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Tears of a Clown Special, Melbourne [Thur March 10th 2016]

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since we don't know what happened i won't blame anyone, but let's not come up with excuses and rethorics. It makes her look bad and it bums fans out, especially those who must leave. Her australian fans have been treated like shit for years.


Oh please, I'm the last to make excuses for her lateness but this is a free show.  She's obviously rehearsing like crazy to make things as perfect as possible for a show that's going to be filmed.


The only ones who will make themselves look bad is anyone who goes and complains about it even though it was free. (which hasn't happened yet, so stop making up complaints for those actually there)

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Oh please, I'm the last to make excuses for her lateness but this is a free show.  She's obviously rehearsing like crazy to make things as perfect as possible for a show that's going to be filmed.


The only ones who will make themselves look bad is anyone who goes and complains about it even though it was free. (which hasn't happened yet, so stop making up complaints for those actually there)



uh no, I just find it funny that people say when things don't go as planned it's because she's a perfectionist. It's a ridiculous excuse. We don't know. But if the DJ should've already played then she shouldn't be rehearsing if it's even true she's rehearsing.

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I love Madonna, but this makes her look so bad. What's the point of a free show if lots of people have to leave early because of the curfew? 


That's why people are complaining. Also, if she's too late, it might damage the show just like it happened in other dates.

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uh no, I just find it funny that people say when things don't go as planned it's because she's a perfectionist. It's a ridiculous excuse. We don't know. But if the DJ should've already played then she shouldn't be rehearsing if it's even true she's rehearsing.


Actually, we do know she's been rehearsing for hours because the people outside the venue can hear them.  You can call it an excuse but I'd rather have a filmed show be as good as possible than mediocre because people couldn't wait another hour.  It's ridiculous fans complain when she tries new stuff and then complain when she takes too long to try it.

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Actually, we do know she's been rehearsing for hours because the people outside the venue can hear them.  You can call it an excuse but I'd rather have a filmed show be as good as possible than mediocre because people couldn't wait another hour.  It's ridiculous fans complain when she tries new stuff and then complain when she takes too long to try it.


When you're meant to be performing you shouldn't be rehearsing.... its over 11pm. It's just nonsense lol. No worries I may look mad but I just find it funny.

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I just wonder if people would decide to leave early because they worry they won't get home or not have enough sleep if M would start on time (well not on time obviously, but say 40 min. late) but keep playing for 3.5 hours, taking requests, chatting with the audience... yeah I can see them all rushing out to catch the last bus while M's playing the first few bars of Angel. ;-)

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Yes, she is a perfectionist, people can wait, it's good that it will be filmed, but you can still have some respect for people waiting outside in the rain and say this is a midnight show. For free doesn't mean that you are free to do whatever you want. To love Madonna doesn't mean that you are ready to be treated as an object. Some of us are not so young they can be standing for hours.

If you are a perfectionist then you are also on time.

That said, I would wait hours!

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Actually, we do know she's been rehearsing for hours because the people outside the venue can hear them. You can call it an excuse but I'd rather have a filmed show be as good as possible than mediocre because people couldn't wait another hour. It's ridiculous fans complain when she tries new stuff and then complain when she takes too long to try it.

That doesn't mean anything to me. Remember when we got this in Paris for the MDNA Tour?


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After waiting 23 years, I guess a few hours of waiting is nothing. 

That said, the most popular newspaper in Australia has already released an article about her lateness including pics of fans waiting in the rain. Those assholes. 

Btw the venue's curfew is 2am. 

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So the DJ didn't show up. And maybe there's a problem with the camera set up or something, and she's making time rehearsing. Just theorizing here cos nothing makes any sense.


I feel bad for the fans who HAVE to leave and honestly if you can't be understanding of those people then frankly i find it typical of the Madonna-cult to trash fans first for not worshipping her every move. lol oh well pop fans be mad

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So the DJ didn't show up. And maybe there's a problem with the camera set up or something, and she's making time rehearsing. Just theorizing here cos nothing makes any sense.I feel bad for the fans who HAVE to leave and honestly if you can't be understanding of those people then frankly i find it typical of the Madonna-cult to trash fans first for not worshipping her every move. lol oh well pop fans be mad

I'm hoping they'll just make the sensible choice to not have Mary Mac since it's getting late.
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I feel bad for the fans who HAVE to leave and honestly if you can't be understanding of those people then frankly i find it typical of the Madonna-cult to trash fans first.


I'm really said but at the same time I would be happy to lose a night of sleep to see this show. You can go to sleep at 2pm.

I didn't sleep for the Montreal opening and was regularly at work a few hours later, and I did it many time for the Oscars night which ends around 7am in Europe. So I really don't understand how they could possibly leave when the moment has finally come.

At the same time I blame the organization of this concerts because everytime I felt I was losing my dignity waiting for hours.


"If you want, I'll treat you like an animal"

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well it kind of does mean you can do whatever you want if you do it for free.

but besides that, I mean, she's always late, and not by 30 minutes, I don't know why people keep being outraged by this.

the problem is that everybody is posting their annoyance online, which is fine, but still noone is gonna be as angry or upset as it now may seem once the lights go on, but that's not something forums or the media pick up on. So the headline is always gonna say "Madonna makes angry fans wait blablabla" Never "After a notoriously long delay Madonna proves she's worth the wait!" wich is something I think we all agree on...no?

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To be honest I would of expected a better logo than the one posted earlier and on these shirts. The clown cartoon is pretty crappy.

Indeed. I didn't want to say anything about it, but I thought exactly the same when I first saw it. Really unprofessional.

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