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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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Bat-Fan will now be able to take his usual hiatus, and be back in a couple of years to moan and groan about the next DVD/Blu-Ray release. . :Madonna003:

and you will be right there with me, moaning and groaning about me. It is an interesting question, which are more annoying, the ones that complain (although my main problem was anxiety about the taping/releasing) or the ones that constantly complain about the complainers.
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and you will be right there with me, moaning and groaning about me. It is an interesting question, which are more annoying, the ones that complain (although my main problem was anxiety about the taping/releasing) or the ones that constantly complain about the complainers.

Wrong!  I'll still be around, commenting and posting and actually sharing my enthusiasm and love for Madonna rather than just complaining about a silly Concert DVD which you doubted all along.  You did the same with MDNA as well.  Then you disappeared and came back around to all the message boards to share the same complaints, and offering the same disappointing tone.  The truth is,  I was far more humored than "annoyed" by you.  Why?  Because it was funny to see you hit up multiple fan forums, asking the same doubting questions and expressing the same complaints.  Even when you got an answer or a clarification, you still went to other communities, fishing for people to agree with your negative persuasion. Meanwhile, as stated, you doubted everything along the way. (Those here, who are members at other popular Madonna fan forums, will know exactly what I'm talking about, if they participated in the same touring thread).  Even when Madonna confirmed things about the release herself, you still raised doubt. And when you were dis-proven, you just  found another thing to complain about. You rarely shared anything positive about this release, nor anything about why you're even a Madonna fan.  The fact is; I wouldn't have cared about your constant complaints and negativity if you actually participated outside this topic, sharing more enthusiasm and love for Madonna.  But don't mistake me, I am not saying you (or anyone can't be critical of Madonna), but you spent majority of your time here simply complaining and doubting.  Certainly, you are free to do so, but don't complain when people challenge your constant moaning and groaning! :kissy:

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Wrong! I'll still be around, commenting and posting and actually sharing my enthusiasm and love for Madonna rather than just complaining about a silly Concert DVD which you doubted all along. You did the same with MDNA as well. Then you disappeared and came back around to all the message boards to share the same complaints, and offering the same disappointing tone. The truth is, I was far more humored than "annoyed" by you. Why? Because it was funny to see you hit up multiple fan forums, asking the same doubting questions and expressing the same complaints. Even when you got an answer or a clarification, you still went to other communities, fishing for people to agree with your negative persuasion. Meanwhile, as stated, you doubted everything along the way. (Those here, who are members at other popular Madonna fan forums, will know exactly what I'm talking about, if they participated in the same touring thread). Even when Madonna confirmed things about the release herself, you still raised doubt. And when you were dis-proven, you just found another thing to complain about. You rarely shared anything positive about this release, nor anything about why you're even a Madonna fan. The fact is; I wouldn't have cared about your constant complaints and negativity if you actually participated outside this topic, sharing more enthusiasm and love for Madonna. But don't mistake me, I am not saying you (or anyone can't be critical of Madonna), but you spent majority of your time here simply complaining and doubting. Certainly, you are free to do so, but don't complain when people challenge your constant moaning and groaning! :kissy:

well my last post I was saying I liked the film and would watch it over and over, isnt that sharing enthusiasm. I was obviously praising the release, yet you manage to be a jerk about it. I have even showed the film to few of my friends that are not Madonna fans and they were very impressed. I would say I am sharing the love. But any way, everything you said was true, every word, about constant anxiety about everything, taping and releasing, blabla, and going from one forum to the next asking the same questions over and over, it is true, but you know, having anxiety about a dvd release is kind of innocent when comparing to other much more serious parts of life that I have to worry about. I just dont get your lack of tolerance, being a fan of a woman that praises tolerance and accepting people that are different.
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Guest ArthurBadin

I finally have it in my hands!!



Enhorabuena, chico! Is this the American copy, @@madgefan? By the way, I guess Chile has been suffering from the same fate the entire South America has been: lack of release of any formats but standalone DVD and double CD, am I right?

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Enhorabuena, chico! Is this the American copy, @@madgefan? By the way, I guess Chile has been suffering from the same fate the entire South America has been: lack of release of any formats but standalone DVD and double CD, am I right?


I don't even live in Santiago so having access to newly released material in physical format is almost impossible here. I order everything online, new or used.

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Here's another promo interview:




Madonna nous a révélé les secrets de «Rebel Heart», son dernier CD et DVD, et expliqué sa relation spéciale avec la France.

Nous n'avions pas parlé à Madonna depuis douze ans. Ce n'est pas faute d'avoir sollicité une rencontre à chaque album, à chaque passage à Paris. Et c'est au moment où l'on s'y attend le moins qu'on nous propose un «phoner» -- une interview téléphonique -- avec la star aux 59 printemps et aux 300 millions d'albums vendus. Pour promouvoir les CD et DVD de sa dernière tournée, «Rebel Heart», parus vendredi dernier.


Cet entretien est exclusif pour la France. On l'accepte malgré la consigne de ne pas parler de sa vie privée. Il y a assez à dire sur ses shows parisiens de décembre 2015, son hommage aux victimes du 13 Novembre... Mais on ne s'attend pas à être censuré par un ferme et répété «Eric, nous parlons du DVD» de l'attaché de presse qui écoute notre conversation, lorsque nous interrogeons Madonna sur Donald Trump, l'éventualité d'un concert au Bataclan, son boycott de la Russie en tournée... Cette artiste qui défend la liberté d'expression ne bronche pas. On ne s'attend pas non plus à ce qu'elle pose les deux premières questions.


Madonna. Bonjour Eric. Où avez-vous vu mon show ?
A Paris-Bercy, en décembre 2015.


Et trouvez-vous que le film a capturé votre expérience du show ?
Oui, même si les Français auraient forcément aimé retrouver les moments d'émotion particuliers à Paris.

Madonna. C'est un film pour le monde entier. Nous avons filmé tous les shows dans le monde. Mais je comprends. Les shows à Paris étaient vraiment très spéciaux, en particulier le premier, où nous étions allés ensuite place de la République. C'était très émouvant pour moi et j'aurais aimé la partager, mais c'était compliqué de l'inclure dans un film sur mon show probablement le plus universel.


Pourquoi être allée chanter place de la République ?
Je pense que c'était bien de revenir près du lieu (NDLR : le Bataclan) où avaient eu lieu les événements. Un monument symbolique, national. Nous voulions y clamer que nous ne céderions pas à la peur et, après toute cette violence et ces souffrances, apporter de la paix, de l'énergie, de la joie. Je n'oublierai jamais cette nuit, jamais...


Vos shows parisiens étaient aussi très intenses.
Je me suis toujours sentie connectée avec le public français, inspirée par les réalisateurs français, par Piaf... Et j'ai beaucoup travaillé avec des artistes français, Mirwais, Jean Paul Gaultier, Mondino...


Et beaucoup de danseurs...
Sur toutes les tournées ! A chaque fois que j'organise une audition, la plupart des danseurs sont français. C'est très bizarre. Il doit y avoir quelque chose dans l'air chez vous.

La chanteuse met un point d’honneur à monter des numéros pas très catholiques.

Vous chantiez « la Vie en rose » sur cette tournée...
Oui, et comme ma prononciation en français n'était pas très bonne, je me faisais corriger tous les soirs par mes danseurs français (elle rit).


A chaque concert, vous faisiez monter un ami ou une amie sur scène pour danser. A Paris, c'était Jean Paul Gaultier et Christine and The Queens.
C'était un plaisir ! J'adore Jean Paul et je suis une grande fan de Christine. Avec elle, nous avons beaucoup d'amis en commun. Ses danseurs, sa chorégraphe (NDLR : Marion Motin) et nous avons le même directeur vidéo. Elle est géniale.


Vous aimeriez travailler avec elle ?
Pourquoi pas, c'est possible. C'est une danseuse fantastique. Et elle repousse les limites. Nous partageons cet état d'esprit.


A Paris, vous aviez aussi chanté en duo avec votre fils David « Redemption Song », de Bob Marley.
C'était son idée. A Paris, je me suis sentie très fière et reconnaissante d'être là, de pouvoir utiliser ma voix d'artiste pour faire une déclaration, de reconnaître ce qui s'était passé chez vous mais aussi ailleurs dans le monde, d'impliquer mes enfants... C'était vraiment spécial.

 Madonna s'installe à Lisbonne pour suivre son fils David, footballeur au Benfica

Au début du show, vous annoncez : «Je veux toujours faire la révolution.» Vous vous sentez toujours une combattante ?
Je ne me bats pas seulement sur scène, mais au quotidien. Je suis très impliquée politiquement aux côtés d'organisations humanitaires, sur les réseaux sociaux pour exprimer mes idées, parfois ma colère. Je suis une combattante de la liberté, des droits pour les enfants africains, pour la santé, l'alimentation... Depuis que je suis née, je me bats pour les droits des femmes. J'essaie d'inclure ces combats dans mes shows, tout en restant une showgirl.


Vous aviez eu des déclarations musclées contre Trump après son élection ?
Oui, je devais le faire... (On nous coupe, elle reprend.) Je pense que c'est mon boulot d'artiste de faire le spectacle tout en passant quelques messages. Tous les chanteurs et auteurs ne ressentent pas ce besoin, mais moi, si. J'ai toujours été provocante et politique dans mon travail. Mais il y a aussi beaucoup d'émotions en moi.


Votre dernier album ne s'est vendu qu'à 50 000 exemplaires en France. Cela vous a déçu ?
Ce qui m'a déçu, surtout, c'est que quelqu'un ait piraté et diffusé mes chansons sur Internet alors qu'elles n'étaient pas terminées. Cela a eu un énorme effet sur les ventes. Mais je reste très fière de cet album...


Vous préparez le suivant ?
Je travaille, je rencontre des musiciens, je discute de mes idées avec des producteurs. Je suis au tout début du processus.

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Last night I had fun reworking the official release of the Tour. I used an audio rip of the show + Take a Bow + Like a Prayer to create an alternative version of the double CD with Interludes. So here are the things I did ^^ :


  • I add the Interludes
  • I cut Body Shop at the end just the before the "and your six pack" part and merge it into Deeper and Deeper
  • I add some part of the Rebel Heart speech just at the end of the Dress You Up Medley to introduce Take a Bow.
                => (So after "gracias senioritas" she says "as you can see there's a lot of crazy stuff going on on my show... yep..." and then Take a Bow begins)
  • I add Like a Prayer right after Take a Bow
  • I use some part of the Rebel Heart speech again to introduce Rebel Heart.
                => (So just after Like a Prayer she says "you know there's no point of being a rebel unless you have something to fight for" and then the "if they're Rebel Hearts in the audience" part)
  • I reworked Music.
                 => (On the CD it was cut just after the fighting scene. So in my version, after the fighting scene, there is the moment when the music stops, but even if I extended Music, I cut the part where she uses her body as a piano to go straight to the second part of Music. This modification allows me to have a shortened version of Music (compared to the video one) that flows well with Candy Shop and wich is longer than the version we had on the CD.
  • I cut the end of Material Girl
                => (Like they did on the CD. So it ends with "just kidding" and flows into la Vie en Rose)
  • I cut the end of la Vie en Rose
    => (Like they did on the CD too, so it's end with the lighter sound after "Light it up baby !"
  • I extended Holiday
                => (On the CD it was cut just after "I love you !", now it ends with "good night my bitches !"


And I think that's it ! The show is now 1 hour 56 minutes and includes 26 tracks. I guess that's what I'm going to put on my iPod :D



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Last night I had fun reworking the official release of the Tour. I used an audio rip of the show + Take a Bow + Like a Prayer to create an alternative version of the double CD with Interludes. So here are the things I did ^^ :


  • I add the Interludes
  • I cut Body Shop at the end just the before the "and your six pack" part and merge it into Deeper and Deeper
  • I add some part of the Rebel Heart speech just at the end of the Dress You Up Medley to introduce Take a Bow.

                => (So after "gracias senioritas" she says "as you can see there's a lot of crazy stuff going on on my show... yep..." and then Take a Bow begins)

  • I add Like a Prayer right after Take a Bow
  • I use some part of the Rebel Heart speech again to introduce Rebel Heart.

                => (So just after Like a Prayer she says "you know there's no point of being a rebel unless you have something to fight for" and then the "if they're Rebel Hearts in the audience" part)

  • I reworked Music.

                 => (On the CD it was cut just after the fighting scene. So in my version, after the fighting scene, there is the moment when the music stops, but even if I extended Music, I cut the part where she uses her body as a piano to go straight to the second part of Music. This modification allows me to have a shortened version of Music (compared to the video one) that flows well with Candy Shop and wich is longer than the version we had on the CD.

  • I cut the end of Material Girl

                => (Like they did on the CD. So it ends with "just kidding" and flows into la Vie en Rose)

  • I cut the end of la Vie en Rose


    => (Like they did on the CD too, so it's end with the lighter sound after "Light it up baby !"
  • I extended Holiday

                => (On the CD it was cut just after "I love you !", now it ends with "good night my bitches !"


And I think that's it ! The show is now 1 hour 56 minutes and includes 26 tracks. I guess that's what I'm going to put on my iPod :D



Sounds cool.  Though personally, the interludes are simply the studio tracks and best left for the visual part of the project.  


I am surprised you didn't add "Love Don't Live Here Anymore".  

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Last night I had fun reworking the official release of the Tour. I used an audio rip of the show + Take a Bow + Like a Prayer to create an alternative version of the double CD with Interludes. So here are the things I did ^^ :


  • I add the Interludes
  • I cut Body Shop at the end just the before the "and your six pack" part and merge it into Deeper and Deeper
  • I add some part of the Rebel Heart speech just at the end of the Dress You Up Medley to introduce Take a Bow.

    => (So after "gracias senioritas" she says "as you can see there's a lot of crazy stuff going on on my show... yep..." and then Take a Bow begins)

  • I add Like a Prayer right after Take a Bow
  • I use some part of the Rebel Heart speech again to introduce Rebel Heart.

    => (So just after Like a Prayer she says "you know there's no point of being a rebel unless you have something to fight for" and then the "if they're Rebel Hearts in the audience" part)

  • I reworked Music.

    => (On the CD it was cut just after the fighting scene. So in my version, after the fighting scene, there is the moment when the music stops, but even if I extended Music, I cut the part where she uses her body as a piano to go straight to the second part of Music. This modification allows me to have a shortened version of Music (compared to the video one) that flows well with Candy Shop and wich is longer than the version we had on the CD.

  • I cut the end of Material Girl

    => (Like they did on the CD. So it ends with "just kidding" and flows into la Vie en Rose)

  • I cut the end of la Vie en Rose

    => (Like they did on the CD too, so it's end with the lighter sound after "Light it up baby !"
  • I extended Holiday

    => (On the CD it was cut just after "I love you !", now it ends with "good night my bitches !"

And I think that's it ! The show is now 1 hour 56 minutes and includes 26 tracks. I guess that's what I'm going to put on my iPod :D



very good. Could you do the same for the DVD ☺
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Interludes are not that important but I wanted to have something nearly like the full show but without the speeches (like they did on the Double CD). As I worked on the official release only, I don't add LDLHA :(

You should add it!  :)

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If theres one thing that needed to be edited on the audio is the ending of Unapologetic Bitch? not sure why they put that extended portion that only makes sense in the video...

I don't think anything needed to be edited (except that bloody transition between Music and Candy Shop^^), I just create my own version of the show :) Unapologetic Bitch is such mess I don't even try, maybe I will ^^

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If theres one thing that needed to be edited on the audio is the ending of Unapologetic Bitch? not sure why they put that extended portion that only makes sense in the video...

I look at it as an "extended version".  LOL!

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Last night I had fun reworking the official release of the Tour. I used an audio rip of the show + Take a Bow + Like a Prayer to create an alternative version of the double CD with Interludes. So here are the things I did ^^ :


  • I add the Interludes
  • I cut Body Shop at the end just the before the "and your six pack" part and merge it into Deeper and Deeper
  • I add some part of the Rebel Heart speech just at the end of the Dress You Up Medley to introduce Take a Bow.

                => (So after "gracias senioritas" she says "as you can see there's a lot of crazy stuff going on on my show... yep..." and then Take a Bow begins)

  • I add Like a Prayer right after Take a Bow
  • I use some part of the Rebel Heart speech again to introduce Rebel Heart.

                => (So just after Like a Prayer she says "you know there's no point of being a rebel unless you have something to fight for" and then the "if they're Rebel Hearts in the audience" part)

  • I reworked Music.

                 => (On the CD it was cut just after the fighting scene. So in my version, after the fighting scene, there is the moment when the music stops, but even if I extended Music, I cut the part where she uses her body as a piano to go straight to the second part of Music. This modification allows me to have a shortened version of Music (compared to the video one) that flows well with Candy Shop and wich is longer than the version we had on the CD.

  • I cut the end of Material Girl

                => (Like they did on the CD. So it ends with "just kidding" and flows into la Vie en Rose)

  • I cut the end of la Vie en Rose


    => (Like they did on the CD too, so it's end with the lighter sound after "Light it up baby !"
  • I extended Holiday

                => (On the CD it was cut just after "I love you !", now it ends with "good night my bitches !"


And I think that's it ! The show is now 1 hour 56 minutes and includes 26 tracks. I guess that's what I'm going to put on my iPod :D



Sounds cool! I'm doing something similar but keeping all speeches. Plus I'm adding LDLHA, Ghosttown (from Chicago) and Don't Tell Me (from Tokyo). I'm also adding Borderline from TOAC as a bonus track. :smile:


If I can get it to sound right, I'm extending the songs that were edited on the Blu-ray such as Devil Pray, Deeper and Deeper, Medley, etc.).

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@@MithrandirCreations and @@musicinferno


KaitoXD has made a beautiful version of LDLHA that could fit in nicely. You can find it here:




Would die to hear your versions of your concert😘

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@@MithrandirCreations and @@musicinferno


KaitoXD has made a beautiful version of LDLHA that could fit in nicely. You can find it here:




Would die to hear your versions of your concert

I've heard it, it sounds good but I'm not sure it will work with the edition I made unfortunately. But I'll try ;)

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I've heard it, it sounds good but I'm not sure it will work with the edition I made unfortunately. But I'll try ;)


@@MithrandirCreations and @@musicinferno


KaitoXD has made a beautiful version of LDLHA that could fit in nicely. You can find it here:




Would die to hear your versions of your concert

I tried. XD

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Guys, I was wondering here, do you think she chooses to over saturate the image in her releases (music videos, concerts, advertising, etc...) for her skin to be almost white and people don't see imperfections in her face?


We all know how she likes to be perfect.


This just crossed my mind 'cause I really like to see the details, and with overexposed whites in the picture we loose that. :(


I don't think this is the case. In the modern industry, it's actually really common to filter this way, not because the artist wants to hide imperfections, but because it adds more vividness to the image. The trend started in the early 2000's has ballooned since then. It's for image appearance to make the visual pop, not for anything else :)  

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