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Tears of a Clown Special, Melbourne [Thur March 10th 2016]

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What an incredible day/night! In just one day my Like a prayer status changed into Express yourself!!I think this is one of the most unforgettable moments in Madonna history.As I said before, I agree with @@Stevo, I'm not totally convinced by the setlist. Don't get me wrong, I love acoustic music and ballads, but the tone was a little too slow and dark. And although American Life is one of my favourites, maybe we had too many songs from it: of course anyone wants different pieces, some were expecting Rescue me (not easy to do it acoustic, though), maybe Love profusion would have been a great surprise, rather than Xtatic process which we heard live before. It would have been nice to turn faster songs like Angel into ballads. But I have to see it properly before making a judgement. Being a musical theatre fan, Send in the clowns was an impossible dream come true... If it's really a work in progress and is going to continue, I hope they can really make a perfect song selection. I still don't understand why they want to use the exact album sounds when playing live.The look was great; the clown theme was already used in GS but this was totally new. I can't say at the moment if the tone was too bitter or a little funny too, because I didn't understand all the jokes and I need a proper audio to judge the speeches...But definitely there are some real positive considerations to be made: she is trying to do a new kind of show. Getting intimate and not afraid to start a song again if it's wrong. Pure perfectionist but also human. Madonna shows are always great but she used to keep a distance and in Rebel Heart Tour and Tears of a Clown she is breaking down barriers, getting close to us, showing her real voice, not hiding behind great dance scenes or great projections, which are always great but sometimes without much soul. Definitely a step towards a more mature approach. I love it!!

It was meant to be dark and moody. A confessional. Contrasting a colorful and happy theme on the outside with the sadness and dark mind on the inside.You have the Rebel Heart tour which dusts off a lot of uptempo classic songs. This show was an opportunity for her to do songs that may never get another live performance given this was a one-time thing which I doubt. She was clearly saving the singles for her main tours. Also, Borderline, Holiday, I'm So Stupid and Don't Tell Me were uptempo.Sure, she could have done better songs than she did but then again, I would have never expected her to dig so deep through her catalogue and do a set of such deeply personal songs. It's amazing. This show, as she stated herself was a rehearsal. She may turn this into a full show with a dynamic setlist. Still, songs like Rescue Me or Nothing Really Matters wouldn't work in an intimate setting. They demand grande performances or visuals otherwise, it would be a waste.
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Also @@Enrico this was the first time she decided to do an overall dark and moody show. RH could have been much more personal but it turned out to be a very lighthearted 80's heavy show (too much 80's and too lighthearted if you ask me). I'm glad she has done something that was exclusively for her true fans that can enjoy a ballad set over a full blown choreography-heavy and uptempo 80's love fest.I wouldn't mind a tour with only songs from Like a Prayer, Erotica, Bedtime Stories, American Life and Ray of Light since those were the album that still have 50% of their content unperformed and are still among her best work.

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It was meant to be dark and moody. A confessional. Contrasting a colorful and happy thing on the outside with the sadness and dark mind on the inside.You have the Rebel Heart tour which dusts off a lot of uptempo classic songs. This show was an opportunity for her to do songs that may never get another live performance given this was a one-time thing which I doubt. She was clearly saving the singles for her main tours. Also, Borderline, Holiday, I'm So Stupid and Don't Tell Me were uptempo.Sure, she could have done better songs than she did but then again, I would have never expected her to dig so deep through her catalogue and do a set of such deeply personal songs. It's amazing. This show, as she stated herself was a rehearsal. She may turn this into a full show with a dynamic setlist. Still, songs like Rescue Me or Nothing Really Matters wouldn't work in an intimate setting. They demand grande performances or visuals otherwise, it would be a waste.



Also @@Enrico this was the first time she decided to do an overall dark and moody show. RH could have been much more personal but it turned out to be a very lighthearted 80's heavy show (too much 80's and too lighthearted if you ask me). I'm glad she has done something that was exclusively for her true fans that can enjoy a ballad set over a full blown choreography-heavy and uptempo 80's love fest.I wouldn't mind a tour with only songs from Like a Prayer, Erotica, Bedtime Stories, American Life and Ray of Light since those were the album that still have 50% of their content unperformed and are still among her best work.


Yes I totally agree with you, actually it is difficult to explain how I feel about the show. First of all let me point out that I loved every second of it.

It's strange, because I love dark and moody atmospheres, and I like anything that is small and intimate; I like that she did something for the fans; at the same time, all this personal confessions made public leave me a strange feeling. I don't know if it's good for her to talk about the Rocco thing. And at the same time, I feel they could have chosen better songs even if I'm totally satisfied with what we got. And we still haven't seen a full proper video!!


And finally, I'd die to see it live, if it's COMING SOON AGAIN!

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songs like Rescue Me or Nothing Really Matters wouldn't work in an intimate setting.

I disagree about Nothing Really Matters. It might be an uptempo song, but it has deep, meaningful lyrics. I think it could work very nicely sung in a ballad style, even just removing the drums. As much as i love it, I'm not sure about Rescue Me though. The chorus may work slower, not sure about the spoken verses though.Someone WAS having a laugh on twitter though when they said about Gang Bang acoustic. I don't think GB would have fit with the show at all.
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Almost Full Tears of a Clown Video [Video & Audio D/L Links]


Video D/L Link: Tears of a Clown.mp4 3.47 GB

This is the hidden content, please


Audio D/L Link:Tears of a Clown.mp3 272MB

Length 1:58:51 [missing Between the Bars]

This is the hidden content, please


The audio quality is the same as in the videos below:



Video [as periscoped by Cheeconay]



X-static Process [as periscoped by Chris Tanoff]

Nobody’s Perfect [youtubed by daniele coppola ]



Between the Bars



thank you so so much  <3

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Almost Full Tears of a Clown Video [Video & Audio D/L Links]


Video D/L Link: Tears of a Clown.mp4 3.47 GB



Audio D/L Link:Tears of a Clown.mp3 272MB

Length 1:58:51 [missing Between the Bars]



The audio quality is the same as in the videos below:



Video [as periscoped by Cheeconay]



X-static Process [as periscoped by Chris Tanoff]

Nobody’s Perfect [youtubed by daniele coppola ]



Between the Bars


Part 1: Send In The Clowns / Drowned World/Substitute For Love / X-Static Process / Nobody's Perfect / Easy Ride



Part 2: Intervention / I'm So Stupid / Paradise (Not For Me) / Joan of Arc / Don't Tell Me 



Part 3: Mer Girl / Borderline / Take a Bow / Holiday



Posted Image

Thank you so much groovyguy!


I have a question there's 1.04GB files and this is 3GB but it looks like it's the same video I'm right?

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