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Discuss-New Contract News vs. New Album News


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The only thing that she really needs is a new management which is clever, wise and shrewd enough to manage the Queen Of Pop. The music itself was never the real problem with her. There was enough good music on MDNA and Rebel Heart. When the first single is well received an era has the most success, think of Frozen, Hung Up or even 4 Minutes. It has been always like this and will be like this in the future. Some average songs have been on every album, that is normal. But there was never really a bad Madonna album. The majority of the acclaimed music critics always received her albums well. The biggest problem in recent years is her shitty management which tarnished the last two eras with bad decisions. So before you think of new producers or new musical styles please think about a new management first but it has to be a good one.

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The only thing that she really needs is a new management which is clever, wise and shrewd enough to manage the Queen Of Pop. The music itself was never the real problem with her. There was enough good music on MDNA and Rebel Heart. When the first single is well received an era has the most success, think of Frozen, Hung Up or even 4 Minutes. It has been always like this and will be like this in the future. Some average songs have been on every album, that is normal. But there was never really a bad Madonna album. The majority of the acclaimed music critics always received her albums well. The biggest problem in recent years is her shitty management which tarnished the last two eras with bad decisions. So before you think of new producers or new musical styles please think about a new management first but it has to be a good one.


Ok, this might sting a little..... and I mean no ill-will its just time to think logically.


Can we all just grow up and stop calling for Madonna to change her mgmt?  Think about it in reverse....  What if people said you needed a new mother/father/mentor.  It ain't gonna happen.  Guy has been around and proven himself to Madonna, thats his only job.  Not to prove himself to us.  He's well revered in the music and tech biz and major artists are flocking to him.  Why would she change?


its a tired comment.

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^^far from it, actually, in my humble opinion.


Guy seems complacent and has not come up with the best ideas.

The longer people stay with a certain role, the more complacent they can get.

With somebody like Madonna on his hands, i can also not understand how he managed other people and bands like U2 at the same time.

It cannot work. Only if you do it half-assed and/or hire subs that don't know their jobs and that you can't mentor properly.


The comparison with mothers/fathers seems a little off.

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I don't think you have a grasp on the concept of how intricately entwined Guy is to Madonna.  The public feels he's disposable.  He's not.


I can imagine how intertwined he is. The fact alone doesn't make him good though.

Along with many other fans, I feel his influence has not been the best. A fair amount of bad decisions has certainly stemmed from M herself too, I am sure.

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It makes me sigh because you've missed 100% of my original comment.  Its a dead-end opinion.  Please, I am not stopping you from having it. =)  Carry on.  But..... But know, it carries zero weight in the real world.  Fans do not dictate choice of any artist's manager.  Guy is slaying it in reality.  Britney Spears, U2, Nicki Minaj, Mary J. Blidge, Amy Schumer.... the list goes on.  But he's complacent somehow. 


I will say, I am happy we can discuss this peacefully.  =) 
But Guy ain't going no where.  And there isn't anyone really qualified to do what he does with Madonna at present.

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this is what Guy is in charge of.  Does not look complacent to me or to most.




This is exactly the problem.

Did you see all these names?

Less is more.

He built a management empire, and now madonna is only one of many products. (i am sure she invested money though and will get a fair share of these artist's revenues.)


Complacent as in "not putting in the right effort in M but spreading attention thin on many people." 

I am sure most of the management work is not even under his oversight personally. The more enterprises expand, the more ups they hire, which does not always lead to quality.

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You're not seeing the big picture @@NowRadiate.  Madonna owns part of Maverick.  Connect the dots my friend.   :wink: 
He's not a one man shop.  


(Sheesh... I didn't realize the most don't understand business.  Everything you're detailing is from a consumer perspective vs. a business one.  You are missing the big picture and I don't mean that to be rude.  I mean that to be informative)

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It makes me sigh because you've missed 100% of my original comment.  Its a dead-end opinion.  Please, I am not stopping you from having it. =)  Carry on.  But..... But know, it carries zero weight in the real world.  Fans do not dictate choice of any artist's manager.  Guy is slaying it in reality.  Britney Spears, U2, Nicki Minaj, Mary J. Blidge, Amy Schumer.... the list goes on.  But he's complacent somehow. 


I will say, I am happy we can discuss this peacefully.  =) 

But Guy ain't going no where.  And there isn't anyone really qualified to do what he does with Madonna at present.


Oh please, I am not that naive. I am not voicing my opinion here in the hopes it reaches the decision-makers. 

Guy may be slaying it money-wise. But I don't think he or his subs are doing the best of jobs. It's a company he is running, alright. But in terms of pushing people to iconic stardom, no vroom. blanks. 

you're his personal fan, i get it, and that's fine.


it's all in peace btw. no hard feelings.


who would be qualified - that's a tricky subject. it's very easy to claim there is no-one else when he has been in charge for so long.

i'll say it again, if you like what he's doing, fine.

it's not like we have a say in any of M's decisions, we're in agreement on that.


curious to see what she comes up with next.

hoping for some deeper content.

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You're not seeing the big picture @@NowRadiate.  Madonna owns part of Maverick.  Connect the dots my friend.   :wink: 

He's not a one man shop.  


(Sheesh... I didn't realize the most don't understand business.  Everything you're detailing is from a consumer perspective vs. a business one.  You are missing the big picture and I don't mean that to be rude.  I mean that to be informative)


Funny you should say that.

You have no idea where I work. 


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Its a dead-end opinion.  Please, I am not stopping you from having it. =)  Carry on.  But..... But know, it carries zero weight in the real world.  Fans do not dictate choice of any artist's manager. 

If you come up with that kind of argumentation forums in general and discussions likes this one could be closed forever cause Madonna does what she wants and not what we discuss here ^^

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If you come up with that kind of argumentation forums in general and discussions likes this one could be closed forever cause Madonna does what she wants and not what we discuss here ^^


Umm, this discussion stays open.

and I think inadvertently you're agreeing with me.

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Dead-end opinion is used by me specifically referring to Guy O bashing.  Its futile and I think deep down you guys all know its futile to keep on now for years and years doing it.  And as I have stated previously... although I wish everyone would grow up and stop doing it... you are all entitled in this forum to continue.  Just know there is absolutely nothing the bashing will change in the real world.  

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 most don't understand business.  


I would be interested in learning a bit more about your understanding of the business.

It seems you're implying you understand business much better when others don't.

care to elaborate?

no negativity here, just interested.

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I would be interested in learning a bit more about your understanding of the business.

It seems you're implying you understand business much better when others don't.

care to elaborate?

no negativity here, just interested.


What I do for my clients is private, however I manage global well known product brands internationally.

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Dead-end opinion is used by me specifically referring to Guy O bashing.  Its futile and I think deep down you guys all know its futile to keep on now for years and years doing it.  And as I have stated previously... although I wish everyone would grow up and stop doing it... you are all entitled in this forum to continue.  Just know there is absolutely nothing the bashing will change in the real world.  


it don't even think it's about bashing.

i seems you're narrowing things down here.

you're basically saying "shut up" when people are just sharing thoughts.

so just because someone is in a certain place, one is not allowed to voice critical thoughts?

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What I do for my clients is private, however I manage global well known product brands internationally.


 i guess it's not the entertainment biz though.

and sharing any professional information on a forum would be beyond unprofessional, clearly.

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it don't even think it's about bashing.

i seems you're narrowing things down here.

you're basically saying "shut up" when people are just sharing thoughts.

so just because someone is in a certain place, one is not allowed to voice critical thoughts?

so true and wishing for us to grow up just because we post our opinion is kinda disrespectful.

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Ahhhh =)


you're starting to understand my original point.


Shut up isn't really where I was going with it.  The bashing will continue I'm sure.  


Where I was going with it is more... 

"How's that constant 'change the management' chanting working for you?  Any luck yet?  Got that out of your system cause its been going on for years and Guy is locked in."


Thats more of where I was going with it... not "Shut Up".  But my purpose is never for either you or MadMark to discontinue voicing your opinions.  I find it ironic that literally as I'm voicing mine, I'm being told I'm disrespectful for doing the same.

Its time to move on guys.

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we will not have any luck wishing for this or that producer either. and no you´re not disrespectful for posting your opinion. you´re disrespectful for saying ours is just bashing and we should grow up. That´s the difference.

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