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How would you react if Madonna collaborates with Lady Gaga?


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Deactivated Popeline for a bit so he can cool off. Not the first time this user starts attacking people (even this forum). Come on M fans, if you're so above everything and everyone, where is your maturity and chill? Youre gonna give yourselves a stroke! 

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Deactivated Popeline for a bit so he can cool off. Not the first time this user starts attacking people (even this forum). Come on M fans, if you're so above everything and everyone, where is your maturity and chill? Youre gonna give yourselves a stroke! 

He apologized, so...

But, yeah, he should cool off...

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i have to agree with one thing: i don't go to madonna forums to read about gaga...


You clearly wanna discuss gaga and her fans by clicking on this thread and responding repeatedly. Those mature enough please keep yourselves out of drama so I don't have to give you a warning. There was nothing wrong with this thread and the OP didn't even attack those who had something negative things to say.

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You clearly wanna discuss gaga and her fans by clicking on this thread and responding repeatedly. Those mature enough please keep yourselves out of drama so I don't have to give you a warning. There was nothing wrong with this thread and the OP didn't even attack those who had something negative things to say.

the funniest thing was that it turned out that i hate and diss Madge  :Madonna002:

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He apologized, so...

But, yeah, he should cool off...


Yes, he shouldn't have gone off because nobody was provoking him. Is this how he wants to end the fan wars? It's not up to Madonna nor Gaga to end them, its up to us. And I'm so fucking bored of the whole thing, its 2016. 

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To answer your question I prefer Madonna alone, and please no more Nicki Minaj, I like Nicki but i've had enough. I feel like a duet with Gaga would be seen as desperate, then again everything she does is seen as desperate these days, so even more so.

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@@NowRadiate this thread was about to end, bc everyone who wanted to give an opinion gave it, and you continued commenting LOL


Are we M fans? Hell yeah, but it's not forbidden to look up to other artists, right?


i was just asking a question, same as you. 

you're a fan, great. that's all i wanted to know.


the thread was continued with "the theft of express yourself" post by the way, i was reacting to that.



If Gaga is repeatedly a topic on a Madonna forum, then I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to express my opinion about it.

Also, I was not attacking anyone.


Moving on.

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Why wouldn't he be a fan? asking that is so passive agressive. and no one said people can't express opinions but people who wanna avoid Gaga should do just that and not continue to talk about her. Doesn't matter if there is 1, 2, 10 topics, there's always other topics. Just don't contradict yourselves, aint nobody got time for that.

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Why wouldn't he be a fan? asking that is so passive agressive. and no one said people can't express opinions but people who wanna avoid Gaga should do just that and not continue to talk about her. Doesn't matter if there is 1, 2, 10 topics, there's always other topics. Just don't contradict yourselves, aint nobody got time for that.


I was asking the question because the topic of potential trolling came up (not by me); the who-stole-from-whom topic came up (not by me); so I was truly wondering.

The assumptions of me being passive aggressive or keen on discussing Gaga (passive-aggressive much?) are way off, with all due respect.


I have no personal problem with anyone I don't even know personally.


Please don't confuse me with other people's posts and please don't tell me which topics I can or shouldn't post in, as much as nobody can be prevented from posting about the topics they want to talk about.

Thank you.

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@@NowRadiate You are the one who said you didn't come to Madonna forums to read about Gaga, it's easy to see how one would think it would be a topic you don't want to discuss? that's where I got it from, it doesn't matter though, no one was preventing you from posting nor telling you not to talk about a subject.


Bottom line, I called you out because you supported Popeline's uncalled for attack on the OP by liking his attack post and then asking people if they were fans.


If it was a light-hearted misunderstanding and you were genuinely thinking something bad was up, then it's all good, but I've already told you guys (the regulars here) not to start attacking others on any situation, because you make the forum harder to moderate and we don't wanna be forced to take action on people who "meant no harm", yet fueled drama.

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@@Fighter I really wouldn't mind if you close this thread. I was totally misunderstood and the discussion turned into something it wasn't meant to be.  :sad:


Misunderstandings happen and hopefully things have been cleared up, but I honestly can't with hot-headed people, ready to attack others, like we're talking politics. It's just pop music. You were being humorous and they took it as an attack or as "trolling". Pop music forums can't be that serious, people need to understand that and chill.

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@@NowRadiate You are the one who said you didn't come to Madonna forums to read about Gaga, it's easy to see how one would think it would be a topic you don't want to discuss? that's where I got it from, it doesn't matter though, no one was preventing you from posting nor telling you not to talk about a subject.


Bottom line, I called you out because you supported Popeline's uncalled for attack on the OP by liking his attack post and then asking people if they were fans.


If it was a light-hearted misunderstanding and you were genuinely thinking something bad was up, then it's all good, but I've already told you guys (the regulars here) not to start attacking others on any situation, because you make the forum harder to moderate and we don't wanna be forced to take action on people who "meant no harm", yet fueled drama.


What I meant by that was that personally, I would not like it if I came to Madonna forums and there were tons of Gaga topics. But that's just me.

Also, I do agree with a few of the things that  Popeline said, and I stand by it. Hence, the liking. 

What I do not support is anything to do with personal attacks.

These are two different things.


For perspective, I would never post my full-blown opinion about Gaga on a Gaga forum but I do so here, which I think is quite logical.

If I were to post a similar topic as this one on a Gaga forum, I would not be surprised if the discussion turned idiotic. It sort of goes with the territory (i.e. the actual topic). So no surprise there...


I also do not recall having a history on bullying people around here or anywhere else.

Thanks for reading.

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People should not be liking posts of people attacking others, if they don't want misunderstandings. I've seen quite a few good users doing things like this in the past. I don't understand it at all, but your likes are for you to use on whatever you want.


The rest is irrelevant. I don't expect any thread to turn idiotic. My job is just to make sure things run smoothly, no matter what topic or subject. Thank you to everyone who helps. :)

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Im not a Gaga fan particularly. I think Bad Romance and Born This Way are fantastic but i'm not that into any of her other stuff. I wouldn't necesserily be super excited or anything just because i heard they were going to do a collab, but if they did work together and it sounded good, then that'd be cool, i guess.

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