her something is not good enough, or simply by a staff that is not the best she should deserve.

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I was born in a period of cameras and films, I almost use no photoshop.

I appreciate the good all art of photography and would be happy with a simple one.

I sent these two images in full respect and that is why I didn't tag Aldo.

But I also have the impression she is surrounded by yes men who can't really tell her something is not good enough, or simply by a staff that is not the best she should deserve.

Well yes from the outside it looks like there arent a lot of people around her looking out for her in some instances. It is frustrating.


But it is her art so shes gonna do what she wants to do at the end of the day.


And I know youre respectful and constructive but a lot of people havent been. So hopefully she doesnt start seeing all of our opinions as people whining.

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I always thought that the all-time-seen picture of M in UB performance was not going to be the cover. It was too predictable (as predictable as the one with M on the elevator with the screen-cross behind in "I Don't Give A" on the MDNA Tour)... The kind of picture of everybody uses on amateur and own designs are those that never are going to be used... But all that Aldo Diaz does is horrible, and in a very, very amateur way...


The only thing I think he is elected is because it's free... but even in this case, there are lots of freelance people who does incredible and better jobs.

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