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MadonnaInfinity Videography Rate -- The Countdown


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#51 -- I'll Remember

Average: 6.14

Highest: 10x1 (@@NowRadiate)

Lowest: 3x1 (@@kurushitovska)

Too similar to Rain for it's own good. I love the slightly futuristic feel in this video, and she looks gorgeous, but Rain ultimately pulled off the entire central concept better.






















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#50 -- Who's that Girl

Average: 6.19

Highest: 10x1 (@@NowRadiate)

Lowest: 2x1 (@@Stevo)

Is it bad that I don't really remember that much about this video? Obviously it's a movie montage, but her look is just so signature 80's her and she looks the most comfortable in it here, and it's got a fun vibe, so...































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#49 -- Lucky Star

Average: 6.23

Highest: 10x2 (@@Enrico, @@NowRadiate)

Lowest: 1x1 (@Brendandlovesu1)

Easily her most entertaining first-album video. Them moves. Dat high kick is enough for those 10s, tbh. Those dancers. That white background (actually, that's a bad thing). It's just 80's, but in the best way possible


























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#48 -- Love Profusion

Average: 6.28

Highest: 9x1 (@@NowRadiate)

Lowest: 1x1 (@@kurushitovska)

Our first American Life video to go! And the most underwhelming. Not what we expected from this era from her, for sure. I'm not a huge fan of the dress she's wearing, tbh, but she looked happy. And the effects were cheesy, but what wasn't cheesy about videos back then?
































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#47 -- American Pie

Average: 6.38

Highest: 10x1 (@@Primul5)

Lowest: 5x2 (@@Gargamel, @@kurushitovska)

The song isn't that great, but it got a cute af video (can I say cute about Madonna?) There really wasn't any other way this video could've gone, and even though the song kind of screwed it's reception from the start, it's a really entertaining and positive piece to watch.





































There y'all go! Discuss! Are your faves starting to go? Are you worried for the next rounds?

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I hate the Get Together video just because it's one of her best songs EVER and it deserved a better video. Sad that it was released as a single because it sold well the song alone. I gave Love Profusion a 1 because the computer-made animations look awful. It's a cute video, but Madonna in a green screen reminds me of Don't Tell Me and Ray Of Light. Also the song is amazing, but the whole single package was cheap to me. Single covers (the blue one from the maxi and the other one with Nothing Fails) were too simple, like made with Paint. oh and also the dress she wears in the video... I think it's a dress that my granny would wear in her 80s lol. and American Pie was the first Madonna song I heard. My aunt made me a cassette with the top songs of the year in Germany and it was there along with Enrique Iglesias' Rythm Divine hahaha, I was 5  :speakno:

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That's clearly not the best video of this era, for sure, but I've always found the Love Profusion video very pleasant to watch, it looks simply beautiful and fresh just as the song! 

Also that's, in my opinion, one of the last videos where Madonna looked kind of natural.


That's just too bad Luc Besson shooted it exactly in the same way as the commercial for Estée Lauder.

I expected something more innovative from him. That's the only criticism I could make about this video...

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madonna should release more great killer video for songs like devi would' n regonize you , masterpiece , heartbreak city  , inside out ...

she used to be queen of music video's but she does not release much video's anymore , rebel heart heart periode we got lucky with 3 video's  but taylor swift release 6 amazing video's or beyonce how just release a video album 


she should release them for artistic reason hit or not 


so manny great songs from rebel heart that are dying for a video release worth it 

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I gave Lucky Star a 10 not because the video is perfect but because you can find in it many Madonna iconic movements poses attitudes... they were created here.I'll remember is one of my favourite songs, too bad that the video is just a bad copy of Rain... can I say reductive? AhahLove profusion: terrible dress, embarassing animations... the town in storm works goid but M crawling on four on water, and that yellow fish... I just can't stand it!Who's that girl: @@MeantToBeIconic didn't mention the part of the video with Madonna in a grey jacket in the garden and the fountain with movie scenes and the coffer with lights... does it make any sense? Can someone explain?

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American Pie was the first Madonna song I heard. My aunt made me a cassette with the top songs of the year in Germany and it was there along with Enrique Iglesias' Rythm Divine hahaha, I was 5 :speakno:

Fuck! I feel really old now lol. I was 18 when AP came out. 😆
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We're not being fair with Love Profusion. I think it is such a lovely video, maybe the special effects are a bit tacky, but what I love about the video is how Madonna looks in it; so pretty, so happy and cheerful. It seems that she really enjoyed filming it.


American Pie was the first Madonna song I heard. My aunt made me a cassette with the top songs of the year in Germany and it was there along with Enrique Iglesias' Rythm Divine hahaha, I was 5  :speakno:


Shut up! I was the same age when American Pie came out! 

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I don't mind the I'll remember video. It's ok, not bad at all, but not amazing. I like the kind of follow on from the Rain video, though it isn't nearly as captivating and beautiful as Rain. I can't stand the Who's That Girl video. I don't like the movie montage, i don't like the look she had in the movie and i don't like the bits where she's wearing the grey suit and hat. I just don't like it. I think i may have unfairly scored some other videos lower than this.Lucky Star was my first score higher than 5 (i gave it 7). I like the dancing and simplistic nature. I think it's easily the best video from The First Album and the most memorable.Love Profusion?! Nooooooooo. I REALLY like this video (scored 8). I don't think the effects are that bad, i think she looks really pretty,..... sexy actually, and i think the dress looks absolutely fine on her (i quite like the whole motherly look she had going on around then). I think her look and the visuals of the video really compliment the song. The song is kind of happy, upbeat and dreamy and the video reflects that for me. American Pie isn't the best song, but i quite like the video (7). I think she looks great in it, and i agree with @@MeantToBeIconic, i think "cute" sums up her look perfectly. It's a simple video and not OTT but it's not necesserily a knockout.These eliminations are a bit of a mixed bag for me. Some deserve it, others have left us too soon. Roll on the next round.

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Summary of results vs mine:



# / Title / Av. score / My score / My #

60 Love Don't Live Here Anymore 5.62 / 0 / 70

59 Dress You Up 5.71 / 1 /63

58 Celebration (fan) 5.76 / 1 / 67

57 You Must Love Me 5.95 / 3 / 57

56 Into The Groove 6.00 / 6 / 46

55 Jump 6.09 / 1 / 65

54 Get Together 6.09 / 2 / 59

53 This Used To Be My Playground 6.09 / 4 / 51

52 Burning Up 6.09 / 4 / 52

51 I'll Remember 6.14 / 6 / 47

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After a TIRING debate tournament, I'm back with another round to go up





I'm so upset about one that goes tonight tbh








But we'll get there







Let's get into it

































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#46 -- Fever

Average: 6.46

Highest: 10x1 (@DrumDub)

Lowest: 1x1 (@@Inco)

In concept this video would be amazing, but in execution it comes off as more clumsy than anything else. It moves a tad too quickly between all the scenes, but her dancing and outfits are really so good.































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#45 -- Give Me All Your Luvin'

Average: 6.66

Highest: 10x1 (@GHouse)

Lowest:1x1 (@@Brendanlovesu1)

Say what you will about the song, you know this video is a crazy good time. The creepy cheerleaders, the faceless (and occasionally headless) football players that do everything they can to keep her moving in a straight line just make me laugh, and her dancing around is just so silly I love it.









































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#44 -- True Blue

Average: 6.76

Highest: 9x2 (@@NowRadiate, @@Enrico)

Lowest: 5x2 (@@Gargamel, @@kurushitovska)

And the award for the most 7's goes to this one, tbh. When I first saw it, I didn't like it that much (it was her hair, which I'm still not that into), but the more I watched, the funner it got. Her really simple and boppy choreo with her backups are just so smile inducing







































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#42 -- GHV2 Megamix
Average: 6.81

Highest: 10x2 (@, @@Primul5)

Lowest: 1x1 (@OhMadonna)

This is cool, tbh. The editing is great NOR is the execution really fantastic, but it still manages to be an entertaining video that sums up her career from the beginning to this point.


























And now the one that makes me SO MAD






































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#41 -- Bitch I'm Madonna

Average: 6.95

Highest: 10x2 (@@Primul5, @@Brendanlovesu1)

Lowest: 1x1 (@@Inco)
Same situation with Give Me All Your Luvin', except instead of football players, you have celebrity cameos. Honestly, I've seen this video so many times, and I never get tired of it. Her manic dancing is fantastic, and all the cameos are more-or-less delightful, resulting in a party in a video.































Ok, I'm going to recover from that tragedy. Discuss below

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This round leaves me cold, to bo honest.

There are videos I appreciate, but not videos that I love.


Fever: I love the silver look, but they could have made something unforgettable with the song, it lacks a real concept.

GHV2 Megamix: yes the editing is fine, but there is nothing more.

GMAYL: I don't know, I like the look, the football players are funny, but what is the point at the end of all of it?

True Blue: here the concept is clear, the 50's atmosphere is perfectly recreated. The best in this round.

Bitch I'm Madonna: I think the song has an original and catchy sound, but the video has some terrible choices: the "I am young" dress, those horrible grillz, the Nicki part detached from the rest. There are plenty of videos describing a party, and most of them are better; Justin Bieber's Beauty and the Beat is funnier, I think (and Nicki moved her ass on the set). The cameos are useless, most of the celebs are not even there: Michael Jackon's Liberian Girl was a lot more successul in this way:


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Some high scorers of mine have just been booted out. :-(


I think the Fever vid is pretty cool. Some good effects, and i really like the bits when she's painted in metallic paint.


Thr GMAYL video is the last great video IMO. The effects, choreography, the look of the video, her look (except the breakdown where she wears that white lace outfit and awful wig), Nicki and M.I.A all work together to make a pretty great video.


True Blue is a sugary sweet 50's sounding song and the video fits the song perfectly. It's kind of corny or cheesy but that's the whole vibe the video was supposed to have i think. It could have probably been filmed in a real diner to make it a bit better or something but i think it works ok as it is. Also the severe short, bleach hair which i wasn't a fan of, works ok here. All in all it's a nice, simple video.


The GHV2 megamix video did a good job of showcasing her videos in a different and interesting way. They could have just done a very straightforward and easy montage, but the use of effects stopped the video from being a typical megamix video.


BIM? Hmmmm.... I really don't like it! I mean i hate the song but i'm judging the video separately, and....i dunno, ........i can't find ANY positives at all. I don't like her look, the grills, the pointless cameos and the overall concept and feel of the video. She comes across in the video as trying REALLY hard to be seen as relevant to youngsters and it comes across as kind of desparate to me.

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Sorry for the wait y'all!!!


Let's just skip the apologies


And do the next round























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#41 -- Borderline

Average: 7.05

Highest: 10x1 (@@Enrico)

Lowest: 5x4 (@MeantToBeIconic, @@Gargamel, @@Stevo, @@Gonnabe)

It had a nice story. Quite a stepping stone in her evolution, actually. A nice video for a nice song, but nothing to write home about. It's just another video.



















































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#40 -- Hollywood

Average: 7.14

Highest: 10x1 (@@Dazedmadonna)

Lowest: 1x1 (@@Inco)

A busy video, to point out the obvious. Upon first viewing, I wasn't a fan, and thought it wasn't cohesive enough to be a real video. Turns out, it's one of the ones I remember the most clearly and one of the ones I enjoy numerous times in a row. It's just so crazy and nuts and makes so much sense.









































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#39 -- Live To Tell

Average: 7.14 (actually a tie with Hollywood)

Highest: 10x2 (@@Primul5, @@NowRadiate)

Lowest: 6x4 (@Kurushtivoska, @GHouse, @@Gonnabe, @@Enrico)

A more subtle movie montage, but we were smart enough to catch on. She looks beautiful and emotional in the video, and the scenes with her in them are arresting, but the cutaways from her kinda put a kink into the overall presentation of the video.


































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#38 -- Beautiful Stranger

Average: 7.24

Highest: 10x3 (@Fighter, @@Enrico, @Brendanlovesu)

Lowest: 1x1 (@kurushitovska)

I gave this a 6, but it deserves at least an 8, tbh. Who doesn't enjoy Madonna dancing for and grinding on Austin Powers? I remember having such a huge smile on my face the first time I watched this video because it's just such a great time and SO funny. Not a traditional masterpiece, but a lighthearted iconic entry.




























And this last one upsets me a bit...
































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#37 -- 4 Minutes

Average: 7.29

Highest: 10x2 (@@Dazedmadonna, @GHouse)
Lowest: 4x1 (@Brendanlovesu) (WHY?? HOW???)

Ok, so the videos for Hard Candy weren't the best of her career, but she really delivered with this one. You just try to watch the last dance session and tell me you weren't like "Damn, that was tight". This video is just a fantastic thing to watch, and it's incredibly slick and well-choreographed and her and JT look soo good. I should've given it a 10. Don't know why I didn't.





































There's that doozy of a round. Discuss.

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I gave Beautiful Stranger a 10?? .. I guess based on her performance alone. I kinda regret that rating now tho. Id say its more of an 8.


It's a shame that GMAYL and BIM are so low. I think its bias towards the songs tbh, Its 2 of the best videos she's made in the last 15 years.


Fever has some amazing looks from her, even similar in silouette to her Re-Invention Tour outfits, 11 years earlier!!! Shame the background effects are horrid, but it was the early 90s.. lol. The song didn't deserve much more, it's just a nice cover that's all.


True Blue, Borderline, Live To Tell, not perfect videos, but very much part of her amazing pop legacy. They just don't stand out next to other 80s masterpieces like Like A Prayer and Like A Virgin, etc.


4 Minutes... well the look is horrid. Some of the choreo is cringy (tick tock tick tock tick tock part in particular...), but other than that her stamina is amazing and the overall look was pretty fine. It was still a bummer at the time that it was so cold after the colorful Confessions tho.


Hollywood... its fine. Visually very nice. Not sure what the point of this video is though.

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