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Unfair attacks on Madonna


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i just read this on another page. Makes sense.

We should all do this.


When you Google Madonna’s name, do not get angry or upset with these unfair attacks on her. In fact, check them out! Visit those pages with articles about Madonna (and only about Madonna). While you’re there, click on the ads around the articles about her. Let’s give them what they want: attention, visitors, clicks. The more people click on articles about Madonna (even the bad ones), the more they will write about her. And who is the one with an album set to come out in February again?

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The Ageist Madonna Bashing Needs to Stop
So photographs of Madonna’s Givenchy butt are flooding news outlets. It is as perky as Brad Goreski at a sample sale at 8 in the morning, but people are telling her to dress her age.
We’ve seen older celebrities dust off their active tracksuits and make popular comebacks, but in Madonna’s case, she’s only 56. She’s not being quirky, she’s just being hot and spreading her legs on a chair. Unfortunately, this sets of a chain of insults ranging from “put some clothes on grandma,†and “you’re too old to dress like that.â€
Just because she exists in a constant state of a squat and can still fit into matador getup, it doesn’t mean she’s “clinging to her youth.†She’s simply extremely physically fit and physically passionate. At her age, sexuality is probably something she’s more comfortable with than her fashion critics are. If you don’t care for her outfit, fine, but she doesn’t need to suppress the desire to flaunt how cut she is because of her age.
People are decrying her exhibitionism. They say it’s desperate, and shameless to show off her body at the Grammy awards of all distinguished evenings. We’re not supposed to police women’s clothing when they’re young, but doing it when they’re older is fair game?
Her current disciple, Miley Cyrus, can cut her wardrobe down to some soap suds and whatever coverage a nearby little person provides, but Madonna has to follow different rules: a tuxedo, a broach, and underwear. Everyone’s fine giving Betty White permission to Instagram selfies that show her drinking from a pimp cup (not “distinguished†behavior,) but Madonna flashing the world with her body is a scandal. She probably knew it would cause a stir. It really shouldn’t be so surprising to see a provocateur showing skin. The fact is this. No one should expect the woman famous for church sex party music videos and onstage self-pleasure to be embracing her “dignified†pants suit age.
Whatever her regimen is, she continues to reinvent herself, and she still looks like Madonna. So she didn’t choose Netflix marathons over actual marathons like the rest of us have. She is fighting time. Why shouldn’t she embrace this? Stop bashing Madonna for working it. She’ll probably outlive that little girl in that Sia video.
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I just found this comment on the Living for Love youtube page:



If Madonna is satanic or a whore or whatever you name...then i want to burn in hell with her! (at least she is building schools and homes for poor kids - you pathetic religious freaks what have you done lately for your man next to you apart from judge the others?



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a great article about the age-shaming of @Madonna: 
Bare-arsed, bold, glorious Madonna – light years away from acting her age
Now that we’ve calmed down after Kanye’s tanty over Beck winning best album at the Grammys, I think we can safely agree that although Kanye might have some valid points, until he holds his own personal awards ceremony he is not in a position to decide who gets what gong. End of.
All this kerfuffle has distracted us from something else that happens each year at the Grammys: the relentless and constant age-shaming of Madonna. It’s become some sort of sport.
Madge turned up to the ceremony in her usual garb, ie something tight, excruciatingly short and topped off with a pair of unwearable shoes. No real surprises there. Although I did enjoy the Napoleon-slash-Spanish matador vibe of her whole ensemble. She flounced about in her now de rigueur corsetry with boobs proudly on show, legs encased in saucy fishnets. On first glance, most people thought “Nice hat†and went back to their lives.
Then she flashed her backside. At the paparazzi. Who deserve it just as much as that degrading manicam box into which celebs are forced to shove their hands to have their cuticles filmed up close. Moon them both, I say.
Of course, Madonna’s rear wasn’t encased in a comfortable pair of sensible control-top cottontail undies like most women of most ages would wear. Her backside was bare, encased only by some sort of sporty jock strap that worked as a cheek hammock (where can I get one? The lift was extraordinary). Glorious Madge. Glorious 50-something-year-old Madge. Who refuses to put it away.
Cue the naysayers on socials saying Madonna should act her age. These normally rational people, who clearly all now hold a university degree in sitting on their own backsides and having opinions of 140 characters or less, were deeply concerned that Madge really needs a friend right now who’ll be honest and tell her the truth about her clothing choices. Others worried for her children. Some stated that she has more arse than class.
To think an older person wearing revealing clothes can still get folk in a lather, yet when Taylor Swift at the barely-legal-to-drink age of 22 turns up dressing like a 45-year-old movie star no one bats an eye! And that is so sad. Why should anyone be told to act their age when it comes to getting dressed? And as an aside, what on earth does acting your age really mean in this context? I assume the answer is covering it all up. And as Tay would say: shake it off.
I attended a product launch years ago that was hosted by an octogenarian artist who has a history of pulling practical jokes and pranks. Once her speech was done she then proceeded to pour the champagne all over the place, including on herself, then hoik her skirt up to flash her undies too. It was both shocking and joyful.
This moment always serves as a reminder that I wasn’t used to people over a certain age enjoying themselves, their bodies, and just generally mucking about with societal norms. It also showed me what a terrible bunch of conservatives we’ve become. Self-expression is not only for the young.
Telling Madonna what you think she can and can’t wear at her age has a hint of the Kanyes about it. And if we all agree that Yeezus doesn’t have that right to tell someone else who deserves to win, nor do we have the right to tell someone over a certain vintage to dress their age. Isn’t it the same?
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a great article about the age-shaming of @Madonna: 
Bare-arsed, bold, glorious Madonna – light years away from acting her age
Now that we’ve calmed down after Kanye’s tanty over Beck winning best album at the Grammys, I think we can safely agree that although Kanye might have some valid points, until he holds his own personal awards ceremony he is not in a position to decide who gets what gong. End of.
All this kerfuffle has distracted us from something else that happens each year at the Grammys: the relentless and constant age-shaming of Madonna. It’s become some sort of sport.
Madge turned up to the ceremony in her usual garb, ie something tight, excruciatingly short and topped off with a pair of unwearable shoes. No real surprises there. Although I did enjoy the Napoleon-slash-Spanish matador vibe of her whole ensemble. She flounced about in her now de rigueur corsetry with boobs proudly on show, legs encased in saucy fishnets. On first glance, most people thought “Nice hat†and went back to their lives.
Then she flashed her backside. At the paparazzi. Who deserve it just as much as that degrading manicam box into which celebs are forced to shove their hands to have their cuticles filmed up close. Moon them both, I say.
Of course, Madonna’s rear wasn’t encased in a comfortable pair of sensible control-top cottontail undies like most women of most ages would wear. Her backside was bare, encased only by some sort of sporty jock strap that worked as a cheek hammock (where can I get one? The lift was extraordinary). Glorious Madge. Glorious 50-something-year-old Madge. Who refuses to put it away.
Cue the naysayers on socials saying Madonna should act her age. These normally rational people, who clearly all now hold a university degree in sitting on their own backsides and having opinions of 140 characters or less, were deeply concerned that Madge really needs a friend right now who’ll be honest and tell her the truth about her clothing choices. Others worried for her children. Some stated that she has more arse than class.
To think an older person wearing revealing clothes can still get folk in a lather, yet when Taylor Swift at the barely-legal-to-drink age of 22 turns up dressing like a 45-year-old movie star no one bats an eye! And that is so sad. Why should anyone be told to act their age when it comes to getting dressed? And as an aside, what on earth does acting your age really mean in this context? I assume the answer is covering it all up. And as Tay would say: shake it off.
I attended a product launch years ago that was hosted by an octogenarian artist who has a history of pulling practical jokes and pranks. Once her speech was done she then proceeded to pour the champagne all over the place, including on herself, then hoik her skirt up to flash her undies too. It was both shocking and joyful.
This moment always serves as a reminder that I wasn’t used to people over a certain age enjoying themselves, their bodies, and just generally mucking about with societal norms. It also showed me what a terrible bunch of conservatives we’ve become. Self-expression is not only for the young.
Telling Madonna what you think she can and can’t wear at her age has a hint of the Kanyes about it. And if we all agree that Yeezus doesn’t have that right to tell someone else who deserves to win, nor do we have the right to tell someone over a certain vintage to dress their age. Isn’t it the same?


Link to the original Guardian article: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/feb/12/bare-arsed-bold-glorious-madonna-light-years-away-from-acting-her-age?CMP=fb_gu

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more lezz it is a good thing when people say Madonna (56) or (65) some bitch on twitter.


she does look like she is in her teens and people are amazed.



Madonna's the only one whose age is mentioned by US Weekly.


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Andy Cohen takes Madonna’s haters to task
Madonna’s butt-baring Givenchy matador number on the Grammys red carpet may have landed her on many a worst-dressed list — but count Andy Cohen as a fan.
“I loved it,†he said Tuesday night at the Woman’s Day Red Dress Awards at Jazz at Lincoln Center. “Here’s the thing, the red carpets today are so boring because everyone has a stylist, and they just listen to their stylist and they do whatever they say. I like that Madonna puts on a show every time she comes out . . . when I’m 56, if my ass looks like that, I’ll wear fishnets and a matador outfit and show my ass.â€
Cohen found the Madge Twitter backlash particularly obnoxious.
“I thought the response to her was really ageist,†he said. “Why should you deny Madonna the right to be Madonna? This is who she is. This is what she does.
“I was tweeting about her, and I got a lot of tweets from women who were saying, ‘She’s too old, she can’t do this, she looks ridiculous,’ †added Cohen. “I tweeted a couple back and I said, ‘Look, I’m looking at your avatar, and with all due respect, honey, you have a situation happening yourself.’ I don’t know why I’m on such a soap box about it, but I think it’s interesting. She’s Madonna. Let her keep being Madonna. Don’t take that away.â€
A longtime Madonna fan, Cohen has made no secret of the fact that the Queen of Pop is his dream guest to have on his nightly Bravo talk show, “Watch What Happens Live.†He’s hoping to leverage the release of her new album coming in March, “Rebel Heart,†into a booking.
“I’m working on it!,†he said. “Over Christmas, I was sitting there, zoning out in the sun, listening to Madonna, thinking seriously, ‘What would you ask her?’ And I started writing questions. Because that’s one show that I don’t want to blow . . . I don’t want to f – – k it up.â€
Posted Image
Whatever you do, don't insult Madonna in front of Andy Cohen.
Photo: Splash News
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I may have more gay male friends than the average person. This is good thing. I’m constantly up on the trends, invited to all the fun events, and usually not subjected to a plethora of ugly baby photos and game requests when perusing Facebook or the like.

Yet there is something happening with a few of my fellow homos I’m not so happy with. It’s something I take personally, even though I probably shouldn’t. I can’t help it.

Nowadays, it would appear more fashionable than ever to put Madonna down.

Voicing annoyance with Madonna isn’t a new thing. In fact, it’s been happening for over 30 years. People have been speaking poorly of Madonna since before I was born. This is a woman who has arguably capitalized more on smack-talking and shit-throwing than any other entertainer in history.

What’s grinding my gears as of late is the abundance of nothing-specialaverage-at-bestno-namedindividuals who think they’re somehow a relevant beacon in pop culture or the newest critic to join the artistic elite.

Late last year, several tracks from Madonna’s upcoming album Rebel Heart were leaked on the Internet. These songs were unfinished, stolen demos spread throughout the world prior to being completed and without the artist’s consent. A calm, rational person would understand the quality of these leaked tracks would not be superb, as they were never intended to be heard by the public.

Like a moth to a flame (pun intended), the fabulous queens of the internet began rolling out their judgements like dollar store red carpets. From all the nastiness I read, I couldn’t help but come to this conclusion: these folks feel better about themselves by trashing Madonna. After all, by proclaiming they’re not exactly Living For Love, they can appear holier-than-thou in musical taste.

What’s cooler than being too cool for cool?

Just you watch and see. These same fanny-bandits will be nodding their heads to the beat ofUnapologetic Bitch in no time.

Rather than continue on this recent history lesson, I would rather ask this not-so-new wave of Madonna haters a few questions.

When was the last time someone bought your album?

It’s easy to speak ill of artists. After all, art is subjective. But trashing someone like Madonna is best left to those who have completed even a fraction of what she has. If you’re such an expert when it comes to the skill of creating memorable Top 40 hits and accompanying those tracks with meaningful and inspirational auditory accessories, why haven’t I seen your CD at Target or found your album on iTunes?

Oh, that’s right. Because you haven’t done it. You probably haven’t created anything that memorable. You may “love music†or may be a “DJ†or may listen to Pandora “all the time.†That doesn’t put you in a place to feel like you’re better than Madonna. You’re not.


Are you one of the most famous people on the planet?

I will admit, being famous or popular isn’t necessarily a parallel to quality. McDonald’s is very popular, yet can barely be classified as food. Let’s make one thing clear: Madonna is no dollar menu item.

So while your ego may be swollen from the 28 likes and 16 comments you received on that scathing Madonna post; outside of your Facebook friends and Twitter followers, very few people know who you are. And even fewer care.

Everyone knows who Madonna is, and everyone knows Madonna’s biggest hits.

Your biggest hit is a selfie on Instagram.


Are you in better form than the people following you?

Who am I kidding? Unlike Madonna, no one is actually following you.

After being regarded as a pioneer in what she has accomplished, Madonna is still out-performing, out-selling, and out-inspiring her younger counterparts. Forget Britney, Miley, and Katy. The Queen of Pop still wears her crown. And she looks damn good doing so.

The closest thing you have to imitators is the guy you saw last weekend wearing the same shirt you bought months ago. God, he’s so the Gaga to your Madonna.

Not even close.


Are you still reading this article?

You’ve now read nearly 700 words in a piece about how Madonna is better than you. And you are still reading. Would you like to know why there isn’t a single mention of how you’re better than Madonna anywhere on the planet?

Because you’re not.



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